Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 72081 to 72100 «360136023603360436053606360736083609Next ›Last » Smacking ban Wales: Police warning over possible risks Senior police officers in Wales have warned a smacking ban could mean children are removed from their family home while cases are prosecuted. BBC 16/5/2019 News Big Brother Britain: Extraordinary moment police FINE pedestrian £90 for disorderly behaviour after he tries to cover his face from facial recognition camera Police fined a pedestrian £90 for disorderly behaviour after he tried to cover his face when he saw a controversial facial recognition camera on a street in London. Officers set up the camera on a van in Romford, East London, which then cross-checked photos of faces of passers-by against a database of wanted criminals. Mail Online 16/5/2019 News Cumbria police rated one of the top forces in the UK Cumbria Constabulary has been recognised as one of the best run forces in the country. The constabulary is one of two in the country to be classed as 'outstanding' on a first inspection for recording crime accurately. ITV News 16/5/2019 News Cyberflashing: I had to educate police about the crime I was trying to report A woman who was sent multiple unsolicited pictures of a man’s genitals while travelling on the Tube, claims she had to explain smartphone technology to a British Transport Police officer when she tried to report the incident. Huffington Post 16/5/2019 News Comment: MoJ announces U-Turn on probation Russell Webster explains how the government is renationalising (most of) the probation service. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/5/2019 Feature, Opinion Facial recognition poor at recognising people from ethnic minorities Analysis of South Wales Police's use of facial recognition technology found that it wrongly identified 91 per cent of people. Privacy campaigners have called on the police to stop using facial recognition technology saying it incorrectly identifies black and ethnic minority people at higher rates. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/5/2019 News Probation service to supervise all offenders after ‘flawed’ privatisation Changes to be unveiled by Justice Secretary David Gauke will see offender management brought under the National Probation Service when Community Rehabilitation Companies' contracts end in December 2020. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/5/2019 News Cumbria Constabulary – Crime Data Integrity inspection 2019 Cumbria Constabulary is one of only two forces, from the 34 inspected so far in this programme of inspection, that have been judged as achieving an outstanding performance on our first visit. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/5/2019 Report Inspectorate praises Cumbria Constabulary’s “outstanding” crime recording arrangements Cumbria Constabulary is one of only two police forces ever to be judged as outstanding for its crime recording arrangements at first inspection, as set out in a report released today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/5/2019 News West Yorkshire Police – Crime Data Integrity inspection 2018 West Yorkshire Police is one of only two forces, from the 34 inspected so far in this programme of inspection, that have been judged as achieving an outstanding performance on our first visit. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/5/2019 Report West Yorkshire Police’s crime recording arrangements graded “outstanding” by inspectorate West Yorkshire Police is one of only two police forces ever to be judged as outstanding for its crime recording arrangements at first inspection, as set out in a report released today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/5/2019 News Lancashire Constabulary: Crime Data Integrity re-inspection 2019 Lancashire Constabulary has significantly improved its crime-recording arrangements since our 2017 inspection. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/5/2019 Report Interpreted Investigative Interviews Under the Peace Interview Model: Police Interviewers’ Perceptions of Challenges and Suggested Solutions Investigative interviewing is a crucial but complex aspect of police work. Although research has demonstrated that the PEACE interview model is effective with victims, witnesses, and suspects, the challenges can be intensified in interpreter-assisted interviews. This article reports police interviewers’ perceptions of interpreted investigative interviews in two Australian jurisdictions. Participants (N = 19) in semi-structured interviews included experienced police interviewers (NSW, n = 9; Tasmania, n = 7) and specialist advisors (NSW, n = 1; Tasmania, n = 2). Interview transcripts were analysed thematically and according to the phases of the PEACE model. Findings suggest a need for further guidance on rapport development in interpreter-assisted interviews and greater use of certain phases of the model. Challenges for police interviewers included a lack of certified interpreters in necessary languages and training-to-practice gaps in working with interpreters. This article documents innovative solutions to challenges reportedly used in practice and proposes a research agenda to develop evidence-based approaches that address identified challenges. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 16/5/2019 Research article The Prevalence of Compassion Fatigue, Compassion Satisfaction and Perceived Stress, and Their Relationships With Mental Toughness, Individual Differences and Number of Self-Care Actions in A UK Police Force Police personnel are likely to be affected by stress and compassion fatigue, which may have important consequences for health, well-being and job performance. There are certain individual differences which may protect against compassion fatigue, for example mental toughness, personality and self-care behaviours. However, there is little research examining all of these constructs in combination with policing. The current study aimed to gather information regarding the prevalence of compassion fatigue, compassion satisfaction and perceived stress within a large UK police force, and their relationships with personality, mental toughness and self-care activities. A questionnaire was completed by 605 police employees within a UK police force. The results demonstrated that 20% of personnel suffered from negative psychological outcomes and that these outcomes were predicted by individual differences and self-care activities. The requirement for shift work, and mental toughness scores, significantly predicted compassion satisfaction, compassion fatigue and perceived stress. The analyses also revealed a role for gender, tenure, personality and self-care in several aspects of well-being. The implications of these findings are discussed, considering the current contexts in which policing operates, with the aim of improving the psychological well-being of police officers and staff. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 16/5/2019 Research article Individual Characteristics, Secondary Trauma and Burnout in Police Sexual and Violent Offending Teams b The traumatic nature of work conducted by specialist police staff places them at risk of developing work-related stress and psychological health difficulties. The study examined risk and resilience factors for secondary trauma, burnout and mental ill-health. A convenience sample of police staff (N= 78) from several specialist sexual and violent offending teams completed an online survey. Results indicated that coping self-efficacy, dispositional mindfulness and psychological flexibility are resilience factors and insecure attachment style is a risk factor for secondary trauma, burnout and mental ill-health. Psychological approaches may be beneficial in promoting a resilient police workforce and maintaining operational effectiveness. Police Journal - Registration at source 16/5/2019 Research article Lancashire Constabulary demonstrates “significantly improved” crime recording arrangements The way that Lancashire Constabulary records crime has shown a marked improvement since 2017, according to a report released today by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 16/5/2019 News Proactive Policing: A Summary of the Report of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine This paper provides a summary of our report for the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine on proactive policing. We find that there is sufficient scientific evidence to support the adoption of many proactive policing practices if the primary goal is to reduce crime, though the evidence base generally does not provide long-term or jurisdictional estimates. In turn, we conclude that crime prevention outcomes can often be obtained without producing negative community reactions. However, the most effective proactive policing strategies do not appear to have strong positive impacts on citizen perceptions of the police. At the same time, some community-based strategies have begun to show evidence of improving the relations between the police and public. We conclude that there are likely to be large racial disparities in the volume and nature of police–citizen encounters when police target high-risk people or high-risk places, as is common in many proactive policing programs. We could not conclude whether such disparities are due to statistical prediction, racial animus, implicit bias, or other causes. Asian Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 16/5/2019 Research article Drivers face £100 fines for ignoring lane closures Thousands of drivers will be automatically hit by £100 fines and penalty points for ignoring warning signs on a new generation of smart motorways, The Times has learnt. The Times - Subscription at source 16/5/2019 News West Yorkshire Police force rated ‘outstanding’ in crime data inspection West Yorkshire Police’s crime recording arrangements have been graded “outstanding” at the force's first inspection by the Inspectorate. Craven Herald & Pioneer 16/5/2019 News Cumbria Police rated as ‘outstanding’ by Government watchdog Cumbria Police is one of only two forces in the country to have its crime recording arrangements officially rated as “outstanding”. Times & Star 16/5/2019 News «360136023603360436053606360736083609Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events