Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98607 total results. Showing results 70761 to 70780 «353535363537353835393540354135423543Next ›Last » Kent Police approached by Home Office over using facial recognition technology to find missing people Facial recognition technology could be used in Kent to help find missing and vulnerable people. Kent Online 18/7/2019 News Geographical restructure for Northamptonshire Police will improve accountability Northamptonshire’s top-ranking police officer believes a new policing model and staff restructure will help the force rediscover its ability to investigate crime, and improve accountability. Northampton Chronicle & Echo 18/7/2019 News Police need intercept tools as mobile networks develop: Europol European law enforcement agencies set to lose the ability to tap criminals' mobile devices with the launch of 5G technology must be brought into discussions earlier when communications networks are modernized, the new head of Europol told Reuters. Yahoo! 18/7/2019 News Watchdog calls North Wales Police “shining example” for how it investigates crimes against elderly Inspectors have singled out North Wales Police for praise for the pioneering way it deals with crimes against the elderly. 18/7/2019 News New emergency services attack law ‘not a deterrent’ A new law to crack down on assaults on emergency service staff is not proving enough of a deterrent, according to the MP who campaigned for the legislation. BBC 18/7/2019 News Nottinghamshire Police ‘at or over capacity’ since 2016 Nottinghamshire Police has been operating “at or over capacity” since 2016 with too few available officer hours to deal with the demands being placed on it, a new independent report has revealed. Police Professional 17/7/2019 News College of Policing response to HMICFRS’ ‘Crimes against older people’ report DCC Janette McCormick, director for policing standards at the College of Policing, said: “Today’s report highlights the importance of identifying vulnerable adults at the early stages of investigations, to ensure victims are protected and have the right support throughout any court process." College of Policing 17/7/2019 News Government must get a grip of new radio project The continuing delay in introducing a replacement for the Police Airwave radio communications system is potentially putting police officers and the public at risk. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 17/7/2019 News Consultation aims to strengthen Victims’ Code The Government has launched a consultation on strengthening the Victims’ Code after it emerged that only 15 per cent of victims said they were given the opportunity by police to make a Victim Personal statement (VPS), despite being one of the Code’s key entitlements. Police Professional 17/7/2019 News Police transformation fund: Investments in 2019 to 2020 Outlines funding for programmes and projects in phase 2 of the police transformation fund. Home Office 17/7/2019 Report Home Office funds innovative policing technology to prevent crime The £5 million Police Transformation Fund money will help police test a programme that helps assess the risk of someone committing a crime or becoming a victim. Home Office 17/7/2019 News Revising PACE codes C, H, E and F Consultation outcome update Home Office 17/7/2019 Report Home Office ‘still not on top’ of ESN programme The endless delay in delivering the new Emergency Services Network (ESN) is creating a “crisis of confidence” in the emergency services according to the latest progress report from the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) published today (July17). Police Professional 17/7/2019 News Abusers may face lie detector tests under new bill High-risk domestic abusers could face mandatory lie detector tests when released from prison under a new Bill being introduced in Parliament Police Professional 17/7/2019 News Police playing catch-up in protecting older victims Officers are failing to safeguard older victims of crime, according to the first specialist inspection of the service provided by police and prosecutors. Police Professional 17/7/2019 News Forensic delays ‘deeply concerning’ as case backlog grows A former special constable who admitted possessing more than 13,000 indecent images of children has avoided a prison sentence because he was not charged with the right offence and it took more than two years to bring the case to court. Police Professional 17/7/2019 News Government looks at powers to seize illegally operated drones New Zealand: The government is exploring new powers for the police and other agencies to seize drones if operators break the law. Newsie 17/7/2019 News Government agencies pushing for longer mandatory metadata retention Australia: Home affairs says agencies are pushing for data to be held for more than two years for complex investigations The Guardian 17/7/2019 News Colvin’s departure will leave a gaping hole in the AFP Australia: After a distinguished policing career spanning more than 30 years, including five in the top job as Australian Federal Police Commissioner, Andrew Colvin has decided to call it a day. The Strategist 17/7/2019 Feature, Opinion Home Office to collaborate with Police on further facial recognition trials Letter to MP reveals the controversial technology will be used to find missing people IT PRO 17/7/2019 News «353535363537353835393540354135423543Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events