Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98523 total results. Showing results 71081 to 71100 «355135523553355435553556355735583559Next ›Last » Localism and Police Governance in England & Wales: Exploring Continuity and Change This article develops further criminological understandings of ‘localism’ in police governance and contributes to broader theoretical discussions about ‘governance’ in contemporary policing, via a critical analysis of major recent law and policy reforms in England & Wales. Recent legislation has brought important changes to the balance of constitutional-legal powers and the institutional architecture of police governance. However, we argue that for several reasons it is problematic to interpret these developments in straightforward terms of greater ‘localization’. First, in so far as there has been a decentralization of control, this represents a growth of ‘regional’ rather than ‘local’ auspices of power. Second, there is widespread evidence of continuing interventionism by ‘the centre’, asserting strong influences on local policing via a range of national bodies. Third, important developments in the wider context of police policy-making – most importantly the conditions of austerity – have circumscribed the capacity of Commissioners to set their own policy agendas and resulted in a retrenchment of policing provision at the most ‘localized’ geographical units of neighbourhoods. European Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 3/7/2019 Research article Actuarial valuation of the police pension schemes 2016 The Government Actuary's Department has completed a valuation of the police pension schemes as of 31 March 2016. 3/7/2019 Report Westminster will act to overturn ‘appalling’ Northern Ireland abortion ban if human rights breached, says senior Tory Tory leadership contenders are under pressure to intervene over strict abortion laws in Northern Ireland after a senior cabinet minister said parliament could step in to change the "appalling" care women face. The Independent 3/7/2019 News Paul Carberry: Smarter care in the community for kids helps turn young lives around In recent weeks, reports on two of our projects in Scotland have highlighted what can be achieved when investment is made into services providing an alternative to secure care. The Scotsman - Registration at source 3/7/2019 Feature, Opinion Emergency service workers to be given mental health support Mental health support will be provided to frontline emergency service workers following the extension of a wellbeing programme. STV News 3/7/2019 News Surrey PCC David Munro lost £4,000 in invoice scam from Lagos, Nigeria Surrey's police and crime commissioner says there needs to be changes to the way cyber crime is tackled - after he himself became a victim of online fraud. Surrey Live 3/7/2019 News Russia ‘tried to hack UK cop and council computers’ days after Novichok poisoning Russian cyber attacks were launched thousands of times a day on Brit police and council computers following the Novichok poisoning in Salisbury, MPs have been told. The Sun 3/7/2019 News Police ICT Co chooses three for Iris framework Internet Investigation Solutions, Sopra Steria and Verint Systems have emerged from five tenders to take places on the framework for solutions supporting evidence capture and internet connectivity and audit. 3/7/2019 News Ex police officer claims Scotland’s war on drugs is lost The war on drugs is “completely lost and unwinnable” if legislators continue with the same approach to tackling the issue, it has been claimed. The Scotsman - Registration at source 3/7/2019 News Live blog: Police Governance Summit 2019 – Day One The second annual Police Governance Summit is taking place in Daventry this week. Policing Insight will be live blogging from the two-day event covering a range of issues from measuring performance, financial resilience and the critical relationship between chief constables and police and crime commissioners. Policing Insight - Registration at source 3/7/2019 Analysis Police chiefs want to ‘regulate’ drugs instead of treating users as criminals Top officers want addicts to be supplied with drugs and warn short prison sentences or fines simply lead to more offending Chronicle Live (North East) 3/7/2019 News Heroin addicts ‘to shoot up legally’ in UK towns under police chief’s scheme to cut crime Drug addicts should be able to take heroin in so-called “shooting galleries” in a fresh bid to reduce crime across the UK. Daily Star 3/7/2019 News Failing drug laws ripe for reform, says police chief Campaigners hail ‘significant statement’ on addiction misery The Times - Subscription at source 3/7/2019 News Tech firms must be held to account on extremist content By Sir Mark Rowley, former Head of Counterterrorism Policing at the Metropolitan Police The Times - Subscription at source 3/7/2019 News The pendulum needs to swing back Association President Paul Griffiths has spoken about the need for a strategic review of policing governance as we await for the results of our country’s leadership contest. Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 2/7/2019 Feature, Opinion Missed Opportunities Dr Dave Sloggett looks at the final conclusions of the Coroner at the London Bridge Terrorist Attack Inquest Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/7/2019 News New task force at Europol to target the most dangerous criminal groups involved in human trafficking and migrant smuggling On 2 July, the Joint Liaison Task Force Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings (JLT-MS) was launched at Europol. This new operational platform will allow liaison officers from all EU Member States to step up the fight against constantly adapting criminal networks. Europol 2/7/2019 News Academics should look at the problems in their own back yard Former West Yorkshire sergeant-turned-lecturer, Dr Richard Heslop, discusses some of the worrying problems occurring on higher education campuses, and he cautions against assumptions that sending officers to study at university will lead to improvements in policing Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/7/2019 Feature, Opinion Fed poised to strike back on pensions The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) announced it is prepared to bring any appropriate legal claims on behalf of its membership if its expectations are not met by the Government following the latest development over pensions. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 2/7/2019 News Gaze Control and Training For High-Stress Situations in Law Enforcement: A Systematic Review In the core review of the current paper, seven studies were analysed to identify the correlation between gaze control, training and anxiety in high-stress law enforcement situations. Additional findings from adjacent studies were included in the final summary after assessing their applicability. The body of research so far indicates that there are significant differences in the way highly trained law enforcement personnel control their gaze compared to non-trained individuals and novices. Experience and domain-specific knowledge improve visual perception skills and overall performance under pressure. Training in reality-based scenarios and quiet eye training seems to have the most beneficial effects on gaze control and decision-making in high-stress situations. For future research, the authors recommend assessing how training and practical experience correlate in law enforcement and whether quiet eye training might provide a shortcut for law enforcement training. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 2/7/2019 Research article «355135523553355435553556355735583559Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events