Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 69861 to 69880 «349034913492349334943495349634973498Next ›Last » Interview: Humza Yousaf MSP Yousaf has been asked by Westminster whether the police forces in Scotland might be pooled as a last resort in the event of any consequences from a no-deal Brexit. Cherwell 20/8/2019 News PACE codes C and H: guide to the changes in the 2019 revised codes Extracts from the 2019 Revised Codes of Practice C and H which come into effect on 21st August 2019. Home Office 20/8/2019 Report Police chief calls on public to stop filming when ‘they’re getting a kicking’ Police say youngsters should be using phones to call for help not filming Daily Star 20/8/2019 News PACE Code H 2019 Revised code of practice in connection with detention, treatment and questioning by police officers under the Terrorism Act 2000. Home Office 20/8/2019 Report More chiefs must make Taser roll-out pledge Not enough chief constables are showing commitment to allow all officers to carry a Taser if they wish to do so and this must change now, urges the Police Federation National Chair. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 20/8/2019 News PACE Code C 2019 Requirements for the detention, treatment and questioning of suspects not related to terrorism in police custody. Home Office 20/8/2019 Report Northamptonshire Police to arm all officers with Tasers Tasers will be issued to every frontline officer in a police force in response to a "rising level of violence" against emergency services. BBC 20/8/2019 News CPS investigates GMP officers after man found unresponsive in police van Manchester officers could face criminal charges after Andre Moura was pronounced dead in hospital The Guardian 20/8/2019 News Chief constable has considered issuing Tasers to all officers since 2012 The decision to issue all frontline Northamptonshire Police officers with conducted energy devices (Tasers) was influenced by the brutal killing of two Greater Manchester Police officers seven years ago. Police Professional 20/8/2019 News Former Army officer appointed new Deputy Chief Constable of Durham Constabulary A former Army officer has been appointed as the new Deputy Chief Constable of Durham Constabulary. The Northern Echo 20/8/2019 News How is 5G benefiting the UK’s emergency services? In this article Danny Longbottom, Director Local Government & Health at BT, discusses the benefits of 5G for the UK’s emergency services – in the case of the ambulance service specifically Open Access Government 20/8/2019 Analysis, Feature Police to trial new online portal for shops and businesses Cheshire Constabulary is set to trial a new scheme which allows shops and businesses, which have been victims of crime, to easily upload evidence straight the police website. Guardian (Winsford and Middlewich) 20/8/2019 News Tasers must be funded for frontline police officers after violent attacks, government told Tasers must be given to frontline police officers following a spate of violent attacks, the government has been told. The Independent 20/8/2019 News Tory mayoral candidate criticised after it emerged he said increasing police numbers ‘useless’ in deterring criminals Conservative London mayoral candidate Shaun Bailey has been criticised after it emerged he had argued that increasing police numbers was "useless" in deterring criminals. The Independent 20/8/2019 News Monitoring of mobile phones – rights groups challenge police The refusal by police forces to disclose whether they are exploiting covert surveillance technology to track mobile phones is to be challenged at a tribunal next week. The Guardian 20/8/2019 News Boris Johnson’s stop and search knife claim “We took about 11,000 knives off the streets of London with stop and search” Channel 4 News 20/8/2019 Analysis, Feature Rights groups challenge UK police over mobile phone monitoring Activists seek to overturn ruling enabling police to avoid disclosing use of covert surveillance technology The Guardian 20/8/2019 News The Social Construction of Police Heroes This article deals with the social construction of police heroes, an important, but often neglected aspect in police research. The dramaturgical approach as developed by Goffman is used to understand how police heroes come into being and how they can fall into disgrace. The social construction of the police hero is studied first by looking at the person of Buford Pusser, a Tennessee sheriff in the 1960s and 1970s who has often been seen as the most famous American (police) hero. From the dramaturgical perspective three different patterns can be distinguished that can contribute to the instability of police heroism and that can result in the fall of the hero into disgrace. Finally, it is suggested that social meaning and practices of police heroism are highly dependent on their cultural context. International Journal of Police Science & Management 20/8/2019 Research article Influential Women? Policing Styles in Online Recruitment Materials This article tests the temporal relationship between the representation of females in policing and organizational change toward community-oriented policing. This mixed methods study involves secondary data analysis of the 2013 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics survey, open-source data collection of online recruitment materials for 493 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics agencies, quantitative content analysis of a random sample of 131 departments, and Leximancer semantic mapping of the 493 departments’ materials. The two forms of content analysis focus on the particular emphases of “legalistic,” “watchman,” and “service” styles. The quantitative content analysis results largely support the temporal model, with the percent female sworn in a given department in 2013 significantly predicting whether that department’s 2018 recruitment materials focus on service or community-oriented policing content. The Leximancer semantic mapping results provide a more ambiguous picture, including legalistic through-line language around police work. Police Quarterly 20/8/2019 Research article Police drugs crackdown operations can do more harm than good – I’ve seen it New Home Secretary Priti Patel has promised a hardline approach to policing, with criminals feeling "terror". But do such approaches have the desired effect? Dr Will Mason of the University of Sheffield shows how one drugs crackdown in a northern city was seen by local residents as damaging trust and exacerbating the community's problems. Policing Insight 20/8/2019 Analysis «349034913492349334943495349634973498Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events