Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98635 total results. Showing results 70081 to 70100 «350135023503350435053506350735083509Next ›Last » Police Accuracy in Truth/lie Detection When Judging Baseline Interviews Research has shown that a comparable truth baseline (CTB) approach elicits more cues to deception and results in higher accuracy rates than a small talk baseline. Past research focused on laypeople’s accuracy rates. We examined whether the CTB also has a positive effect on law enforcement personnel accuracy. In this study, 95 police officers judged 10 interviews, whereby half of the senders told the truth, and the other half lied about a mock undercover mission. Half of the interviews included only questioning about the event under investigation, whereas the other half also included questioning aimed at creating a CTB. Total and truth accuracy did not differ, but Observers who watched interviews with a CTB obtained higher lie detection accuracy rates than those who watched interviews without the baseline questioning. Signal detection analyses showed that this effect could be attributed to a decreased response bias in the CTB condition. Psychiatry Psychology and Law - Registration at source 13/8/2019 Research article Science Or Pseudoscience? A Distinction That Matters For Police Officers, Lawyers and Judges Scientific knowledge has been a significant contributor to the development of better practices within law enforcement agencies. However, some alleged ‘experts’ have been shown to have disseminated information to police officers, lawyers and judges that is neither empirically tested nor supported by scientific theory. The aim of this article is to provide organisations within the justice system with an overview of a) what science is and is not; b) what constitutes an empirically driven, theoretically founded, peer-reviewed approach; and c) how to distinguish science from pseudoscience. Using examples in relation to non-verbal communication, this article aims to demonstrate that not all information which is presented as comprehensively evaluated is methodologically reliable for use in the justice system. Psychiatry Psychology and Law - Registration at source 13/8/2019 Research article Londonderry: Petrol bombs thrown in third night of violence More than 20 petrol bombs have been thrown during a third consecutive night of violence in Londonderry. BBC 13/8/2019 News “The Talk” Regarding Minority Youth Interactions With Police This mixed methods descriptive study is an effort to describe whether “The Talk” (regarding behavior during interactions with police) occurs equally in African American, Latino, and White families and to determine the content of these conversations. A sample of 307 university students, in three areas of Texas, were surveyed with closed and open-ended items. Data were analyzed quantitatively using descriptive statistics and t-test difference between proportion analyses and qualitatively through a process of coding to identify patterns and themes in the open-ended responses. The findings reveal that a majority (74%) of the youth surveyed have had “The Talk” with their parents/guardians, and this influences their perceptions of the police. Unsurprisingly, African Americans were found to be more fearful and distrustful of law enforcement than Whites and Latinos. Latinos shared many similar, more positive, perceptions of law enforcement with Whites in contrast to African Americans. Whites, however, evidenced the most faith in law enforcement and in the idea that their complaints about police misconduct would attain results. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice - Registration at source 13/8/2019 Research article 26 Avon and Somerset Police employees arrested since 2015 Fifteen officers and 11 police staff have been arrested in the last four years, which totals 0.6 per cent of their workforce. Gazette (Gloucestershire) 13/8/2019 News UK and Norway experts consulted in Royal Commission Members of the Royal Commission into the Christchurch Mosque Attacks have travelled to Norway and the United Kingdom to speak with high-level counter terrorism experts and senior police and intelligence officials. 13/8/2019 News Ban on drivers using hand-free ‘should be considered’ 'If mobile phone use while driving is to be as socially unacceptable as drink-driving, much more effort must go into educating drivers about the risks'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/8/2019 News France chases down British drivers: 76% of foreign police requests for UK drivers’ details for motoring offences come from the French Foreign police requested the details of 325,000 UK drivers over five months This is Money 13/8/2019 News Labour: £100m investment promise for prison security not a ‘get out of jail card’ for government Boris Johnson announcement to reverse 'crime factories is just timidly tinkering at the edges'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/8/2019 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. You do not need to be a member of the College to access its library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/8/2019 News Long-term commitment to fund tackling violent crime a ‘priority’, claim PCCs £35m handout from government a starter as spending review needs three-to-five year window of consistency Police Oracle - Subscription at source 13/8/2019 News First but not last: What the Met Police’s ICO Enforcement Notice means for policing The MPS is the first force to be issued an Enforcement Notice under the Data Protection Act 2018 but, warns Owen Sayers, an enterprise architect, privacy and security specialist with thirty years' experience in the CJS, it is unlikely to be the last. Here he examines Enforcement Notices in detail outlining what they mean for all police forces. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/8/2019 Opinion Drug-related crime rises by more than 50 per cent in Bournemouth Drug-related crime in Bournemouth has risen by more than 50 per cent in less than six years as gangs shift their operations from inner cities to market towns and the coast. Daily Echo (Bournemouth) 13/8/2019 News 13 Dorset Police staff arrested between 2015 and 2019 Dorset Police officers are among hundreds of those arrested each year for the crimes they are employed to tackle, new data has revealed. Bridport News 13/8/2019 News Ban drivers from using hands‑free phones, MPs demand Drivers should be banned from using their phones in hands-free mode, MPs have said, amid concerns that they are increasingly the cause of accidents. The Times - Subscription at source 13/8/2019 News Prisons: Boris Johnson pledges £100m to boost security Prisons in England and Wales are to receive £100m to improve security and cut crime, the government has said. BBC 13/8/2019 News Letter to the HASC confirming appointment of the Independent Reviewer of Prevent Letter from Home Secretary Priti Patel to Yvette Cooper MP, Chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee. Home Office 12/8/2019 News Lord Carlile to lead independent review of Prevent The government has announced the appointment of the Independent Reviewer of Prevent. Home Office 12/8/2019 News APCC response to funding announcement for violence reduction units APCC Serious Violence Lead Mark Burns-Williamson OBE and member of Serious Violence Task Force Chaired by the Home Secretary, said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 12/8/2019 News APCC response to Government stop and search announcement David Munro, the APCC Lead on Equality, Diversity and Human Rights (EDHR) and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey, said the following: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 12/8/2019 News «350135023503350435053506350735083509Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events