Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98645 total results. Showing results 69801 to 69820 «348734883489349034913492349334943495Next ›Last » Police co-operation will fall away in hard Brexit Sixty years of improvements in police co-operation across Europe will “fall away” if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, the garda commissioner has said. The Times - Subscription at source 23/8/2019 News Hard border after Brexit will fuel rise in extremism, says Northern Ireland police chief A no-deal Brexit would exacerbate growing violence in Northern Ireland, according to the province’s police chief. The Times - Subscription at source 23/8/2019 News Chief: A hard Brexit’s going to fall on 60 years of policing co-operation Ex-PSNI deputy warns development of criminal justice togetherness will be hit by no-deal departure from EU. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/8/2019 News Victim-Survivors of rape don’t feel justice has been met, even if the accused goes to prison The Scottish criminal justice process leaves those who have reported a rape or serious sexual assault feeling marginalised and with little control regardless of their case’s outcome, a new study has found. The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) 22/8/2019 News No Deal Brexit could swell IRA ranks and see police attacks surge, Northern Ireland’s top cop warns A No Deal Brexit could see the IRA’s ranks swell and attacks on police surge, Northern Ireland’s top cop has warned. The Sun 22/8/2019 News Coroner urges Home Secretary to review domestic abuse laws after man bludgeons wife to death A coroner has urged the Home Secretary to review domestic abuse laws after a husband killed his estranged wife by letting himself into their property with keys the police had failed to seize. The Telegraph 22/8/2019 News Justice Journeys Informing policy and practice through lived experience of victim‐survivors of rape and serious sexual assault This report documents the journeys of the victim-survivors interviewed as they navigated the Scottish criminal justice system. It begins with the decision to report to the police and continues through to reporting, investigation, prosecution, trial and court verdict. The Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR) 22/8/2019 Report Evolving Justice Arrangements Post-Brexit Recommendations for Justice Cooperation that Prioritises Human Rights Protections Published by Joint Commission Established under Belfast (Good Friday) Agreement. 22nd August 2019 – A high level of North-South police cooperation is necessary for the safe enjoyment of human rights by all on the island of Ireland. This cooperation has been strongly underpinned by EU tools and measures. Any Brexit-related disruption to police cooperation could have serious consequences, new research published today shows. Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission 22/8/2019 Report More than 1,000 children caught carrying knives with youngest just four years old Lethal weapons seized by the police included machetes, hunting knives and even a samurai sword Mirror 22/8/2019 News We asked Greater Manchester Police and the mayor key questions about the force’s new computer system – this is what they said In the last few weeks the M.E.N. has reported on the fall-out from the new ‘iOPS’ network, which has led a stream of whistleblowers to contact us about their concerns. We put some of the most serious to Andy Burnham’s office Manchester Evening News 22/8/2019 News The Irish Times view on the Garda reform plan: now for the implementation Drew Harris has set out his big idea – but history shows that Garda reform plans are easier to draft than to execute The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 22/8/2019 Feature, Opinion All frontline police officers in Essex can apply to be taser-trained All frontline uniformed police officers in Essex are eligible to apply to become taser-trained, the force has confirmed. East Anglian Daily Times 22/8/2019 News NJ police launch strict ‘last resort’ use-of-force policy USA: The Camden County Police Department is rolling out a new use-of-force policy that is more restrictive than most others in the state, instructing police to only fire guns and use any other force only as a “last resort.” Police Chief J. Scott Thomson said the policy — which has at its core the “sanctity of human life” — should stand as a national model for other departments in a time when police force is being scrutinized more than ever. 22/8/2019 News No deal could see NI police call in support from GB, says chief constable A no-deal Brexit could see police in Northern Ireland calling in support from other forces in the UK to help manage the border, the region’s police chief has said. Irvine Times 22/8/2019 News No deal Brexit could lead to increased attacks on Northern Ireland police, country’s top officer warns A no-deal Brexit could increase the risk of attacks on police officers in Northern Ireland, the head of the country's police force has said. ITV News 22/8/2019 News Garda chief unveils plans to put more officers on frontline The head of An Garda Síochána (Irish police) has unveiled plans to put almost 1,800 more officers on the frontline. BBC 22/8/2019 News Police Scotland set to axe 750 officers to balance books Police Scotland faces losing 750 officers to balance its books as current workforce numbers are not sustainable within the force budget, Chief Constable Iain Livingstone has warned. Police Professional 22/8/2019 News Criminal Justice Joint Inspection business plan 2019/21 The Criminal Justice Chief Inspectors’ Group (CJCIG) has finalised its business plan. This sets out the programme of inspections of the Criminal Justice System (CJS) for 2019/21 in which two or more of our inspectorates will be working together. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/8/2019 Report Criminal Justice Joint Inspection Business Plan 2019/21 The Criminal Justice Chief Inspectors’ Group today publishes its business plan for the next two years. The business plan sets out the programme of inspections of the Criminal Justice System for 2019/21. These inspections will be led by two or more of the four Criminal Justice Joint Inspection inspectorates. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 22/8/2019 News Hard Brexit ‘could be trigger’ for recruits to North paramilitary groups PSNI chief constable says any Border checkpoints would be targets for dissident republicans. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 22/8/2019 News «348734883489349034913492349334943495Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events