Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98504 total results. Showing results 71281 to 71300 «356135623563356435653566356735683569Next ›Last » More children being targeted online by sex offenders, police figures reveal Record numbers of child sexual offences with an online element logged by police last year have prompted demands for a new independent regulator to protect under-18s from the risks of abuse and harmful content. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 25/6/2019 News Saturation Policing and Robberies: Quasi-Experimental Evidence About the Effect of Sudden and Quick Operations Latin America is the only region in the world where lethal violence increased in the first decade of the 21st century, and its citizens identified crime and violence as their main concern. Though previous literature shows promising results of saturation policing on crimes, little rigorous evidence exists on the impact of these strategies on the cited region. I study the effects of the implementation of a special saturation policing operation in Uruguay, a Latin-American country that has experienced a huge increase in crime in the last decade. I employ a difference-in-difference approach exploiting the fact that the saturation operation was applied only in the capital of Uruguay due to restriction of resources. I find that the capital experienced a reduction between 20% and 30% in robberies in comparison with the control cities. Justice Evaluation Journal - Registration at source 25/6/2019 Research article Met Police chief: I looked into Tory leadership hopefuls’ drug admissions myself Britain’s most senior police officer has said she personally looked at drug admissions made by the contenders for the Conservative Party leadership but there would not be enough evidence to bring charges. Guernsey Press 25/6/2019 News UK police want to Airwave hello to some more mobile devices UK police might not agree on how to measure the success of technology used on the beat, but three-quarters of them want better mobile kit - and more of it. The Register 25/6/2019 News Surveillance cameras will soon be unrecognisable: Time for an urgent public conversation Surveillance cameras are part of the security landscape in the UK, but as the technology has been miniaturised, new types of cameras have emerged. Prof. William Webster of the University of Stirling argues that all of us need to take part in the debate as to where regulators should draw a line in the sand. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/6/2019 Opinion Operation Chivero AUSTRALIA: In accordance with section 132(2) of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Act 2016 (the Act), the Commission hereby furnishes to you a Report in relation to its investigation in Operation Chivero. [pdf] NSW Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) (Australia) 25/6/2019 Report Mitigating risk: How to tackle the rise in rogue drone incursions The recent threat by Extinction Rebellion to disrupt Heathrow airport with multiple drones has highlighted the risk drones pose to safety and security. Drone detection expert and Director of Saher (UK) David Fortune explains to Policing Insight how the police can mitigate the risk of rogue drone incursions. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 25/6/2019 Interview, Opinion Operation Errigal AUSTRALIA: In accordance with section 132(3) of the Law Enforcement Conduct Commission Act 2016 (the Act), the Commission hereby furnishes to you a Report in relation to its investigation in Operation Errigal. NSW Law Enforcement Conduct Commission (LECC) (Australia) 25/6/2019 Report Police defend figures that say black people are 5x more likely to be stopped and searched 'Ultimately the priority is to stop people from being stabbed, and to stop people from stabbing other people' Leicestershire Live 25/6/2019 News The Times view on police raiding Australian media organisations: Free News If asked to list countries in which public interest journalism is under threat, few would cite Australia. Yet its media is fighting for its life. News Corp, the ultimate owner of this paper, and Australia’s public broadcaster, the ABC, are to mount legal challenges to a series of police raids this month to investigate alleged leaking of classified information. It should not have come to this. The Times - Subscription at source 25/6/2019 News Police log 22 online sex crimes against children every day, says NSPCC Children’s charity calls for new independent regulator, saying figures are tip of the iceberg The Guardian 25/6/2019 News Met Police drive down crimes on mopeds A suspected thief fleeing police is knocked off his moped and sprayed with water after a high-speed chase. The dashcam footage is from a Metropolitan Police car pursuing a rider in a hi-vis jacket around Victoria Park, in east London, before ramming him against a railing when an officer unleashes the high-tech water pistol. The liquid used is uniquely tagged to allow police to link crimes: although invisible in normal light it glows under UV and does not come off for months. The Times - Subscription at source 25/6/2019 News Cost of stress counselling rises 50 per cent in three years The cost of treating police officers suffering from work-related stress has doubled in the past three years, new figures have revealed. Police Professional 24/6/2019 News ACC vows to ‘keep on contributing’ despite Motor Neurone Disease diagnosis Terminally-ill officer urges companies to follow 'remarkable' lead of West Midlands to take on and retain staff with disabilities. Police Oracle 24/6/2019 News HMICS launches online questionnaire about the role of the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) An online questionnaire has been launched by HMICS to allow members of the public, key stakeholder groups and others who have an interest in the governance of policing in Scotland to comment on how effectively the SPA is fulfilling their role. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 24/6/2019 News Police failures contributed to mother and daughter’s murder, inquest jury decides Challenge to 'inadequacies' in the gun licensing systems within Surrey Police and nationally. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/6/2019 News Northern Ireland Brexit impact ‘mapping exercise’ finally released Among the most serious issues impacted by Brexit is cross-border policing. It is known that both the Garda SÃochána and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) are concerned about the future of data sharing and potential difficulties in apprehending criminals who flee across the border in the absence of the European arrest warrant system. Brinkwire 24/6/2019 News West Midlands Police secure £7m for ‘knife crime emergency’ A police force has revealed plans to spend £7m tackling youth violence after declaring knife crime a "national emergency". BBC 24/6/2019 News Controversial independent joins race to become Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Georgina Hill has thrown her hat in the ring to become Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Chronicle Live (North East) 24/6/2019 News Fewer criminals being caught after 28% drop in detective numbers Exclusive: English and Welsh forces lose 610 serious crime detectives under austerity The Guardian 24/6/2019 News «356135623563356435653566356735683569Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events