Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 72221 to 72240 «360836093610361136123613361436153616Next ›Last » Perils of the Subjective Approach: A Critical Analysis of the UK National Crime Recording Standards It is now more than 15 years since the Home Office introduced a standardized methodology for crime recording in the UK. The April 2018 edition of the Home Office Crime Recording Standards sets out six purposes, which continue to inform the broad aim of the standards. These purposes include: the provision of a high-quality service to crime victims; promoting effective and ethical investigations; accurately informing the public about the risk of crime; and supporting police management and national policy development. These relatively lofty objectives might fairly be considered the success criteria against which the standards themselves can reasonably be judged. This article turns a critical eye to the performance of the existing regime against each objective in turn. In several key areas, it suggests that the crime recording standards have actually been counter-productive in application and now threaten both police efficiency and police legitimacy. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 10/5/2019 Research article ‘Police are getting a grip on child sexual exploitation’ says Yorkshire boss Police in South Yorkshire are "getting a grip" on child sexual exploitation, police and crime commissioner Dr Alan Billings has said. The Yorkshire Post 10/5/2019 News Sir David McNee obituary Glaswegian commissioner of the Metropolitan Police who had to contend with the Iranian Embassy siege and an intruder in the Palace The Times - Subscription at source 10/5/2019 Analysis, Feature Calling 101 non-emergency police line may be free as Home Office vows to review its 15p charge Fees for calling the 101 non-emergency police line may be scrapped as the Home Office promised a review of the 15p charge. The Sun 10/5/2019 News New police communication system criticised by UK watchdog A new system to overhaul how police officers, paramedics and fire crews communicate is still unproven, 50 per cent over budget and likely to be ready three years late, according to Whitehall’s spending watchdog. Financial Times 10/5/2019 News Crime victims may no longer have to pay to phone police after Government announces review of 101 call charges ictims of crime are set to no longer have to pay to phone the police after the Home Office announced it is to review the charge for 101 calls. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/5/2019 News New walkie-talkie for firemen and police is £3bn over budget Britain’s top civil servant is under fire for the “cavalier” and “shambolic” handling of a new emergency services communication network that is £3 billion over budget and three years late. The Times - Subscription at source 10/5/2019 News Progress delivering the Emergency Services Network In September 2018, the Home Office announced a ‘reset’ of its approach, based on a phased introduction of ESN services, rather than launching the whole programme at once. This involved revising the whole programme, for example to extend timetables and renegotiate contracts, a process which is still ongoing at the time of writing. This report examines what the 2018 reset means for the ESN programme and the extent to which the reset has addressed the programme’s most significant risks. National Audit Office (NAO) 10/5/2019 Report Emergency services radio system ‘£3.1bn over budget’ A replacement for how Britain's emergency services communicate is set to go over budget by at least £3.1bn, a spending watchdog has warned. BBC 10/5/2019 News Security Minister launches Serious and Organised Crime Strategy in Wales The UK Minister for National Security and Economic Crime, Ben Wallace, is hosting the event in Newport alongside representatives from the Welsh government and Welsh law enforcement. Home Office 9/5/2019 News One in five police personnel suffering from PTSD, research reveals Campaigners warn lack of unified approach by forces has created a 'postcode lottery' in support. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/5/2019 News Home Office hosts North East serious violence event The Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerabilities Minister, Victoria Atkins spoke about tackling violent crime in the North East. Home Office 9/5/2019 News One in five police officers in UK suffer from PTSD, study finds Expert says lack of national policing mental health strategy is a ‘public sector crisis’. The Guardian 9/5/2019 News Response to an inspection of the Home Office’s approach to illegal working The Home Office response to the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration’s report on the Home Office’s approach to illegal working. Home Office 9/5/2019 Report Forensic science ‘lessons learnt’: issue 5 An overview of the lessons that can be learnt from a number of quality referrals submitted to the Forensic Science Regulator relating to the lack of competence and/or integrity. Home Office 9/5/2019 Report Minister for Equalities Baroness Williams speech at Galop’s national LGBT+ domestic abuse conference Minister for Equalities Baroness Williams speech at Galop's conference Recognise & Respond: Strengthening advocacy for LGBT+ survivors of domestic abuse. Home Office 9/5/2019 News Forensic science ‘lessons learnt’: issue 4 An overview of the lessons that can be learnt from a number of quality referrals submitted to the Forensic Science Regulator relating to the lack of competence and/or integrity. Home Office 9/5/2019 Report ‘Things are so bad even the police are scared’: deportees live in fear in Jamaica Twenty-eight men and one woman were onboard a flight to Kingston chartered by the Home Office in February, the first deportation flight since the Windrush scandal. The Guardian 9/5/2019 News Lyra McKee: Police investigating journalist’s murder arrest four males in Derry Two teenagers are among four people arrested in Northern Ireland by detectives investigating the murder of journalist Lyra McKee. Sky News 9/5/2019 News Forensic science ‘lessons learnt’: issue 3 An overview of the lessons that can be learnt from a number of quality referrals submitted to the Forensic Science Regulator relating to the lack of competence and/or integrity. Home Office 9/5/2019 Report «360836093610361136123613361436153616Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events