Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98413 total results. Showing results 71501 to 71520 «357235733574357535763577357835793580Next ›Last » Blurred Boundaries and Legal Uncertainty in Police–volunteer Partnerships Citizen involvement in policing is a means to enhance public confidence in the police and their legitimacy, and to increase their effectiveness. However, governmental control over voluntary policing is fraught with difficulty. We study the relationship between police and citizen volunteers in partnerships, looking specifically at roles and responsibilities in policing and the parties’ reflections upon regulation and autonomy in relation to accountability and legal certainty. Our objective is to illuminate how mutual dependencies in police–volunteer partnerships are managed in practice, and the implications thereof. Two types of police–citizen partnerships in Sweden – the Volunteers of the Police and Missing People Sweden – are explored based on interviews with volunteers and Swedish Police Authority representatives. We show that in police–volunteer partnerships characterised by a high degree of integration of tasks and responsibilities as well as a high degree of trust, boundaries become fuzzy and porous. Policing and Society 12/6/2019 Research article Balancing work and family life ushers in part-time policing for new recruits Met PCs will be given option to choose between 40, 24 or 16 hours a week. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/6/2019 News Accountability Or Efficiency? Body-Worn Cameras As Replicative Technology Body-worn cameras (BWCs) have been implemented and studied at an unprecedented rate since their emergence in the mid-2000s, largely due to their touted benefits of increasing police accountability. As current empirical research is largely inconclusive regarding BWC effects on police organizational change, the present study approaches the question of whether BWCs will fundamentally change occupational and organizational police culture by applying the theories of Manning’s and Chan’s interpretation of Bourdieu regarding police culture and technology. The findings of the theoretical application conclude that BWCs will likely become replicative technology, meaning that their primary effects will be to increase the efficiency of current police tactics rather than change the fundamental practices and values of policing. BWCs may also become symbolic in that their use may represent increased accountability and legitimacy while the core of police culture remains largely unchanged. Due to the limits of technology in achieving greater police accountability, police practitioners and scholars are encouraged to refocus on the fundamental processes of recruiting, selection, hiring, and training, and ways to improve these practices to encourage a culture of greater accountability. Criminal Justice Review - Registration at source 12/6/2019 Research article Conservatives postpone Staffordshire police commissioner leadership race – after only one runner approved by Tory HQ Staffordshire Tories have re-started the process to select their police fire and crime commissioner candidate for next year's election - after members complained about only one name being put forward. Stoke on Trent Live 12/6/2019 News DNA kits for residents are new weapon in fight against crime State-of-the-art home security kits, based on DNA, will be given for free to concerned residents after a spate of burglaries. Grimsby Live 12/6/2019 News Police clash with thousands of protesters in Hong Kong extradition laws row Demonstrators claim the measure signals greater Chinese control. Belfast Telegraph 12/6/2019 News Amnesty backs NI director over ‘offensive’ claims about police officers Amnesty International has publicly backed its Northern Ireland programme director after retired police officers accused Patrick Corrigan of making “highly offensive” comments about the Loughinisland investigators. News Letter (Northern Ireland) 12/6/2019 News Kim McGuinness unveiled as Labour candidate to succeed Vera Baird as Police and Crime Commissioner Councillor Kim McGuinness has become the first confirmed candidate for the July 18 by-election. Chronicle Live (North East) 12/6/2019 News Met Police officers to be given option to train and work part time from November It said it hopes the decision will "make the role more attractive" to women and those put off by its working hours. Mirror 12/6/2019 News New Met Police recruits to get part-time work option The Met Police will recruit part-time police constables for the first time as the force tries to "break down barriers" deterring women from joining. BBC 12/6/2019 News Scotland’s police watchdog told to explain chief’s ‘mystery’ departure after six months Politicians have demanded the Scottish Police Authority be more transparent after it was revealed Hugh Grover stepped aside. Daily Record 12/6/2019 News Metropolitan Police will allow constables to join part-time in bid to boost female officer numbers Applicants will be able to choose between 40, 24 or 16 hours a week The Independent 12/6/2019 News Former Derby gang leader says prison gave him ‘another chance at life’ An ex-gang leader who served 10 years in prison for a shooting has thanked the police chief who locked him up. BBC 12/6/2019 News FedCast 4: Why equality in policing is much more than ticking boxes [PODCAST] National Chair John Apter is joined by Equality lead Peggy Lamont to discuss why inclusion matters. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 11/6/2019 Feature, Opinion ‘Most challenging single shift of my 24 years in policing’ Confused calls raised fears of Mumbai-style attack, London Bridge inquest told. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/6/2019 News New Justice Minister sets out whole system approach to justice reform New Justice Minister Robert Buckland QC has set out his plan to ‘turn the tide on reoffending’ during his first keynote speech in the role. Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 11/6/2019 First of its kind analysis shows growth in dangerous fake goods Most counterfeiting activity is carried out by increasingly professionalised organised crime networks, according to the first EU-wide intellectual property crime threat assessment. Police Professional 11/6/2019 News Child spies should be recruited more often by MI5 and police, security minister says Police and intelligence agencies should make greater use of child spies to investigate terrorists, gang violence, drug dealing and sexual exploitation, says the UK’s security minister despite legal concerns over their safety. The Telegraph 11/6/2019 News Firearms licensing (update June 2019) Licensing guidance, good practice on firearms law, and forms for applying for approvals under the law. Home Office 11/6/2019 Report More than half of Scotland’s car thefts are unsolved More than half of vehicle thefts in Scotland are unsolved, new figures have revealed. BBC 11/6/2019 News «357235733574357535763577357835793580Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events