Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98621 total results. Showing results 70641 to 70660 «352935303531353235333534353535363537Next ›Last » The Disruptors: The start-up helping UK police to solve crimes Suffolk-based Chorus builds software to help law enforcement connect data used in criminal investigations - 80pc of the UK's police force is now using it. We spoke to Chorus founder and CEO Boyd Mulvey about what it takes to shake up the market. Eastern Daily Press 23/7/2019 News ‘Rape cases dropped’ over police phone search demands Rape and sexual assault complainants say police have stopped investigating their cases after they refused to reveal up to seven years of phone data. BBC 23/7/2019 News Ethnography and Narrative This paper explores the topic of police storytelling from an ethnographic perspective. Ethnographies have always been full of stories, but it took a while for storytelling as such to draw attention to it within the broader study of police culture. Lately, we have seen increased attention for storytelling in policing. Recent studies cover new ground: they comment on story tellability, on police storytelling among recruits, on the differences across settings, and more. Nevertheless, a more systematic treatment of this topic is still lacking. This paper reviews the literature on police storytelling. Its purpose is to come to a more thorough and critical understanding of storytelling in policing (studies), which allows us to identify some challenges and opportunities we see for future (ethnographic) research. Policing and Society 23/7/2019 Research article Police pay rise follows PRRB warning over motivation Police officers are due to receive a 2.5 per cent pay rise as workforce reforms are again criticised by the independent review body. Police Professional 23/7/2019 News The Impact of Individual Differences on Investigative Interviewing Performance: A Test of the Police Interviewing Competencies Inventory and the Five Factor Model We examined whether and how individual differences impact investigative interviewing performance by using the Police Interviewing Competencies Inventory (PICI) and the Five Factor Model (FFM) in a two-step research design. In Study 1, the structure of a modified version of the PICI was assessed using a general population sample (N = 300) and a four-dimensional aptitudes scale was created. In Study 2, student participants (N = 154) completed the aptitudes and the FFM scales, and then interviewed witnesses who watched a mock robbery crime video. Interviewer performance was assessed based on the amount of details they could elicit, the perception of the witness, and researcher ratings of behaviours and question usage. Three dimensions of the FFM were correlated with the success measures: Agreeableness with witness perception and appropriate questioning, Extraversion with researcher ratings and inappropriate questioning, and Openness with researcher ratings. Only the Communicative-Insisting dimension of the aptitudes scale predicted high researcher ratings. Findings might help police departments to identify potential successful interviewers. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 23/7/2019 Research article Officer dismissed for ‘responding inappropriately to discovering suspected rape of schoolgirl’ Gross misconduct decision for safer schools PC who was told a girl under 13 had been having sexual intercourse. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/7/2019 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 23/7/2019 News Labour blasts Theresa May for ‘breaking promise on austerity’ in new police pay award Chancellor hands 'hard-working' PCs extra £978 a year as almost a million public-sector workers get above-inflation rises. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/7/2019 News Let’s get the right changes to tighten firearms licensing in the interests of police, GPs and applicants Minister talks to Police Oracle as Home Office launches consultation in a bid to ensure officers apply consistent checks to applicants' medical records. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 23/7/2019 Analysis, Feature Evidence-based policing: A survey of police attitudes AUSTRALIA: Evidence-based policing (EBP) advocates the use of scientific processes in police decision-making. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 23/7/2019 Research article Crime could rise unless police numbers increase, says Sajid Javid Crime could rise unless the Government increases police numbers to combat violence, Sajid Javid admitted, as he disclosed it would take three years to deliver on a pledge for an extra 20,000 officers. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/7/2019 News Northants Police commissioner receives assurances from Prime Minister candidates as he steps up campaign for fairer funding Northamptonshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner has said that the two candidates to become Prime Minister have assured him they will look at ‘fairer funding’ for his force. Northampton Chronicle & Echo 23/7/2019 News Police to be required to check medical records of all gun applicants as ministers close loophole Ministers are to close a loophole that has allowed people to get gun licences from police without medical checks amid fears it poses a risk to public safety. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 23/7/2019 News Police demands for access to rape victims’ phones ‘unlawful’ Campaigners say people risk no action being taken if they refuse ‘digital strip search’ The Guardian 23/7/2019 News Criminals can’t claim they were trafficked, says anti-slavery tsar County lines drug dealers and other criminals who try to evade justice by falsely claiming to have been trafficked or enslaved will be rooted out, the new anti-slavery commissioner has said. The Times - Subscription at source 23/7/2019 News Police Remuneration Review Body Report: 2019 England and Wales Recommendations from the Police Remuneration Review Body on police officers’ pay in England and Wales. Home Office 22/7/2019 Report Battle lines drawn up for force global greats Organisers of the inaugural World Class Policing Awards say they have received a “brilliant” response with nearly 120 nominations from 36 regional, national and overseas forces as well as three law enforcement agencies. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/7/2019 News Met police condemned over handling of VIP paedophile ring inquiry Labour’s Tom Watson criticised after Carl Beech found guilty of perverting course of justice. The Guardian 22/7/2019 News An evaluation of Independent Child Trafficking Guardians – early adopter sites: Final report This report evaluates the Independent Child Trafficking Guardians service in the three early adopter sites for the two year period from February 2017 to January 2019. Home Office 22/7/2019 Report Police issue full apology for spying on Christopher Alder’s sister after Hull police station death Humberside Police have admitted spying on the sister of a man who died in police custody was “inexcusable and unacceptable”. Former paratrooper Christopher Alder, 37, died on the floor of the custody suite in Queens Gardens police station in Hull in the early hours of April 1, 1998. An inquest into his death in 2000 found he was unlawfully killed Hull Live 22/7/2019 News «352935303531353235333534353535363537Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events