Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98684 total results. Showing results 69341 to 69360 «346434653466346734683469347034713472Next ›Last » Citizens’ Accounts of Police Use of Force and Its Implication For Trust in the Police Despite a wealth of literature covering police abuse of power and excessive use of force in the developed West, a major challenge in socio-legal literature is the paucity of empirical research that accurately assess the same constructs in post-colonial African society. The few existing studies have shown that the police in developing countries are more likely to abuse their powers and are largely not accountable to the public. The current study presents an important attempt to empirically assess what is known and what needs to be learned to better understand and prevent police abuse and the use of excessive force; and how the use of force variables influence trust in the police. Since there is no single, universally agreed-upon definition of police use of force, in this current study a context-specific constructs that are peculiar to police-citizen relations in Nigeria were adopted for the data analysis. The result confirmed that police abuse and the use of excessive force have negative effect on trust in the police. The implications of these findings are discussed. Journal of Crime and Justice - Registration at source 10/9/2019 Research article Suicide By Cop: A New Perspective on An Old Phenomenon Suicide by cop (SbC) occurs when an individual purposely engages in threatening behavior toward police officers in an attempt to be killed. Previous studies have found the prototypical SbC subject is male, mid-30s, with disrupted relationships, and mental health concerns, although these studies have almost exclusively relied on officer involved shootings or public information as sources of data. To address the dearth of knowledge for SbC cases involving no force or less lethal force, 419 SbC cases from the Los Angeles Police Department Mental Evaluation Unit were analyzed. Results revealed similar frequencies with regard to subject characteristics as in the previous literature; however, substantial differences were seen across incident and outcome characteristics, with a much lower rate of injury and death. Thirteen variables were associated with differing levels of force. The results of the present study paint a more positive picture of SbC outcomes for police and subjects alike. Police Quarterly 10/9/2019 Research article Public sector ‘should make more of space data’ The public sector has been urged to make more use of space and satellite technology and data in a report published in advance of the launch of the National Space Council. 10/9/2019 News World Suicide Prevention Day Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) have a public platform, which means we can play an important role in raising awareness of serious issues and events, including suicide, and remind people there is support out there for anyone in this difficult situation and for those people unfortunately bereaved by suicide. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 10/9/2019 News Extra 20,000 officers ‘not the sole answer’ to meet rising demand: police chief Martin Hewitt, who is leading the national recruitment drive for thousands more police officers, said boosting numbers ‘is not the answer on its own’. Jersey Evening Post 10/9/2019 News Rise in police assaults in Edinburgh and Lothians prompt taser call Injuries suffered by police officers while on duty in the Lothians are at the highest rate for five years, figures obtained by the Evening News reveal. Edinburgh News 10/9/2019 News Police target uninsured drivers in national campaign Police Scotland are currently carrying out a week of enforcement activity to seize uninsured drivers’ vehicles and improve road safety. The Falkirk Herald 10/9/2019 News The number of people who died during and after contact with Humberside Police All police forces are required to refer incidents involving deaths or serious injuries to the IOPC Grimsby Live 10/9/2019 News World Class Policing Awards: Shortlisted nominations announced Following rigorous judging of over 100 UK and overseas entries to the inaugural World Class Policing Awards, the shortlist of nominations has now been finalised! See if your force has made the final cut. Policing Insight 10/9/2019 News Britain foiled 22 attacks since March 2017: Top counter-terrorism officer Potential threats that the majority concern British officers embody returning troopers and right-wing terrorism Herald Publicist 10/9/2019 News Creggan bomb ‘attempt to kill police officers’ A bomb in Londonderry was an attempt by dissident republican group the New IRA to murder police officers, the PSNI has said. BBC 10/9/2019 News Police Foundation launches major review of policing First comprehensive review since 1962 Royal Commission to look at structure of policing, capabilities and public expectations. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/9/2019 News ‘First for policing’ menopause guidance issued to force Guidance published by the NPCC aims to help forces support police staff suffering from condition. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/9/2019 News Rethink victim approach Dame Vera Baird tells service Senior police have been urged to change the way their forces work with crime victims. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/9/2019 News Live Blog: Police Superintendents’ Association Conference 2019 – Day Two Live Blog: This year's Police Superintendents' Association Conference takes place in Stratford upon Avon. It's day two of the conference which will feature HMCIC Sir Tom Winsor on the state of policing, followed by the launch of the most comprehensive and independent review of policing for years by the Police Foundation. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 10/9/2019 News Conservatives pick former army officer as candidate to be Norfolk’s next police and crime commissioner A former army officer is the Conservative pick to become the next police and crime commissioner for Norfolk. Eastern Daily Press 10/9/2019 News Priti Patel vows to bring the full force of the law down on those who attack police officers Home Secretary Priti Patel has called for urgent action over assaults on police with tougher punishments for the “monsters” who attack officers. The Sun 10/9/2019 News Priti Patel pledges boost for law and order The home secretary told senior police officers yesterday that she is “ashamed” at the lack of support for officers in an attack on the Conservative government’s record since 2010. The Times - Subscription at source 10/9/2019 News Police can’t do what public expects, admits Chief Superintendent Paul Griffiths Policing is in crisis and officers are no longer able to deliver the service the public expects, a senior officer said as he gave his backing for an independent strategic review. The Times - Subscription at source 10/9/2019 News Shamed Action Fraud will lose public contracts A big outsourcing company hired by the police to run the Action Fraud call centre will be blocked from government contracts after an investigation by The Times, the chief executive of the civil service said yesterday. The Times - Subscription at source 10/9/2019 News «346434653466346734683469347034713472Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events