Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98361 total results. Showing results 72301 to 72320 «361236133614361536163617361836193620Next ›Last » Plain-clothes police cyclists target ‘too close’ drivers Plain-clothes officers on cycles will use bike-mounted cameras to catch motorists who get too close for comfort. BBC 7/5/2019 News Rising knife crime linked to council cuts, study suggests Councils with large cuts to youth services were more likely to also have seen an increase in knife crime in the area's police force, research suggests. BBC 7/5/2019 News Rough sleepers being arrested by police under 194-year-old law The "draconian" Vagrancy Act of 1824 is still being used despite repeated calls for the law to be scrapped. Bristol Live 7/5/2019 News Rising knife crime ‘linked to cuts to youth services’ Research suggests forces facing biggest local authority budget reductions hit the hardest. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News Police watchdog urged to act on staff survey Scotland’s police watchdog is facing demands for a full staff survey following revelations about the unacceptable state of stations across the country. The Press and Journal 7/5/2019 News Police Scotland claims ‘not proven’ verdict implies guilt Police chiefs have been accused of “quite staggering” confusion over the controversial not proven verdict after mistakenly claiming that it implied a jury believed a suspect was guilty. The Times - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News Holidaymakers lose £7m in ‘sophisticated’ booking frauds British holidaymakers were duped out of more than £7 million by travel fraudsters last year. The Times - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News Now it’s thieves on the line as crooks target railway cables Rail passengers and churches have suffered from a surge in metal thefts for the first time in five years because of rising prices and online trade in scrap. The Times - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News Rising knife crime linked to loss of youth services An 18-year-old youth has become the 29th person to be stabbed to death this year, as research suggested that rising knife crime in England may be linked to reductions in youth services. The Times - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News Armed police sent to 5,000 routine incidents Firearms police were sent to everyday incidents which did not require an armed response more than 5,000 times in the past year, BBC Scotland can reveal. BBC 7/5/2019 News Rising knife crime linked to council cuts, study suggests Places in England that have seen the biggest council spending cuts to youth services are likely to see the biggest increases in knife crime, a study says. BBC 7/5/2019 News Police blasted for ‘ignorance’ over not proven ‘guilt’ letter Police were today accused of “ignorance of the law” after they told council bosses a jury’s not proven verdict “implied a man was guilty” – even though he was cleared of the charges The Press and Journal 6/5/2019 News Facial recognition cameras used by cops ‘only work properly with white men’ and misidentify innocent people as criminals Hi-tech facial recognition cameras used by police can lead to innocent ethnic minorities and women wrongly being arrested, MPs have warned. The Sun 6/5/2019 News Police ‘overwhelmed’ by child sex abuse image cases call for new approach as thousands of paedophiles seek help Police chief suggests low-risk offenders should be left with cautions amid explosion in image offences The Independent 6/5/2019 News Serious Fraud Office carries out fewer raids under Lisa Osofsky The Serious Fraud Office carried out a third fewer raids on suspected fraudsters last year under Lisa Osofsky, its new director, who has pledged to improve how the prosecutor tackles complex corruption. The Times - Subscription at source 6/5/2019 News To Adopt Or Not to Adopt: Contextualizing Police Body-Worn Cameras Through Structural Contingency and Institutional Theoretical Perspectives There has been an increase in the adoption of body-worn cameras (BWCs) by law enforcement agencies in the United States and abroad. While several studies have showed promising results in officer satisfaction, community satisfaction, and other outcomes, the rationale for the adoption and diffusion of this technology has received little attention. This article suggests that agency adoption of BWCs can be understood through two competing theoretical frameworks: structural contingency theory and institutional theory. Intended as a research note, the paper sets up a number of testable propositions and hypotheses pertaining to BWCs as contextualised through these theories and measurable through the recent Law Enforcement Management Administrative Statistics-Body-Worn Camera Supplement. Criminal Justice Review - Registration at source 6/5/2019 Research article Public Attitudes About Body-Worn Cameras in Police Work: A National Study of the Sources of Their Contextual Variability Based on a large national sample of U.S. adults, the current study examines the nature and correlates of public support for body-worn cameras (BWCs) in various policing activities. Multivariate analyses were performed to assess the direct and moderating effects of individuals’ socioeconomic characteristics, general police attitudes and experiences, and specific beliefs about benefits of BWCs on the level of public support for this technology. Strong public support for BWC usage is found across different areas of police work. However, substantial contextual variability in this support is also evident when the analysis focused on the conjunctive influences of individuals’ level of confidence in social institutions, personal involvement in these institutions, and beliefs about police legitimacy and their effectiveness. These results are discussed in terms of their implications for future research on the sources of public receptivity, resistance, and change in these attitudes about BWCs over time. Criminal Justice Review - Registration at source 6/5/2019 Research article No-deal Brexit ‘could threaten evidence-sharing with Europe’ on cyber crime The number of internet-related crimes has increased significantly in recent years but the amount of resources devoted to tackling it is being outstripped, Detective Sergeant Darren McCracken said. "If we leave as a result of Brexit we no longer have access to EIOs to obtain information within 90 days," he said. The Irish News 6/5/2019 News Police Officer and Supervisor Perceptions of Body-Worn Cameras Pre- and Postimplementation: the Importance of Officer Buy-in Body-worn cameras (BWCs) are increasingly more common in their use among police officers. Research on BWCs is the focus of an increasing number of studies seeking information on stakeholder perceptions and the impact of the technology on behaviour and other related outcomes. Although the emerging research is mixed, several studies find that officers have concerns about the use of BWCs and may not fully support their use. The current study utilises survey data from two Southern police departments. Police officers and supervisors were surveyed on their perceptions of BWCs prior to the implementation of BWCs, then again after their implementation. The analysis focuses on changes in perceptions before and after BWC implementation and examines the impact of respondent rank on perceptions. Overall, perceptions became more positive toward BWCs after the implementation; however, differences emerged when considering rank. Respondents at the supervisor rank expressed significantly less concern and more support for BWCs than those at the officer level after implementation. These results are discussed in the context of the importance of officer support and buy-in for BWCs. Policy suggestions and future directions are also discussed. Criminal Justice Review - Registration at source 6/5/2019 Research article The Probation System is not responding to treatment Russell Webster investigates another critical report by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Probation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/5/2019 Analysis, Feature «361236133614361536163617361836193620Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events