Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 70441 to 70460 «351935203521352235233524352535263527Next ›Last » Carl Beech police investigators broke law, says retired judge Call for criminal investigation after claim officers unlawfully obtained search warrants The Guardian 30/7/2019 News Relaxation room created at Police HQ to improve staff wellbeing Bedfordshire Police officers and staff now have a safe space to take a few minutes out after particularly traumatic events they may have attended or been supporting. Bedford Independent 30/7/2019 News 100 extra Cleveland Police officers to be recruited as force takes delivery of new drones The force has lost 500 officers and 50 PCSOs since 2010 Teesside Live 30/7/2019 News Calls for backdoor access to WhatsApp as Five Eyes nations meet Countries focus on increasingly effective encryption of communications The Guardian 30/7/2019 News Facebook is threatening to hinder police by increasing encryption, warns Priti Patel Facebook threatens to hamper the fight against terrorists and child abusers by increasing encryption, Priti Patel will warn on Wednesday. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 30/7/2019 News ‘It’s ringing quite a lot’ – drug dealer invited to pop into police station to pick up lost burner phone 'We could have a lovely chat about the details on the phone' Somerset Live 30/7/2019 News Police chief: cuts must be reversed to fix ‘social fabric’ and stop gangs Jon Boutcher says extra police will not help unless impact of Tory austerity is addressed The Guardian 30/7/2019 News An Investigation of the Efficacy of Programs to Prevent Stress in Law Enforcement Officers: A Program Manager’s Perspective With minimal research on mental health program efficacy in the law enforcement service, the aim of this study was to investigate the perceptions of experienced mental health program managers on the efficacy of mental health programs designed to address the stress and mental health issues faced by Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs). A further aim of the research was to investigate internal impediments (e.g., LEO culture and leadership attitudes) that affect the necessary openness and collaboration needed to develop accessible and effective programs. Through a qualitative approach via Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), the research addressed these aims via semi-structured interviews with five LEO program managers. Whereas the findings of this study are consistent with previous research on the impact of mental health stigmas and barriers to LEO program access, the research provided unique and rich, first-hand insights about the challenges program managers face in implementing and evaluating LEO mental health programs. Moreover, the findings of the current research and the framework of program evaluation employed in this study are suitable resources to improve the development, implementation, and efficacy of programs to address mental health issues and behavioral problems in the LEO profession. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 30/7/2019 Research article Police may have broken law during Carl Beech investigation – ex-judge Call for criminal investigation after claim officers unlawfully obtained search warrants. The Guardian 30/7/2019 News Police in the dock over face recognition The London Metropolitan police force has managed 10 trials of face recognition technology over the past three years – and the use Japan-based NEC’s Neoface solution has proved more than 80% inaccurate, according to an independent assessment conducted by the University of Essex. brand-e 30/7/2019 News Police dog handler called for back-up to tackle ‘gypos’, court hears An officer's dog bit a traveller moments after calling colleagues to say "there are some gypos down here, we need back-up", a court was told. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 30/7/2019 News Police should be probed over Carl Beech investigation, says ex-High Court judge 'I remain unable to conclude that every officer acted with due diligence and in good faith'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 30/7/2019 News Joint Committee on the draft domestic abuse bill The Joint Committee on the Draft Domestic Abuse Bill has published its report on the Bill and called for it to be amended to give greater protection to victims of domestic abuse. theHRDIRECTOR 30/7/2019 News Evaluation of ‘the R-Model’ Crisis Intervention De-Escalation Training For Law Enforcement This study presents findings from a process and outcome evaluation of a custom crisis intervention and de-escalation training for law enforcement, delivered in-house to a suburban Minnesota police department (the R-Model: Research, Respond, Refer). Individual officer survey data showed the R-Model significantly decreased stigma and increased self-reported knowledge of mental health resources over baseline. Knowledge of resources held at the 4-month follow-up. One-year follow-up data at the agency level, showed decreases in the number of crisis calls for service and the number of repeat calls to the same addresses, even when compared to crisis call rates at similar police departments. Findings provide preliminary evidence that the R-Model may be an effective model that warrants additional study. Police Journal 30/7/2019 Research article Key Attributes of An Effective Human Source Handler: Implications For Handler Selection and Training Despite the importance of human source intelligence very little has been written about the selection of police officers to undertake the specialist role of handler, and approaches to training in this specialist area. This research examined the nature of handling and the core attributes of effective human source handlers as perceived by 22 experienced handlers. Participants described handling as characterised by relationship alliance, task alliance and technique. Participants also identified attributes associated with the effective handling of human sources. Findings have important implications for the selection and training of officers for the role of human source handler. Police Journal 30/7/2019 Research article Can Police Be Trained in Trauma Processing to Minimise PTSD Symptoms? Feasibility and Proof of Concept With A Newly Recruited UK Police Population Neuropsychological trauma processing techniques based on hippocampal-dependent spatial and episodic memory were trialled with 71 newly recruited officers within one UK police force between March 2018 and February 2019. Results indicate that the skills are teachable within an operational training environment, have a positive impact on feelings of ease about difficult or traumatic work-related incidents, can improve recall of events and may mitigate against the impact of age and trauma exposure on memory. Participants report the techniques to be useable, sharable and operationally relevant to trauma management and personal resilience. Results will inform a larger randomised controlled trial. Police Journal 30/7/2019 Research article Knife crime increases in Cumbria – despite two amnesty events by police The latest figures, released by the Office for National Statistics, revealed that knife crime went up in the county in the past year from 147 to 168, up a total of 14 per cent. Times & Star 30/7/2019 News Shana Grice: Former police officer defends decision to fine murdered teenager Grice was issued with a fixed penalty notice after she complained about being harassed by ex-partner Michael Lane. Huffington Post 30/7/2019 News Trained up: A creative approach to training can reduce abstractions and better skill the workforce Many forces still rely on the 'train the trainer' approach when teaching their workforce new skills, but Me Learning's Shirley Berry argues technology has moved on and now offers creative ways to train people quickly and more effectively. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/7/2019 Opinion Will PM’s police hiring spree make streets safer? After the water cannon debacle, will Boris Johnson’s latest punt on policing pay off? The Guardian 30/7/2019 Analysis, Feature «351935203521352235233524352535263527Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events