Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98646 total results. Showing results 69521 to 69540 «347334743475347634773478347934803481Next ›Last » Merseyside improves child protection services after critical report Officers praised for making long term sustainable changes rather than quick fixes. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/9/2019 News Guiding hand The most talented police leaders do not always reach the top but those who do are unprepared for the challenging roles they fulfil, according to a report published by inspectorates in England, Wales and Scotland. Police Professional - Subscription at source 3/9/2019 Analysis, Feature Willmott Dixon picks up £45m police jobs Firm to build Merseyside HQ and Midlands control centre Building 3/9/2019 News Free driver awareness courses to be offered to Shropshire road users Free driver awareness courses are being offered to drivers in Shropshire as part of a campaign to make roads safer. Whitchurch Herald 3/9/2019 News New system to simplify and speed up modern slavery referrals Digitisation of National Referral Mechanism to support victims of modern slavery. Home Office 3/9/2019 News ‘I agreed because I was scared’: boy, 16, on county lines ordeal How a teenager from north London ended up selling drugs in the Cornish flat of a heroin addict The Guardian 3/9/2019 Analysis, Feature Boris Johnson could have confronted crime at its core. Instead he falls back on Tory scaremongering My time in prison showed me crime strongly correlates with poverty, addiction and mental ill health. More prison places and greater stop and search powers are simply the wrong solutions to these problems The Independent 3/9/2019 Feature, Opinion Police Federation Chair Says Officers Could ‘Absolutely’ Be Killed and Injured Without Tasers The Chair of the Police Federation says officers could “absolutely” lose their lives in situations where having a taser would save them. LBC 3/9/2019 News UK and Australia are co-operating to delete rise of digital criminals This week finds me a long way from London meeting my Australian federal and state counterparts in Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne. What has struck me most has been that despite the distance between us geographically, Britain and Australia have remarkably similar challenges to deal with. The Australian - Subscription at source 3/9/2019 Feature, Opinion Advances in technology risk turning society into a ‘ghastly Orwellian police state’, Met Commissioner warns Britain risks sleepwalking into a "ghastly, Orwellian, omniscient police state” unless it addresses the ethical dilemmas posed by new technologies such as facial recognition and artificial intelligence, the Met Commissioner has warned. The Telegraph 3/9/2019 News The Impact of Two Different Cultures on Juvenile Attitudes Toward the Police in China This study examines juvenile attitudes toward the police (JATP) from an unconventional angle by examining the possible effect of two different cultures along with more conventional factors typically associated with youth attitude formation. A unique feature of this study is the inclusion of measures of attachment to both the traditional Chinese culture and Western popular culture. The data were collected from 30 minority middle schools with more than 6,500 students in a southern autonomous region in China in 2014. The primary findings indicate that juveniles who are more firmly attached to the traditional Chinese culture and who show respect for parents/teachers tend to hold a more positive view of the police. In contrast, juveniles who endorse Western popular culture and are perceived as a fan of that culture are more likely to hold a negative view of the police, societal actors who are viewed as primary representatives of the mainstream culture. International Journal of Police Science & Management 3/9/2019 Research article Beyond body-worn video: The future of digital evidence management Storing, processing, and sharing multimedia files is nothing new for law enforcement. But until recently, the volume of digital content such as video, images, and audio was relatively limited, making it easier to manage. Today, as the amount and type of content captured expands, digital evidence management is at risk of becoming an overwhelming undertaking. Policing Insight 3/9/2019 News Report Watch: Leading Lights – the police service’s arrangements for the selection and development of chief officers The latest in our Report Watch series summarises the findings of a joint inspection by HMICFRS and HMICS into the arrangements surrounding how chief officers are selected and developed. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/9/2019 Analysis Global outlook: “There is a great deal that can be learned beyond the borders of the United Kingdom” HMICFRS and HMICS today published "Leading Lights", their report on selection and development of chief officers. CoPaCC CEO Bernard Rix, Publisher of Policing Insight and Founder of the World Class Policing Awards, sets out how UK policing can (and should) look to learn from good and best practice both overseas and from other disciplines - and vice versa. Policing Insight 3/9/2019 Opinion Police Governance Summit 2019: The challenges to delivering effective governance in the UK and Ireland The aim of effective governance in policing is to ensure oversight, accountability and transparency. Ireland, Scotland and England and Wales follow different models of governance, but, as Policing Insight's Keith Potter, found the issues they face are often very similar. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 3/9/2019 Analysis Police officers and the public support Taser roll out Police officers – and the public – have sent a clear message to the government saying they want more officers to carry Taser according to a new research carried out by the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) and broadcasters LBC. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 3/9/2019 News Children Bill published New legislation aims to ensure that children’s best interests are at the centre of every family law case and that children’s views are heard by the court. Scottish Government 3/9/2019 News Domestic abuse courts: report This report examines the effectiveness of Integrated Domestic Abuse Courts (IDACs) that use a ‘One Family, One Judge’ model. Scottish Government 3/9/2019 Report Family Justice Modernisation Strategy The Family Justice Modernisation Strategy results from the consultation last year on potential changes to Part 1 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 (the 1995 Act) and related matters. Part 1 of the 1995 Act covers parental responsibilities and rights. It also covers contact and residence cases relating to children when parents are separated or are not together. Scottish Government 3/9/2019 Report Selection and development of senior police officers is inconsistent and often ineffective, warns report Police forces do not always identify the best candidates for senior leadership positions because of questionable selection procedures, according to a new report. In addition, current training does not equip chief officers with the knowledge and skills they need to perform at their best. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 3/9/2019 News «347334743475347634773478347934803481Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events