Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98357 total results. Showing results 72321 to 72340 «361336143615361636173618361936203621Next ›Last » Police Federation cancels annual conference to celebrate its centenary after falling victim to cyber attacks The Police Federation has cancelled its annual conference after it fell victim to cyber attacks. Mail Online 6/5/2019 News Police are letting suspects go free because custody suite closures have left them facing 60-mile journeys to fingerprint and charge them Officers are having to let drink-drivers go free because their blood alcohol level drops below the legal limit by the time they are taken into custody, meaning they cannot be prosecuted. Mail Online 5/5/2019 News Plans to seize rape victims’ phones should be scrapped, police bosses say Controversial consent forms allowing police officers to examine the phone data of rape victims should be withdrawn, police and crime commissioners have said. Metro 5/5/2019 News APCC objects to document demanding access to personal digital material APCC requests withdrawal of new document containing police/CPS demands for access to complainants’ personal digital material used in sex offence cases and a consultation launched. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 5/5/2019 News Trailblazing ideas set to shape the future of aviation and border security Multimillion pound funding will be available for the latest competition to be launched by the Future Aviation Security Solutions programme. Home Office 5/5/2019 News Hit ban: Smacking ban will see hundreds of parents sent to jail after it becomes law, police say The Welsh Government has published a bill removing ‘reasonable punishment’ as a defence when it comes to disciplining kids. The Sun 5/5/2019 News Using Officers’ Perspectives to Guide the Implementation of Hot Spots Foot Patrols Police personnel’s view on hot spots policing can provide insight into the practice of hot spots policing and potentially ensure hot spots policing programmes are more realistic prior to implementation. This study interviewed 20 officers about their perspectives on hot spots policing and foot patrol prior to the implementation of the Dayton Foot Patrol Program. Themes that emerged from the data suggested officers were generally supportive of hot spots foot patrols in short, intermittent bursts. The officers believed foot patrols could improve police-community relations, facilitate intelligence gathering, reduce crime via deterrence and stealthy arrests, and provide exercise. The officers critiqued foot patrol for being resource intensive, potentially decreasing officer safety, being physically demanding, and limiting access to vital equipment. The officers critiqued hot spots policing more generally for potentially resulting in boredom or spatial displacement. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for hot spots foot patrols generally as well as how they helped guide the development and implementation of the Dayton Foot Patrol Program. Policing and Society - Registration at source 5/5/2019 Research article Police Recruit Training Programmes: A Systematic Map of Research Literature This article presents a map and summary of the landscape of a systematic search of the police recruit training literature. Following the process of searching, screening, and coding both published and grey literature, a total of 109 studies met our inclusion criteria. Thematic analysis of the 109 studies led to the emergence of six broad themes and associated subthemes. The two most prevalent themes focused on ‘examining academic and/or field training’ and ‘examining a specific aspect of the training programme’, each containing 36 studies. Most of the studies were based in the USA, (n = 67). Grey literature such as dissertations, theses, and reports made up nearly half of all included studies (n = 51) and published journal articles made up the bulk of the remaining studies (n = 50). Furthermore, 56 studies (50%) used a quantitative design, 36 studies (33%) adopted mixed methods, and 19 studies (17%) employed a qualitative approach. The 109 studies were double-blind quality appraised using recognized quality appraisal tools and revealed a wide variation in the nature and quality of studies. Overall, the strength of the evidence was fragile; only 13 studies (12%) were of a ‘strong’ quality, 55 studies (50%) were ‘weak’, and the rest (41, i.e. 38%) were of ‘moderate’ quality. The article concludes with recommendations for guiding future research in police recruit training. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 5/5/2019 Research article More than £1 million recovered from puppy fraudsters in Scotland More than £1 million has been recovered in Scotland as part of a crackdown on fraudsters selling puppies on the black market. Greenock Telegraph 5/5/2019 News Clare Mackintosh: I quit the police and found that crime pays The former inspector went from ‘Ma’am to Mum’ and earned nothing for years. Now she’s a bestseller The Sunday Times 5/5/2019 Feature, Opinion I was raped but my phone tells a different story Obliging victims to turn over their mobiles risks misleading police. Flirty texts do not mean a sexual assault hasn’t happened, one survivor insists The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 5/5/2019 Feature, Opinion Police chiefs call for controversial disclosure forms allowing officers to take rape victims’ phones to be scrapped ‘It is likely to result in a loss of confidence in the police, the CPS and the criminal justice system,’ The Independent 5/5/2019 News It’s time to view the police just like other failed industries not delivering value for money I know it takes an effort, but it really is time to view the police just like any other failed industry which simply does not deliver value for money. Mail Online 5/5/2019 Feature, Opinion Scrap ‘digital strip search’ say police bosses Police bosses are urging the Crown Prosecution Service to scrap a policy of asking crime victims in England and Wales to hand over their phones. BBC 5/5/2019 News Police let suspects go free to avoid 60-mile drive to cells Closures of custody suites have left officers with such long distances to travel that it may not be worth arresting offenders The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 5/5/2019 News Huawei leak did not amount to criminal offence, police say The leak from a National Security Council meeting about Chinese firm Huawei did not amount to a criminal offence, the Met Police has said. BBC 4/5/2019 News Don’t seize rape complainants’ mobiles, say police bosses Association takes unusual step of intervening in row, saying move would undermine public confidence in justice system The Guardian 4/5/2019 News Number of ‘moonlighting’ police officers doubles as thousands take second jobs as Uber drivers and film producers The Sunday Telegraph - Subscription at source 4/5/2019 News Black people ‘40 times more likely’ to be stopped and searched in UK Campaigners say controversial new powers are doing untold damage to communities’ trust The Guardian 4/5/2019 News WMP appoints new Assistant Chief Constables West Midlands Police has appointed two new Assistant Chief Constables to help lead the force moving forwards. West Midlands Police 4/5/2019 News «361336143615361636173618361936203621Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events