Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98523 total results. Showing results 71041 to 71060 «354935503551355235533554355535563557Next ›Last » HMCIC: Productivity key to faster improvement than ‘simple’ pledges on police numbers Radical reform and investment in technology will produce faster improvements in productivity than attempting to recruit 20,000 officers according to Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary. Police Professional 4/7/2019 News ‘Investment in officer numbers not enough as creation of a consistent national standard across policing needed now’ Chiefs react to watchdog report warning public safety at risk without 'profound and far-reaching reforms' to police. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/7/2019 News MPS facial recognition system inaccurate in four out of five cases The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has attacked the findings of a report it commissioned after independent researchers urged the force to stop testing facial recognition technology Police Professional 4/7/2019 News Response to HMICFRS State of Policing report Chief Constable Mike Cunningham, College of Policing CEO, said: “Today’s report is testament to the dedication of officers and police staff across England and Wales who have performed well overall despite reduced resources and increasing and changing demands." College of Policing 4/7/2019 News Doing the “Right Thing”? Understanding Why Rape Victim-Survivors Report to the Police This article explores why victim-survivors engage with the police by drawing upon the accounts of 24 women who reported rape or sexual assault in Scotland. Findings defy public narratives around rape reporting, indicating that victim-survivors may exercise limited agency in reporting. Moreover, a problematic “aspiration-reality gap” exists due to stark differences between the aspirations attached to reports and the reality of the ensuing criminal justice response. It is suggested that the concepts of “secondary victimization” and the “justice gap” can be augmented through appreciation of the “aspiration-reality gap,” and contemporary preoccupation with increasing rates of reporting is called into question. Feminist Criminology 4/7/2019 Research article Boris Johnson’s flagship policing plan instantly shot down by chief inspector of constabulary ‘You can get the productivity, efficiency and performance of 20,000 police officers with fewer than 20,000 people’ The Independent 4/7/2019 News Police watchdog criticises Boris Johnson’s staffing plans Tory frontrunner pledged £1.1bn to raise numbers but critics say forces need technology Financial Times 4/7/2019 News Cleveland Police ‘cannot afford body cams and laptops’ Cleveland Police officers share body cameras and laptops because the force cannot afford one for each officer on shift, the Chief Inspector of Constabulary has said. BBC 4/7/2019 News UK police’s facial recognition system has an 81 percent error rate Facial recognition technology is mistakenly targeting four out of five innocent people as wanted suspects, according to findings from the University of Essex. The report -- which was commissioned by Scotland Yard -- found that the technology used by the UK's Metropolitan Police is 81 percent inaccurate and concludes that it is "highly possible" the system would be found unlawful if challenged in court. Engadget 4/7/2019 News Children as young as seven being used by ‘county lines’ drug gangs ‘Alarming evidence’ of primary school children being increasingly drawn into crime The Independent 4/7/2019 News Police chief warns public safety at risk unless reforms are introduced Public safety could be at risk unless urgent reforms are made, the Chief Inspector of Constabulary has said. BBC 4/7/2019 News State of Policing: The Annual Assessment of Policing in England and Wales 2018 This is Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary’s report to the Secretary of State under section 54(4A) of the Police Act 1996. It contains his assessment of the efficiency and effectiveness of policing in England and Wales based on the inspections we carried out between April 2018 and May 2019. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 4/7/2019 Report ‘Profound and far-reaching’ policing reform urgently needed, says Chief Inspector of Constabulary Profound and far-reaching aspects of police reform are needed, or services face unacceptable compromises in quality of service levels of public safety, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary has warned. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 4/7/2019 News Essex researchers concerned by new police tech The University of Essex Human Rights report has found big flaws in live facial recognition technology being tested by police in London. Heart 4/7/2019 News Policing in the Anthropocene How will the police respond to environmental direct action groups like Extinction Rebellion as climate breakdown reaches critical mass? Ecologist 4/7/2019 Analysis, Feature Why do rebel groups apologize? Armed groups often rely on violence and instilling fear to show strength and resilience. And yet, every so often, they are willing to apologize when things go wrong. The New IRA recently apologized for killing Lyra McKee, an investigative journalist, during a riot in Derry. The group’s targets, which they described as “enemy forces,” were officers of the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The Conversation 4/7/2019 Feature, Opinion It’s time to decriminalise drug use to beat Scotland’s crippling death crisis People are dying. We have to help them by treating drugs as a health issue and not turning users into criminals. Daily Record 4/7/2019 Feature, Opinion Middle-class drug addicts buy heroin in bitcoin Drug dealers are accepting bitcoin and Amazon gift cards as Scotland’s heroin epidemic moves from back streets to affluent communities and online platforms. The Times - Subscription at source 4/7/2019 News Tory leadership contest: Hunting and police pledges made Tory leadership contender Jeremy Hunt has offered MPs a free vote on lifting the ban on fox hunting in England and Wales if he becomes prime minister. BBC 4/7/2019 News Police urged to axe facial recognition after research finds four of five ‘suspects’ are innocent Researchers at the University of Essex found that the Metropolitan Police’s live facial recognition (LFR) system was inaccurate in the huge majority of cases: the technology made only eight out of 42 matches correctly across six trials evaluated. The Independent 4/7/2019 News «354935503551355235533554355535563557Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events