Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 72121 to 72140 «360336043605360636073608360936103611Next ›Last » Officer jailed after filming himself having sex with sleeping woman An officer who recorded himself sexually assaulting a woman as she slept has been jailed for seven and a Âhalf years. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/5/2019 News Police ICT: Why can’t policing be more like banking? This Friday (May 17), the Justice and Emergency Services Committee of TechUK will launch an initiative to get police systems 'talking to each other'. Clue's Managing Director Clare Elford explains how policing could emulate the success of an initiative in the banking sector to improve the way technology supports operational officers. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 15/5/2019 Opinion Police chiefs in row over definition of Islamophobia Police chiefs have been accused of misunderstanding a cross-party effort to fight anti-Muslim prejudice after they publicly warned it risked undermining the fight against terrorism and hampering free speech. The Guardian 15/5/2019 News Police chief warns May not to bow to pressure by adopting official definition of Islamophobia that ‘could hit terror investigations’ by stopping the UK shutting down extremist groups Martin Hewitt said the proposed wording could 'undermine many elements of counter-terrorism powers and policies'. In a letter to Theresa May he said it could prevent authorities from shutting down extremist groups or conducting searches at ports. Mail Online 15/5/2019 News Cops fuel Islam row Creating a legal definition for Islamophobia risks scuppering counter-terror ops, police have warned Theresa May. The Sun 15/5/2019 News Police ‘have misunderstood’ new definition of Islamophobia Police chiefs have been accused of misunderstanding a proposed new definition of Islamophobia after they warned it risked undermining the fight against terrorism. The Week 15/5/2019 News British man facing up to five years in prison for documenting police abuse in Calais Tom Ciotkowski was observing French riot police preventing volunteers from distributing food to migrants and refugees in Calais. Trial begins in France on 15 May, if convicted Tom could face up to five years in prison and a fine of up to 7,500 Euros Amnesty International 15/5/2019 News Policing and Community Safety in Northern Canadian Communities: Challenges and Opportunities For Crime Prevention Although there is an emerging body of research literature on rural policing, less is known about policing in small communities in Canada’s territories populated largely by Indigenous peoples. These communities are often situated in geographically isolated areas, are subjected to harsh weather conditions, and may experience high rates of crime and disorder. Drawing on interviews conducted with RCMP officers in the two Canadian territories of Yukon and Nunavut, this paper examines the dynamics of policing in northern communities and how these might affect efforts to create sustainable, effective crime prevention initiatives. The findings reveal that geographic isolation, social problems, and history of distrust of the police, combined with the structure through which police services are delivered, present significant challenges to the development and sustainability of crime prevention initiatives. The unique environments of northern communities, however, also provide opportunities for the creation of police–community partnerships built on mutual trust that can provide the basis for effective crime prevention programs. Crime Prevention and Community Safety - Registration at source 15/5/2019 Research article San Francisco bans police use of facial recognition technology San Francisco officials have voted to ban the use of facial recognition software by police and other city departments. Belfast Telegraph 15/5/2019 News Horizon Scanning Rural Crime in England Despite increasing levels of research addressing rural crime, this field of academia remains under-researched across the world, and the impact crime has upon rural communities continues to be underestimated. In particular, levels of rural crime research in England pale in comparison with the amount of research that is taking place in other developed countries such as the USA and Australia. This paper provides a horizon scan of emerging rural crime threats in England, and considers how this methodology could help practitioners in the UK and other countries. This study illustrates that there are a number of emerging crime trends affecting English rural communities. By identifying these evolving issues, this paper contributes to future research and guidance within the English rural crime arena. Crime Prevention and Community Safety - Registration at source 15/5/2019 Research article Over 80% of public safety organisations are actively looking to invest in technology Shape the future of public safety at Mission Critical Technologies 2019, the event addressing the global public safety market’s need to be quicker, smarter and more efficient at keeping citizens safe. In the build up to the event, Mission Critical Technologies has surveyed the top 100 public safety officers attending. Find out why they are attending and why you should too. Policing Insight 15/5/2019 Advertisement, Feature Terror police warn against new rules on Muslim hate Anti-terrorist operations would be hampered if Theresa May bows to pressure to create an official definition of Islamophobia, the leader of Britain’s police chiefs has warned. The Times - Subscription at source 15/5/2019 News Brexit-induced paralysis is no excuse for Javid’s complacency on knife crime Vernon Coaker is a Labour MP and former Home Office minister The Times - Subscription at source 15/5/2019 Feature, Opinion Slavery sentences for county lines criminals Criminals using child mules will increasingly be prosecuted for human trafficking, police said after the sentencing of a county lines gang. The Times - Subscription at source 15/5/2019 News San Francisco is first US city to ban facial recognition Legislators in San Francisco have voted to ban the use of facial recognition, the first US city to do so. BBC 15/5/2019 News TwoÂ-thirds of police suspects arrested ‘have mental health issues’ Police incidents caused by mental health crises have doubled as Northern Ireland’s justice system is increasingly being used as a service of last resort for those affected, a damning report reveals. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/5/2019 News Criminal Justice Joint Inspection Programme consultation – 2019/20 This plan sets out the proposed programme of inspections of the Criminal Justice System for 2019/20 in which two or more of our inspectorates will be working together. This consultation invites comments to inform the finalisation of the programme. Criminal Justice Joint Inspection, HM Crown Prosecution Service Inspectorate (HMCPSI) 14/5/2019 Report Mental Health Awareness Week “Police and Crime Commissioners are delighted to be able to support and get involved in Mental Health Awareness Week." Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 14/5/2019 News Extinction Rebellion: London protests ‘cost Met extra £7.5m’ Nearly 1,200 people were arrested during 11 days of protests by the Extinction Rebellion group. Met Commissioner Cressida Dick said overtime payments and the cost of bringing officers in from other forces contributed to a rise in the expense. BBC 14/5/2019 News Reports of online disability hate crime up a third, study suggests Incidents of online hate crime against disabled people picked up by the police which have spiked by a third may be just the tip of the iceberg, it has emerged. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 14/5/2019 News «360336043605360636073608360936103611Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events