Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98622 total results. Showing results 70581 to 70600 «352635273528352935303531353235333534Next ›Last » Australia’s new police commissioner: Who is Reece Kershaw? Reece Kershaw is returning to the Australian Federal Police, where his policing career began in 1988. ABC News (Australia) 25/7/2019 Analysis, Feature Gloucestershire police ‘failing to record 8,000 crimes per year and failing vulnerable victims of crime’, new report finds The constabulary's chief constable Rod Hansen said the incidents are "predominately a recording failure not a service failure" Gloucestershire Live 25/7/2019 News Forced penetration: If a woman forces a man to have sex, is that rape? When a man has penetrative sex with a woman without her consent, that's rape. But what if a woman makes a man have penetrative sex with her, without his consent? That's not rape under the law of England and Wales, but the author of a new study of the phenomenon says perhaps it should be. BBC 25/7/2019 Analysis, Feature Priti Patel returns to lead new fight on law and order as Boris Johnson’s home secretary Priti Patel, who once supported the death penalty, has been given as home secretary the key task of restoring the Conservatives’ reputation as the party of law and order. The Times - Subscription at source 25/7/2019 News Carl Beech paedophile saga shames the police There will always be fantasists and gossip-mongers but we have a right to expect detectives to scrutinise them properly The Times - Subscription at source 25/7/2019 Feature, Opinion Avon and Somerset Police picks up award for best ‘Representative Workforce’ at enei Awards 2019 Avon and Somerset Police picked up the award for best ‘Representative Workforce’ at the enei (Employers Network for Equality and Inclusion) Awards 2019, held at a ceremony in London in July. Avon & Somerset Constabulary 24/7/2019 News Independent Office for Police Conduct Annual report and statement of accounts 2018/19 [PDF] This report marks the first full year of the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). It has been a busy one as we have looked to get our foundations in place as a new organisation. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 24/7/2019 Report HMICFRS police inspection programme 2019/20 This document sets out HMICFRS’s police inspection programme and resources for the year ahead. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/7/2019 Report Policing should focus on concerns of ‘real people’, argues PCC lead Katy Bourne, elected APCC chairman for 2019-20 earlier today, said she intended to raise the “profile and influence” of her fellow commissioners for the “benefit of officers”. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 24/7/2019 News By Anthony Khatchaturian The Print 24/7/2019 Feature, Opinion Soaring violence epidemic sees police quit a record levels Home Office figures showed 2,175 officers left as the number of stabbings, violent attacks, robberies and sex crimes rose. Express 24/7/2019 News HMICFRS publishes its policing inspection programme and framework for 2019/20 The document, which has been laid before parliament today, sets out HMICFRS’s programme of policing inspections for this financial year. It also details those inspections already taking place. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/7/2019 News Annual report shows increased referrals and improvement in timeliness of investigations but more work to do The latest annual report published shows significant improvements in the timeliness of investigations completed by the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) in 2018/19 at a time when the organisation is receiving more referrals than ever. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 24/7/2019 News Boris Johnson pledges to ‘immediately’ start recruiting police and improving hospitals in his first speech as Prime Minister The new Prime Minister said he would 'unleash' the power of the regions and build 'fantastic new road and rail infrastructure'. Chronicle Live (North East) 24/7/2019 News Policing inspection programme and framework 2019/20 Today, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) has published its policing inspection programme and framework for 2019/20. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 24/7/2019 Report Victims’ commissioner sparks row over rape case phone searches Newly appointed Dame Vera Baird accused of discouraging victims from reporting attacks The Guardian 24/7/2019 News Police Officers’ Self-Assessed Legitimacy: A Theoretical Extension and Empirical Test Researchers have recently begun to examine the sources and consequences of police officers’ self-assessed legitimacy, or the ways in which officers justify their authority to themselves. Important gains have been made, but this area remains in need of continued theoretical development. This study aims to further the theoretical and empirical analysis of police officers’ self-assessed legitimate authority. Data come from an officer survey distributed in a mid-sized department in the USA. Two conceptualizations and operationalizations of self-legitimacy are offered. Confirmatory factor analysis and ordinary least squares regression modeling are used to test the separability of the two constructs and to compare predictor domains. Results show that the two types of self-perceived authority are analytically distinct, and that workenvironment and organizational variables predict each type differently. The results have implications for future theorizing and testing of police self-legitimacy. Justice Quarterly - Registration at source 24/7/2019 Research article Boris Johnson’s first speech as Prime Minister: 24 July 2019 Boris Johnson gave his first speech as Prime Minister in Downing Street. Prime Minister's Office 24/7/2019 News What has changed since Norfolk Police scrapped PCSOs? It is more than a year since Norfolk Police announced radical plans to redesign its policing model, including scrapping PCSOs. Eastern Daily Press 24/7/2019 Analysis, Feature Circumstantial Powers of “Special Fire Police” in Pennsylvania: Statutory Consequences and Recommendations Volunteer police have been an instrumental part of Western policing since the inception of the concept of police. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania utilizes volunteer police under the title of “Special Fire Police.” Described as “firemen cloaked with police powers” in corresponding case law, these volunteers are statutorily provided with full powers to regulate traffic and keep crowds under control at any fire or emergency and to exercise other police powers which are necessary to prevent interference with the work of firemen. Although these volunteers have been in use for more than 50 years, the other police powers they are granted by law have remained largely undefined. This research will examine the current statutory and case law relevant to special fire police as well as those relevant to general Pennsylvania police powers to demonstrate the circumstantially defined police powers that could be adopted based on interpretation. Criminal Justice Policy Review - Registration at source 24/7/2019 Research article «352635273528352935303531353235333534Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events