Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98462 total results. Showing results 71401 to 71420 «356735683569357035713572357335743575Next ›Last » Arrested: Organised crime group smuggled 308 migrants to the UK French and Romanian authorities arrested 11 members of an organised crime group (OCG) involved in the smuggling of 308 migrants to the UK in a joint action day. Eighteen house searches were carried out in Romania, where firearms and around €480 000 in cash were seized during the searches. Europol 17/6/2019 News Abuse claims ‘ridiculous’, ex-Army chief told police A former head of the Army thumped the desk as he told police questioning him that allegations he was part of a VIP paedophile ring were "ridiculous". BBC 17/6/2019 News August court date set for ex-soldier charged over Bloody Sunday ‘Soldier F’ faces charges for the murders of James Wray and William McKinney. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 17/6/2019 News Assange judge refuses to step down, despite evidence of intelligence and defence links Accusations of a conflict of interest have emerged regarding the judge presiding over the pre-extradition hearings of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. Indeed, there appears to be overwhelming evidence of family links to the defence industry, to a vocal critic of whistleblower Edward Snowden, and to a former head of MI6 who oversaw the ‘sexed-up’ dossier that led to the Iraq War. The Canary 17/6/2019 News Just released: Fourth decryption tool neutralises latest version of GandCrab ransomware On 17 June, a new decryption tool for the latest version of the most prolific ransomware family GandCrab has been released free of charge on This tool allows victims of ransomware to regain access to their information encrypted by hackers, without having to pay demanded ransoms. Europol 17/6/2019 News London Bridge inquest: police waited for help that wasn’t coming In ‘chaotic’ conditions, officers were unaware paramedics had been told to stay out of area. The Guardian 17/6/2019 News National force seeking ‘collective approach’ to protecting human trafficking survivors Public bodies including 999 and prison services could be among those required by statute to report concerns about suspected people trafficking to police in the future. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 17/6/2019 News Teens caught up in county lines gangs have seen things no child should see "Somebody being shot in front of you, or you yourself shooting somebody, became just like drinking a glass of water.” An interview with a child soldier from Sierra Leone I read recently really struck a chord with me, because it’s the same sort of impact I see working with young people caught up in county lines. Exploitation normalises violence. Young lives are scarred. The Guardian 17/6/2019 Feature, Opinion Calls for Cheshire crime panel chair to resign in LGBT lanyard row Police crime commissioner says Bob Fousert should consider his position over remarks aimed at deputy chief constable Cheshire Live 17/6/2019 News Police use ‘community resolutions’ to deal with sex assaults and knife crime OUT of court Police have dealt with thousands of serious offences out of court. Daily Star 17/6/2019 News Protest ‘Domestic extremism’ is no way to describe peaceful protest Police must stop categorising protest activities in this way, say 152 campaigners, lawyers, academics, journalists and politicians The Guardian 17/6/2019 Feature, Opinion Hong Kong police deployed female cops to clean up their colleagues’ mess Four days after Hong Kong saw some of its worst political unrest, an estimated 2 million people again flooded the streets yesterday (June 16) to protest a hated extradition law, further galvanized by seething popular anger against police for their use of force against largely peaceful demonstrators last week and what many see as a problematic designation of the protests as a riot. Quartz 17/6/2019 News Examining A Ferguson Effect on College Students’ Motivation to Become Police Officers The current study examines the impact of the Ferguson Effect and related public scrutiny on college students’ motivation to become police officers. Using data from 654 students located at two US universities with over 20,000 students, the results indicate that students’ who perceived that officer motivation and dangerousness has been affected by negative media scrutiny had significantly higher log-odds of strongly agreeing that such scrutiny has negatively impacted their trajectory to work in the police profession and had higher log-odds of strongly agreeing that it has made them apprehensive about applying for police positions in comparison to the reference category. The current study highlights how the negative attention directed towards law enforcement is adversely influencing college students’ motivation to enter the police profession. Police departments must make a concerted effort to mitigate such negative scrutiny in order to ensure a strong candidate pool for prospective police officers. Journal of Criminal Justice Education - Registration at source 17/6/2019 Research article Plausible Lies and Implausible Truths: Police Investigators’ Preferences While Portraying the Role of Innocent Suspects The present study was designed to examine differences between the preferences of police investigators and laypeople for lies over implausible truths, when assigned to the role of innocent suspects in simulated police investigation scenarios, in order to convince the interrogator of their innocence. Thirty police investigators and thirty laypeople were asked to report how they would behave in four imaginary implausible crime scenarios, given their role as innocent suspects. Participants responded by selecting one of the following four alternative behaviours for each scenario: implausible truth, concealment, partial lie, and utter lie. Results showed that police investigators tended to select plausible lies rather than less plausible truths. Laypeople adhered to less plausible truths. Legal and Criminological Psychology 17/6/2019 Research article Inside the urgent battle to stop UK police using facial recognition UK police use of live facial recognition technology is expanding, but the law around it is still unclear. Now legal cases are challenging its legitimacy Wired 17/6/2019 Analysis, Feature London mayor Sadiq Khan attacks police cuts after four murders in four days The mayor of London also accused Donald Trump of being a "poster boy for racists" over his comments about the fatal attacks. Sky News 17/6/2019 News PSNI and Police Authority could face £40m holiday pay bill The Police Service of Northern Ireland is facing a £40m bill after losing a court challenge over holiday pay. BBC 17/6/2019 News Chief constable suspensions: Should Police and Crime Panels have greater oversight? Several high-profile suspensions of Chief Constables by Police and Crime Commissioners have shone a spotlight on the apparent lack of guidance, scrutiny and transparency in the process. Has the time come for Police and Crime Panels to play a greater role in the proceedings? Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/6/2019 Analysis Evidence-Based Policing: How New Zealand Police is leading the way New Zealand Police has established the world's first Evidence-Based Policing Service Centre. New Zealand Police’s Deputy Chief Executive Service Delivery Mark Evans OBE explains why it was set up and how Evidence-Based Policing is helping New Zealand 'be the safest country'. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/6/2019 Opinion Why cops need a ‘warrior’ mindset (and why they shouldn’t want one) The police can be heavily criticised for adopting what is called the warrior mentality of an "us versus them" approach to policing communities. RCMP Inspector Kevin Cyr looks at the nuances of this approach - and why we shouldn't give up on it altogether if we want to keep communities and police officers safe. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 17/6/2019 Opinion «356735683569357035713572357335743575Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events