Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97087 total results. Showing results 70341 to 70360 «351435153516351735183519352035213522Next ›Last » Police say they lack resources to tackle county lines drugs networks Cuts to youth services are undermining efforts to prevent vulnerable young people being used as drug mules The Guardian 5/6/2019 News Reclaiming power and place (Volume 1a) CANADA: As Commissioners, we were mandated to investigate all forms of violence against Inuit, Métis and First Nations women and girls, including 2SLGBTQQIA people. [pdf] Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (Canada) 5/6/2019 Report Recorded crime in Scotland: attempted murder and serious assault, 2008-2009 and 2017-2018 Information on crimes of attempted murder and serious assault recorded by the police in 2008 to 2009 and 2017 to 2018. Scottish Government 4/6/2019 Report Research into fall in violence Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf has welcomed new analysis detailing the fall in serious violent crime in Scotland over the last decade. Police recorded crimes figures published last year revealed that serious assault and attempted murder cases fell by just over a third (35%) between 2008-09 and 2017-18. Scottish Government 4/6/2019 News Intensified powers making gang members ‘consider leaving knives at home’ Enhanced police powers used “assertively” are driving a fivefold increase in stop and searches as the tide starts to turn on violent crime. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/6/2019 News Female Genital Mutilation (Protection and Guidance) (Scotland) Bill: child rights and wellbeing impact assessment This Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment considers the impact of the upcoming Female Genital Mutilation (Protection and Guidance) Bill. FGM has been illegal in Scotland since 1985. As part of the Scottish Government’s approach to tackling FGM, the Programme for Government 2018-19 contained a commitment to introduce a new Bill strengthening the existing legislative framework for the protection of women and girls from FGM. Scottish Government 4/6/2019 Report 300 police officers to be recruited by West Yorkshire Police Three hundred new police officers are being recruited by West Yorkshire Police, and for the first time officers will study for a degree as part of their training. West Yorkshire Police 4/6/2019 News Federation backing for disabled policing conference The Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) is supporting the first ever national conference examining issues around disability in policing. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 4/6/2019 News London Bridge attack: Family’s warning was not passed to police Relative rang anti-terror hotline over concerns about Khuram Butt’s extremist views. The Guardian 4/6/2019 News JCC Circular 14 of 2019 HMICS inspection of the resourcing of events report: Information The aim of this inspection was to assess the efficiency and effectiveness of the way in which Police Scotland resources events, by examining how the process works in Greater Glasgow Division. The subject of events resourcing was raised as an issue by officers and staff in previous inspections. Divisional Commanders from across Scotland also identified it as a concern when we carried out engagement interviews in December 2017. Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 4/6/2019 Report Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Bill The Scottish Biometrics Commissioner Bill was created as a result of the HMICS Audit and Assurance Review of the use of the Facial Search functionality within the UK Police National Database (PND) by Police Scotland, published 27 January 2016. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 4/6/2019 News David Gauke to go ahead with plans to abolish jail sentences under six months this summer Plans to scrap jail sentences under six months are to go ahead within weeks, David Gauke, the Justice Secretary has pledged. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 4/6/2019 News US threatens to limit intelligence sharing with UK over their plans for Huawei U.S. President Donald Trump has confirmed news reports he was threatening to limit intelligence sharing with the United Kingdom over its plans for Huawei. CGTN America 4/6/2019 News Police failings possibly contributed to woman’s murder, says coroner Sunderland inquest into death of Quyen Ngoc Nguyen hears of flaws in information sharing The Guardian 4/6/2019 News Glasgow drives huge fall in serious violent crime across Scotland Falling levels of serious violent crime in the west of Scotland have driven a reduction across the country over the past decade, a study has concluded. BBC 4/6/2019 News Home Office relaunches £105k bid for leader to oversee police tech Remit of position first advertised in October will include oversight of ANPR programme 4/6/2019 News Stop and searches in London up fivefold under controversial powers Critics say black people targeted disproportionately and community relations harmed The Guardian 4/6/2019 News Police Governance Summit 2019: “If you’re interested in police governance, you won’t want to miss it” The second annual Police Governance Summit takes place on 3rd - 4th July in Daventry. Bernard Rix, CoPaCC Chief Executive and Policing Insight Publisher, sets out why the Summit is a "must-attend" for those interested and involved in policing governance. BOOK YOUR PLACE NOW - there's not much more time left to do so! Policing Insight 4/6/2019 News Making the grade: How one force achieved ‘outstanding’ for its crime recording While news headlines often focus on those forces that are failing to record crimes, HMICFRS has judged two forces as 'outstanding' for their crime recording practices. We take a closer look at one of those forces to see how they achieved the top rating. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/6/2019 Opinion Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 4/6/2019 News «351435153516351735183519352035213522Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events