Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98621 total results. Showing results 70661 to 70680 «353035313532353335343535353635373538Next ›Last » Independent candidate almost causes huge shock in PCC by-election Labour has narrowly held on to the Northumbria police and crime commissioner (PCC) seat after a fall in its support and defeating an independent candidate by a narrow margin on second preference votes. Police Professional 22/7/2019 News Pay award is step in right direction but our members deserve more The Police Federation of England and Wales has called today’s 2.5% pay award for police officers “a small step in the right direction” but has demanded the Government must do more to make up for years of real-terms pay cuts. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 22/7/2019 News Canada’s crime rate climbs 2% in 2018 on #MeToo boost, higher fraud OTTAWA (Reuters) - Canada’s crime rate climbed 2% in 2018, the fourth consecutive annual rise, because of higher police-reported instances of fraud and sexual assault, data showed on Monday. Reuters 22/7/2019 News Criminal Justice Policy Inside-Out: An Initial Case Study in Education Among Police and Incarcerated Men This project discusses the development and implementation of a three-credit graduate/undergraduate course, offered to police officers and incarcerated men, that would eventually become part of the city’s recruit training academy. The initial class consisted of six veteran officers and six men serving life sentences. The programme has the potential to integrate the fundamentals of restorative justice within the occupational culture of policing in order to produce direct benefits for public safety and may also be effective for building more authentic relationships between police and communities of colour. The article explains what went into creating this class, how it progressed and what resulted. Police Journal 22/7/2019 Research article Mixed emotions in Yorkshire as Government announces police officer pay rise A Yorkshire police boss has said a 2.5 per cent pay rise for police officers announced by the Government today is met with "mixed emotions". The Yorkshire Post 22/7/2019 News Halstead Town Council announce plans to put more police officers on the streets Residents can expect to start seeing an increased police presence in the coming months after Halstead Town Council announced plans to help put even more volunteer officers on the streets. Halstead Gazette 22/7/2019 News Merseyside crime commissioner warns of cuts as police pay rise announced Merseyside's crime commissioner has warned of police budget cuts unless extra Government funding is provided to cover a public sector pay increase. WirralGlobe 22/7/2019 News Domestic abuse: Report reveals the harrowing side of rural life When the National Rural Crime Network launched its report on rural domestic abuse, the Network received calls from victims whose harrowing experiences had left them feeling isolated, unprotected and abandoned. Chair of the National Rural Crime Network and Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire Julia Mulligan explores the issues surrounding this hidden crime. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/7/2019 Analysis Literature review: What the research reveals about the effectiveness of Body Worn Cameras Former UK police officer and now Research Fellow at Western Sydney University Alan Beckley has analysed the findings of over 60 different studies of body-worn cameras (BWC) providing an insight into the different perspectives on their effectiveness in gathering evidence, lowering police rates of use of force and violence towards the police. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/7/2019 Analysis Connect to protect: Why collaboration is the solution to UK policing’s technology challenge UK Police & Justice Managing Director for Accenture Allan Fairley explores how greater collaboration would allow police forces to tap into and exploit the huge potential offered by emerging technology quickly and cost effectively. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 22/7/2019 Opinion How a lack of democratic oversight is damaging Police Scotland – Tom Wood There’s a fundamental problem with Police Scotland and its oversight – and the obvious solution seems unlikely because it involves giving away power, writes Tom Wood. The Scotsman - Subscription at source 22/7/2019 Feature, Opinion Focus on CEO fraud Europol is committed to tackling economic and financial crime. CEO fraud, also known as Business Compromise Fraud (BEC), appeared in Europe in 2012/2013 after carrousel fraudsters on carbon credits changed their fraudulent operations. Europol 22/7/2019 News Hong Kong police accused of failing to protect protestors from ‘armed gang’ Forty-five people were injured by men in white t-shirts armed with baseball bats at Yuen Long station, with one in critical condition. Huffington Post 22/7/2019 News Association response to Home Secretary’s pay award announcement PSA National Secretary Dan Murphy has commented on the announcement of a 2.5% pay increase for police officers in Home Office announcement: Police Superintendents' Association (PSA) 22/7/2019 News Merseyside Police HQ on course for 2021 completion Willmott Dixon has started work on the 137,000 sq ft development on Scotland Road with the new home of Merseyside Police set to hand over in autumn 2021. Place North West 22/7/2019 News ‘No-one is a lost cause’ – meet the PCSOs who are changing lives and reducing 999 calls An alcoholic believes his life was saved by a PCSO who continued to visit and encourage him when he was at his lowest ebb. Stoke on Trent Live 22/7/2019 News First ever Q&A for Police and Fire and Rescue bosses It's the first event of its kind in our county and it's happening in Fakenham. KL.FM 96.7 22/7/2019 News A Conceptualization of Militarization in Domestic Policing Researchers have investigated the underlying mechanisms and consequences of militarization in law enforcement agencies for decades, yet there is no agreed-upon definition for this concept. Without consensus, discourse and research on the intersection of policing and community well-being are hampered. The aim of this study was to develop a comprehensive framework for the concept of “militarization.” Twelve key informant interviews focused on defining militarization were conducted with subject matter experts representing expertise in fields such as policing, criminal justice, and community activism. Interview transcripts underwent qualitative analysis using grounded theory methodology. Five key domains emerged: Gear/Technology, Protocols/Procedures for Community Interaction, Military Tactics, Officer Culture/Mindset, and Training and Requirements. Militarization is a complex concept whose subordinate dimensions warrant further investigation independently and in relation to the larger context. This study provides a unifying framework, contextualizing previous efforts to study militarization while highlighting areas for future study around officer and community safety. Police Quarterly 22/7/2019 Research article Convictions for honour crimes including FGM, rape and forced marriage plummet amid national police crackdown "Perpetrators are not being held to account. The fall in prosecutions is massively concerning given more victims than ever are coming forward. It sends a message to communities that you can almost get away with it." The Independent 22/7/2019 News Publish register of pension scammers, urges ex-minister Some data is available through a website run by the Financial Conduct Authority but Baroness Altmann, who is working with industry groups on an easy-to-use database, says that it is “behind the curve”. The Times - Subscription at source 22/7/2019 News «353035313532353335343535353635373538Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events