Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98367 total results. Showing results 72061 to 72080 «360036013602360336043605360636073608Next ›Last » Drivers to be fined for ignoring lane closures New powers that allow police to use traffic cameras to penalise motorists who fail to abide by lane closures on the new generation of smart motorways could see thousands of drivers hit with automatic fines of £100, along with penalty points. Police Professional 16/5/2019 News What happens during a cyberattack on critical infrastructure? Leaders at the National Cyber Security Centre lift the lid on the impact of and lessons learned from the Triton malware assault. 16/5/2019 Analysis, Feature APCC response to probation announcement APCC Criminal justice Deputy Lead Sue Mountstevens: “The APCC welcomes today’s announcement on the future of probation, bringing probation services together under a single structure. It is widely acknowledged that the current system of fragmented provision is not working at a local level." Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 16/5/2019 News Offensive Weapons Bill 2018: overarching documents (update May 2019) The Offensive Weapons Bill will introduce new powers to tackle knife crime, acid attacks and the risk that criminals could obtain powerful firearms. Home Office 16/5/2019 Report Throwing light on Britain’s dirty war Over the decades many official and unofficial reports, pamphlets and books, have been published examining the evidence for British state collusion with unionist paramilitaries in the murder of citizens. The Irish Echo (Republic of Ireland) 16/5/2019 News I told you stop searches would work The Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Service, Cressida Dick, has decided that a 30 per cent increase in stop and searches has helped drive down violent crime in London, with killings in the capital a quarter less than 2017/18 so far. Ms Dick has never appeared to be a fan of stop searches, but she has now announced that “my key metric has always been injury to under-25s, especially on the street, and we have 15 per cent less, 311 less young people stabbed”. Police Professional - Subscription at source 16/5/2019 Feature, Opinion National Audit Office: ESN forecast to cost £3.1bn more than planned The National Audit Office (NAO) has published a new report on the work to deliver the Emergency Services Network (ESN), in which it notes that “implementing ESN is now expected to cost £3.1 billion more than forecast in 2015, and the revised forecast costs are highly uncertain”. LandMobile 16/5/2019 News Probation to be renationalised after ‘flawed’ part-privatisation The supervision of all offenders on probation in England and Wales is being brought back to the public sector after serious failings emerged in the aftermath of the part-privatisation of the system. Police Professional 16/5/2019 News UK Justice Policy Review: Volume 8 Since 2010, the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies, with support from The Hadley Trust, has been assessing criminal justice developments across the UK through its UK Justice Policy Review programme. Our latest publication – UK Justice Policy Review, Volume 8 – covers the period from 8 June 2017 to 24 July 2018. Centre for Crime and Justice Studies 16/5/2019 Report Organised brigade Chief Constable Mike Barton applauds the advancement in data management over his 40-year career with the service now able to cope with the masses of information that can swamp a major inquiry. Police Professional - Subscription at source 16/5/2019 Feature, Opinion Police ICT Company kills £500m procurement, no longer wants one box shifter to rule them all The Police ICT Company has paused a procurement process to find a "partner" that will oversee tech purchases and administer contracts on behalf of forces across the UK – a contract said to be worth up to £500m. The Register 16/5/2019 News Staffs Uni and Police celebrate three years of forensic partnership An event has been held to celebrate three years of a forensics partnership between Staffordshire University and Staffordshire Police. This has included talks with former students and with Staffordshire Police’s Head of Forensics, John Beckwith. StaffsLive 16/5/2019 News Matthew Scott to stand again as Kent’s police and crime commissioner Kent’s police and crime commissioner says he intends to stand for re-election next year. Kent Online 16/5/2019 News Police ICT Company rethinks partnership plan The Police ICT Company has stepped back from its plan to appoint a private sector partner as a go-between for business between forces and digital technology suppliers. 16/5/2019 News Police watchdog to review progress on football policing in Scotland The probe was commissioned by Police Scotland just weeks after fans were caught up in a crush at Celtic Park in Glasgow following a match Glasgow Live 16/5/2019 News Lancashire Police improve crime recording, HMICFRS inspectors find Police in Lancashire have significantly improved the recording of crime in the county, an inspection has found. Lancashire Telegraph 16/5/2019 News West Yorkshire Police ‘outstanding’ for way it records crime – despite not recording more than 16,000 reports each year Praise for Force from Government inspectors although concerns raised about modern slavery Examiner Live 16/5/2019 News Bespoke cybercrime network that stole $100 million dismantled by police Authorities in six countries have dismantled a cybercrime network that used malware to steal money to order for individual clients, fleecing businesses and financial institutions of an estimated $100 million (78 million pounds), Europe’s police agency said on Thursday. Reuters 16/5/2019 News Offensive Weapons Act receives Royal Assent New legislation paves the way for Knife Crime Prevention Orders. Home Office 16/5/2019 News The Met Police’s sinister facial recognition trial should worry us all We are extremely good at accusing others of doing the very thing we excel at. A case in point: we rightly criticise the Chinese government with its dystopian surveillance and social score systems, when we are considering building something similar. The Spectator 16/5/2019 Feature, Opinion «360036013602360336043605360636073608Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events