Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98401 total results. Showing results 71741 to 71760 «358435853586358735883589359035913592Next ›Last » How Britain tried to ‘erase’ India’s third gender Police compiled registers of eunuchs with their personal details, often defining "an eunuch as a criminal and sexually deviant person". "Registration was a means of surveillance and also a way to ensure that castration was stamped out and the hijra population was not reproduced," says Dr Hinchy. BBC 31/5/2019 Analysis, Feature Hundreds of police officers needed at Glasgow Orange march More than 200 police officers would be needed if a march is allowed to go past St Alphonsus’ Church in Calton next week, police have said. Evening Times (Glasgow) 31/5/2019 News New plans to safeguard storage of DNA and fingerprint data The storage of personal information such as DNA, fingerprints and facial images is to be controlled under a bill before the Scottish Parliament. BBC 31/5/2019 News North Yorkshire Police launches LGBT+ Ally programme North Yorkshire Police has launched an LGBT+ Ally Programme as it continues to work towards increasing the knowledge, awareness, and support of LGBT+ colleagues within the force. North Yorkshire Police 31/5/2019 News Biometrics Commissioner New role to oversee police use of personal forensic data. Scottish Government 31/5/2019 News Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Bill – Child Rights and Wellbeing Assessment (CRWIA) An assessment of the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Bill's impact on the rights and wellbeing of children and young people. Scottish Government 31/5/2019 Report Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Bill – Equality Impact Assessment (EQIA) results A summary of the EQIA for the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Bill. Scottish Government 31/5/2019 Report Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Bill – Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) This BRIA assesses the likely costs, benefits and risks of the Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Bill that may have an impact on the public, private and third sector. Scottish Government 31/5/2019 Report SPF Media Release – PSoS Estate and Fleet 300519 SPF Area Chairmen highlighting more issues with the crumbling estate and fleet across the country. Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 31/5/2019 News APCC Mental health & custody lead responds to NAAN, “There to Help 2”, report Martyn Underhill, APCC Mental Health & Custody Lead: "NAAN’s refresh of their original There to Help report comes at an extremely useful time for Police and Crime Commissioners." Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 31/5/2019 News ‘Embarrassed’ Police Scotland officers at risk in crumbling buildings he safety of Scotland’s police officers is being put at risk by the state of the buildings where they work, some of which are “falling down” around them, MSPs have been told. The Scotsman 31/5/2019 News Shamima Begum: Lawyer says teen was ‘groomed’ The lawyer representing Shamima Begum's family has written to the home secretary accusing UK authorities of failing to protect the east London girl from being "groomed" by Islamic State. BBC 31/5/2019 News Police officers ‘put up in illegal accommodation’ Police Scotland broke the law by housing officers in accommodation which had been refused a licence for multiple occupation, a rank and file representative has claimed. The Times - Subscription at source 31/5/2019 News ‘Embarrassed’ Police Scotland officers at risk in crumbling buildings The safety of Scotland’s police officers is being put at risk by the state of the buildings where they work, some of which are “falling down” around them, MSPs have been told. The Scotsman 31/5/2019 News Police record 74% rise in people reporting crime on constabulary website More people are turning to the internet to report crime, with figures showing an increase of three quarters in use of the police website. Ipswich Star 31/5/2019 News Dutch police on the scent of drug gangs with ecstasy perfume Dutch prosecutors have launched a perfume called “Xtacy” designed to smell like an illegal drugs laboratory so the public can recognise when criminals are in their neighbourhood. The Times - Subscription at source 31/5/2019 News There to Help 2 (2019) As Home Secretary, Theresa May commissioned NAAN to produce the There to Help (2015) report. The report found signifcant problems with the police's identification of vulnerable suspects and the availability of appropriate adults when they were required. There to Help 2 follows up on progress between 2013/14 and 2017/18. National Appropriate Adult Network 31/5/2019 Report Report raises alarm over police detention of vulnerable suspects Suspects interviewed without appropriate adult present in over 100,000 cases in England and Wales, charity says The Guardian 31/5/2019 News White man to join police after victory in bias case A potential police recruit who was rejected because he is a white heterosexual male will now join the force after it was found guilty of discrimination. The Times - Subscription at source 31/5/2019 News HMICS publishes progress review on Home Detention Curfew Good progress has been made by Police Scotland and the Scottish Government towards meeting recommendations to improve the police response to breaches of Home Detention Curfew. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 30/5/2019 News «358435853586358735883589359035913592Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events