Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 72181 to 72200 «360636073608360936103611361236133614Next ›Last » Sweden reopens rape case against Julian Assange Lawyer for woman involved in allegations from 2010 asked for investigation to resume. The Guardian 13/5/2019 News Paedophile hunters are destroying families ‘in the name of Facebook likes’ Time to distance investigators from working with vigilante groups, warns chief. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/5/2019 News Clutha pilot was a safe pair of hands, death crash inquiry told Five low-fuel warnings 'would not have been ignored by a stickler for the rules'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/5/2019 News London Bridge attack officer: I made right choice of helping casualties before stopping terrorists One of the first armed police officers who went into “medic mode” in response to the London Bridge attack has defended his decision to treat casualties rather than stopping “marauding terrorists earlier”. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/5/2019 News Lives lost on Yorkshire’s streets as police reveal true extent of organised crime Lives have been lost on Yorkshire's streets as a top police officer has revealed the true extent of organised crime groups operating across the county. The Yorkshire Post 13/5/2019 News ‘Concealed’ police statements impeded investigation into potential paedophile ring link, ex Maddie detective claims British police allegedly "concealed" statements in the Madeleine McCann case and impeded a line of inquiry into possible links to an international paedophile ring, according to allegations from the Portuguese detective who led the 2007 investigation. 9 News (Australia) 13/5/2019 News Expert Officer Perceptions of De-Escalation in Policing The prpose of this paper is to examine perceptions of de-escalation among police officers who were nominated by peers as the most skilled at this strategy. A peer nomination process identified eight skilled de-escalators in one department. Interviews were conducted with the officers individually. Additionally, in a focus group, the officers watched and debriefed body-worn camera videos for themes related to de-escalation. Officers defined de-escalation as bringing calm to a conflict using the least amount of force possible. They said it could also be used preventatively. They identified de-escalation tactics, characteristics of skilled de-escalators and situations in which de-escalation is less effective. This study initiates research into a much discussed but rarely researched topic. Future studies should continue to work toward a definition of de-escalation and understand how it can be used in policing to reduce violence, protect life and enhance police legitimacy. Policing: An International Journal - Registration at source 13/5/2019 Research article Police Crackdowns in Mexico City The purpose of this paper is to analyze the design and implementation of the police crackdown strategy employed in Mexico City and to discuss its limitations toward a medium-to-long-term reduction of crime rates for six types of robberies. The present work employs generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH) models to estimate the effect of police operations on the volatility of the rates of six types of robberies in Mexico City, as well as their persistence over time. Results suggest that the concentration of policing in certain high-criminality spaces reduces crime rates in the immediate term; however, its permanence is contingent on policing design and behavioral characteristics of the targeted crime. Specifically, the Mexico City police crackdown strategy seems to be better suited for combating crimes of a “non-static” nature than those of a “static” nature. Due to the nature of the data used for this research, the performed analysis does not enable a precise determination of whether the crime rates respond to temporal or spatial displacement. Considering the obtained results, a re-design of Mexico City’s police crackdown strategy is suggested for the sustained reduction of the number of reported cases of robberies of a static nature. Policing: An International Journal - Registration at source 13/5/2019 Research article Julian Assange: Sweden reopens rape investigation Swedish prosecutors are set to announce whether they are reopening an inquiry into a rape allegation against Wikileaks co-founder Julian Assange. BBC 13/5/2019 News Officers cleared of perverting course of justice over car crash Jury throws out claims that all three colluded to make up a story on accident report. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/5/2019 News Police stop and search: How academics can help forces to get their tactics right With knife crime rising, the controversy over the use and benefits of stop and search takes on greater urgency. Dr Megan O'Neill of the University of Dundee and Dr Liz Aston of Edinburgh Napier University explain how stop and search was transformed in Scotland by police and academics working together. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/5/2019 Opinion We can’t halt drug trade with arrests, says crime agency chief National Crime Agency head spells out limits of what can be achieved in fight against drugs The Guardian 13/5/2019 News Domestic abuse: PM vows to end ‘postcode lottery’ for victims Prime Minister Theresa May has vowed to end the "postcode lottery" for victims of domestic abuse. BBC 13/5/2019 News Sinn Fein hits back at chief on blame-game comments Sinn Fein has challenged the accusations of a national force chief that politicians have a bunker mentality in taking the easy option of “blaming the police” for the stalling peace process in Northern Ireland. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/5/2019 News Investigation after man dies in police custody The 57-year-old had been arrested after reports of a disturbance early on Sunday but he died later after becoming unwell. Sky News 12/5/2019 News Police Perceptions of Crime Victim Behaviours: A Trend Analysis Exploring Mandatory Training and Knowledge of Sexual and Domestic Violence Survivors’ Trauma Responses Police perceptions of a victim’s self-presentation style can have an impact on secondary victimization, case processing, and public safety. Trauma survivors may present to police with flat or restricted affect, emotional numbing, and disjointed recollections. Often, police personnel have misperceived manifestations of trauma as indicators of reliability and credibility. Using a trend design, this study employed a sample of 979 police from one of the five largest U.S. cities to examine the relation between trauma-informed training and endorsement of trauma misperceptions. Multivariate ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models were estimated and revealed mean adherence to trauma misperceptions was significantly lower among participants who had completed training, controlling for demographic, occupational, and attitudinal variables. Implications and future research are discussed. Crime and Delinquency - Registration at source 12/5/2019 Research article Cheshire police received more than 500 hoax calls over last two years Phoney calls to the emergency service were made from all areas of Cheshire Cheshire Live 12/5/2019 News Police chiefs failing to protect vulnerable women from cops seeking sex, watchdog warns Police chiefs are failing to protect vulnerable women from predatory cops looking for sex, a watchdog warns say. The Sun 12/5/2019 News Hard-up police forces hand £123m to job agencies to hire investigators to fill gaps in frontline investigations Several forces paid millions to agencies to help fill gaps in investigation units Mail Online 12/5/2019 News UK’s organised crime threat at record level, warns National Crime Agency Britain risks losing fight against organised crime unless police receive significant new resources, official warns The Guardian 12/5/2019 News «360636073608360936103611361236133614Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events