Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 69921 to 69940 «349334943495349634973498349935003501Next ›Last » Influential Women? Policing Styles in Online Recruitment Materials This article tests the temporal relationship between the representation of females in policing and organizational change toward community-oriented policing. This mixed methods study involves secondary data analysis of the 2013 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics survey, open-source data collection of online recruitment materials for 493 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics agencies, quantitative content analysis of a random sample of 131 departments, and Leximancer semantic mapping of the 493 departments’ materials. The two forms of content analysis focus on the particular emphases of “legalistic,” “watchman,” and “service” styles. The quantitative content analysis results largely support the temporal model, with the percent female sworn in a given department in 2013 significantly predicting whether that department’s 2018 recruitment materials focus on service or community-oriented policing content. The Leximancer semantic mapping results provide a more ambiguous picture, including legalistic through-line language around police work. Police Quarterly 20/8/2019 Research article Police drugs crackdown operations can do more harm than good – I’ve seen it New Home Secretary Priti Patel has promised a hardline approach to policing, with criminals feeling "terror". But do such approaches have the desired effect? Dr Will Mason of the University of Sheffield shows how one drugs crackdown in a northern city was seen by local residents as damaging trust and exacerbating the community's problems. Policing Insight 20/8/2019 Analysis Police ICT: The grass isn’t necessarily greener in other forces Dissatisfaction with Police ICT is back in the news after Greater Manchester Police officers and staff voiced concerns about a major new system rolled out by the force. Former Greater Manchester Police ACC Ian Wiggett examines the challenges inherent in implementing a new police ICT system revealing that, regardless of the system, the grass isn't necessarily greener in other forces. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/8/2019 Opinion “They think it’s a phone call to God”: inside the looming crisis in British criminal forensics Research funding cuts, new reporting regulations and differences in each police force's approach are all worrying experts—and raising doubts about the future of justice in Britain Prospect 20/8/2019 Analysis, Feature Cultural Accommodation and the Policing of Aboriginal Communities: A Case Study of the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands The relationship between Aboriginal communities and police continues to be a pressing issue in contemporary debates about criminal justice reform in Australia. The Australian Law Reform Commission’s recent Pathways to Justice report offers a set of recommendations on how to interrupt the continuing cycle of Aboriginal people’s disproportionate susceptibility to arrest, police custody, and incarceration. Many of its recommendations are grounded in the principle of building more systematic forms of cultural accommodation and community collaboration into the culture of policing. Some of these principles are already adopted by Australian police authorities in programmes such as the employment of Aboriginal police liaison officers, the inclusion of cultural awareness education in the training of law enforcement personnel, and the guarantee of interpreter services. Focusing upon the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Lands and drawing upon the reported experiences of Anangu with police, this article examines the extent to which such reforms have transformed Aboriginal/police relations and worked to incorporate cultural difference into the culture of contemporary policing. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 20/8/2019 Research article Pensions update A number of members have approached us recently because they are confused by communications from organisations outside the PFEW relating to pensions. These communications relate to the recent pension discrimination cases and if a future outcome will result in a remedy for all or only for those who have begun a legal challenge. We feel it is necessary to clarify, in the interests of members. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 20/8/2019 News Senior Solicitor begins new role as Commissioner Senior Solicitor Michelle Macleod has taken up her position as Police Investigations & Review Commissioner (PIRC). Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 20/8/2019 News Delivering community justice An expert group focused on improving the delivery of community justice interventions will meet tomorrow (Wednesday 21 August) for the first time. Scottish Government 20/8/2019 News Police priorities consultation: easy read version Consultation paper seeking views on revised strategic police priorities, relating to the policing of Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority's functions. Scottish Government 20/8/2019 Report Assurance Review of progress on recommendations from ‘An Independent Review of Football Policing in Scotland’ This assurance review is structured to give summary detail on progress against each of the 18 recommendations contained in “An Independent Review of Football Policing in Scotland” which was commissioned by the Chief Constable of Police Scotland following several high profile incidents in the 2018/19 football season and was published earlier this year. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 20/8/2019 Report Policing of football in Scotland delivered effectively The public can be assured that Police Scotland is adept at managing the many football fixtures held across the country and all manner of other high profile events, states a report published today(Tuesday, August 20). HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland (HMICS) 20/8/2019 News Surveillance cameras: Debating the technology is redundant, the real issue is how the data is used In response to Professor Webster's article calling for an urgent debate on CCTV, former deputy CIO for the MPS and now Global Safety Adviser for Huawei Andrew Watson says the focus shouldn't be on the technology, but how the data is used. The views expressed in this article are Andrew's and do not necessarily reflect Huawei. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/8/2019 Analysis Deputy chief urges action to move society forward after dissident attack Many of us sense things are becoming more entrenched and progress made is now slipping back'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/8/2019 News Chief: I cannot sit idly by as my officers are exposed to increasing levels of violence Force vows to issue Tasers to everyone on the frontline. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 20/8/2019 News Shutting strip clubs ‘endangers workers’ Women’s lives will be endangered if councils force lapdancing clubs underground, according to a retired police officer who freed prostitutes from the risk of prosecution 20 years ago. The Times - Subscription at source 20/8/2019 News Scottish Police Federation ‘disappointed’ commission could not look into impact on law enforcement The Scottish Police Federation has warned vulnerable people risk being failed if the impact of drugs on law enforcement is not further investigated. The Courier (Scotland) 20/8/2019 News More chiefs must make Taser roll-out pledge Not enough chief constables are showing commitment to allow all officers to carry a Taser if they wish to do so and this must change now, urges the Police Federation National Chair. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 20/8/2019 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. You do not need to be a member of the College to access its library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 20/8/2019 News Rise of football hooliganism sees return to 1980s violence Football hooliganism is returning, with police describing a "steady and worrying" increase in the type of violence seen in the 1970s and 80s. The Times - Subscription at source 20/8/2019 News Fermanagh bombing the latest in series of dissident attempts to kill police officers Police and a British army bomb disposal team enticed to the area with a hoax device. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 20/8/2019 News «349334943495349634973498349935003501Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events