Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98357 total results. Showing results 72281 to 72300 «361136123613361436153616361736183619Next ›Last » Police Governance Summit 2019: Programme announced Chief constable recruitment and retention, the legacy of austerity, measuring performance and maintaining transparency are just some of the issues to be explored at this year's Police Governance Summit 2019. BOOKING IS NOW OPEN for the Summit which takes place 3 - 4 July, 2019. Put the dates in your diary today - and book your place now! Policing Insight 7/5/2019 News Passive or active policing? Building trust through success and honesty Increasing pressure on police has led to officers recording incidents, rather than actively preventing them. Serving officer Martin Gallagher warns that this trend is damaging to public confidence and that police need to position themselves as society's active guardians, not passive observers. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 Opinion Police photo lineups: How background colours can skew eye witness identification Dr. Catriona Havard of The Open University and Dr. Martin Thirkettle of Sheffield Hallam University present their new research showing that small variations in the background colour of photo lineups can increase errors in identification of innocent suspects. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 Analysis Misuse of Police Information Systems: Predicting Perceived Likelihood of Misuse Among Unsworn Police Employees Police information systems (ISs) contain highly sensitive data. Misuse of these systems poses a significant risk to agency integrity and personal privacy. In order to prevent this form of misconduct, police agencies must implement strategies that address factors associated with employee misuse. The aim of this research was to determine factors associated with the perceived likelihood of engaging in IS misuse among a sample of employees from an Australian police agency. Two hundred and eighty-seven unsworn police staff completed an online survey that investigated a number of factors, shown in previous research, to be relevant to IS misuse. Findings demonstrated that access to the IS, perceived appropriateness of and concern regarding IS misuse, and perceived certainty of punishment were relevant in explaining the perceived likelihood of IS misuse. Implications are discussed in relation to the focus of agency prevention strategies and the need for future research in the area. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 7/5/2019 Research article Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News Policing protests: Officers need to know where to draw the line between engagement and law enforcement The recent Extinction Rebellion demonstrations brought the policing of protests into sharp focus with officers' seemingly 'softly, softly' approach drawing both praise and criticism. Former Greater Manchester Police ACC Ian Wiggett argues the importance of knowing where to draw the line between engaging with protesters and 'stepping in'. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 Analysis Risk Factors For Severe Violence in Intimate Partner Stalking Situations: An Analysis of Police Records Stalkers can be violent, and empirical studies have sought to identify factors associated with violence perpetrated by the stalker. Most of these works view physical violence as a homogeneous construct and do not differentiate between moderate and severe violence. The present study aims to identify correlates of nonviolent, moderate, and severe physical violence within an archival sample of 369 domestically violent police incident reports, where stalking behaviour was indicated. The incident reports utilised in this study occurred between 2013 and 2017, among intimate or ex-intimate partners. The present study explored 12 independent variables that have yielded mixed findings in previous stalking violence literature, as well as two previously untested factors of nonfatal strangulation and child contact. The police records were coded for severity of physical violence using the Revised Conflict Tactics Scale and analysed using a logistic regression. The regression analysis revealed significant independent associations between the outcome variable of severe physical violence and child contact, history of domestic violence, separation, nonfatal strangulation, jealousy, previous injury, and victim belief of potential harm. Journal of Interpersonal Violence - Registration at source 7/5/2019 Research article PCCs call on chiefs to withdraw evidence consent forms for rape victims Commissioners at odds with police leaders in best response to disclosure scandal. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News Police ‘assumed victim raped in park was there for sex after finding Tinder on her phone’ Katie Johnston claims she had to prove she wasn't there to meet someone after police found the dating app on her mobile. Daily Record 7/5/2019 News Rise in number of police officers in Scotland, figures show The Scottish Government has allocated more than £1.2 billion in its budget for policing in 2019/2020. Belfast Telegraph 7/5/2019 News Police Officer quarterly strength statistics Scotland, 31 March 2019 There were 17,251 full-time equivalent (FTE) police officers in Scotland on 31 March 2019. Scottish Government 7/5/2019 Report Police Officer Quarterly Strength Statistics Scotland, 31 March 2019 Scotland’s Chief Statistician today published statistics on Police Officer Quarterly Strength, which gives the number of full-time equivalent police officers employed by Police Scotland. Scottish Government 7/5/2019 News APCC calls for new digital consent forms to be scrapped The Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) has called for new digital disclosure consent forms to be withdrawn. The forms tell victims that “it may not be possible for the investigation or prosecution to continue” unless they hand over their mobile phones and give officers access to their messages, photographs, emails and social media accounts. Police Professional 7/5/2019 News Early detection: Tackling the rise in online far-right extremism Like all forms of extremism, the rise of the far right has been ably assisted by the internet, but now law enforcement is using technology to stem the spread of extremism. Policing Insight contributor and Senior Research Fellow at CENTRIC Andrew Staniforth examines the RED-Alert project which detects content that fuels division and hatred in real time. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 Analysis Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019 (update May 2019) The act will ensure that law enforcement and intelligence agencies have the powers they need to help keep the country safe from the threat posed by terrorism and hostile state activity. Home Office 7/5/2019 Report Home Office publishes self-help toolkit for police to tackle child exploitation Advice on how officers and first responders can best gather evidence, support victims and protect the young. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News Plain-clothes police cyclists target ‘too close’ drivers Plain-clothes officers on cycles will use bike-mounted cameras to catch motorists who get too close for comfort. BBC 7/5/2019 News Rising knife crime linked to council cuts, study suggests Councils with large cuts to youth services were more likely to also have seen an increase in knife crime in the area's police force, research suggests. BBC 7/5/2019 News Rough sleepers being arrested by police under 194-year-old law The "draconian" Vagrancy Act of 1824 is still being used despite repeated calls for the law to be scrapped. Bristol Live 7/5/2019 News Rising knife crime ‘linked to cuts to youth services’ Research suggests forces facing biggest local authority budget reductions hit the hardest. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 7/5/2019 News «361136123613361436153616361736183619Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events