Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 70321 to 70340 «351335143515351635173518351935203521Next ›Last » We were burgled and only Ocado responded, say ex-Metropolitan police officers As two former Metropolitan police officers, Bethany and Paul Eaton are well aware of the crisis that has enveloped Scotland Yard: violent crime is soaring and thousands of officers have left. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 4/8/2019 Analysis, Feature Home Secretary lays down new law on ‘party of police and police officers’ Priti Patel wants criminals to 'feel terror' and denies death penalty support. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/8/2019 News Woman dies after being in collision with police car An investigation is underway after a woman died following a collision with a police response car. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/8/2019 News Red letter day for payback ‘billions’ in fight for justice over police pensions Government 'concedes age discrimination' against 13,500 officers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/8/2019 News Furious Scot cops back petition calling for Police Federation chief to be sacked over pension changes Furious cops are backing a petition calling for the official who represents rank and file bobbies to be sacked. The Scottish Sun 3/8/2019 News Police officers score points for gaffes including ‘accidental CS gassing’ in bingo game Police are playing their own version of bingo – and scoring points by cocking up on the job. Daily Star 3/8/2019 News Home secretary Priti Patel criticised over wish for criminals ‘to feel terror’ The new home secretary, Priti Patel, has been criticised after she said she wants criminals “to literally feel terror” once she begins her law and order reforms. The Guardian 3/8/2019 News New DCC announced for Bedfordshire Police Trevor Rodenhurst has been confirmed as our new Deputy Chief Constable following an interview process this week. Bedfordshire Police 3/8/2019 News Police officers and firefighters will share one city centre station Residents have been told the move makes financial sense Stoke on Trent Live 3/8/2019 News Dorset Police plan to develop stronger relationship with communities Police in Dorset are embarking on a drive to better connect with the county's communities to help build confidence and cut crime. Bridport News 3/8/2019 News Albanian gangs using bitcoin to flood streets with cocaine Albanian gangs have grown increasingly sophisticated and begun laundering their funds using cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, Britain’s leading organised crime officer has said. The Times - Subscription at source 3/8/2019 News Justice secretary Robert Buckland warns police over rape case ‘phone trawling’ Police must not waste scarce resources on needlessly trawling through electronic devices in rape cases, the justice secretary has said. The Times - Subscription at source 3/8/2019 News I want criminals to be terrified, says Priti Patel New Home Secretary vows to return to zero-tolerance policing as she demands full explanation over bungled 'Nick' sex abuse inquiry Mail Online 3/8/2019 News Home Secretary Priti Patel: I want criminals to feel terror The new home secretary, Priti Patel, has said she wants criminals to "literally feel terror" at the thought of breaking the law. BBC 3/8/2019 News Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to child exploitation in Northumberland Today, Ofsted published a report with findings from a joint inspection of multi-agency arrangements for responding to child exploitation in Northumberland The inspection was undertaken by HMICFRS, Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission and HMI Probation. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 2/8/2019 News Google will let you TEXT the police so you can stay silent during an emergency – and it’ll turn your words into a phone call Google Pixel smartphone users will soon be able to contact the emergency services via text if they need to remain silent. The Sun 2/8/2019 News ‘There’s not enough police’: East London volunteers take on knife crime Binning Knives Saves Lives has collected 140 knives in Waltham Forest since project launched in May The Guardian 2/8/2019 News Tracking Kidnappings in London: Offenders, Victims and Motives What was the nature of kidnappings in London during a fairly recent 5-year period in the kinds of victims, offenders, motives, types of violence used and levels of injury? We analyse 924 reports of kidnap crimes recorded by the Metropolitan Police Service between 1 April 2006 and 31 March 2011. These data included free text information drawn from case notes. We establish mutually exclusive categories of kidnappings by codifying all crime records, after examining case notes and populated fields from the Metropolitan Police’s crime recording system. Descriptive statistics are used to portray the patterns and nature of these crimes. The application of a typology of mutually exclusive categories for these kidnappings shows that gangland/criminal/drugs-related cases comprised 40.5% of all kidnappings. Another 21% of all kidnaps were domestic or familial, including honour killings. Just over 10% were incidental to ‘acquisitive’ crimes such as car-jacking, whilst 8% were sexually motivated. Only 6% were categorised as traditional ransom kidnappings. About 4% were categorised into a purely violent category, whilst 3% were categorised as international/political. The investigative and preventive implications of these many social worlds mapped out by this typology are substantial. Each social context may require investigators to possess expertise in the specific social world of kidnapping, as distinct from what might be called expertise in ‘kidnaps’ per se. Investigations and prevention might be re-engineered around targeted intelligence from these diverse social contexts. Cambridge Journal of Evidence-Based Policing 2/8/2019 Research article In search of cause and consequence Dr Peter Langmead-Jones discusses the need for more insightful approaches for policing to ‘discharge’ its duties. Police Professional - Subscription at source 2/8/2019 Analysis, Feature No-deal Brexit could trigger ‘law and order challenges’ Document highlights what crashing out of the EU 'could look like on the ground'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 2/8/2019 News «351335143515351635173518351935203521Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events