Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98687 total results. Showing results 69181 to 69200 «345634573458345934603461346234633464Next ›Last » New DCC appointed at force put on special measures New deputy completes role reversal with Cleveland's top officer. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/9/2019 News Police officers raise concerns about ‘biased’ AI data Police officers have raised concerns about using "biased" artificial-intelligence tools, a report commissioned by one of the UK government's advisory bodies reveals. BBC 16/9/2019 News Reports of county lines child exploitation likely to increase, say police Officers using modern slavery legislation to crack down on underreported phenomenon The Guardian 16/9/2019 News Week-long knife crime initiative begins All forces will take part in Operation Sceptre as part of a national campaign to reduce offending. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/9/2019 News Towards A Socio-Technical Understanding of Discretion: A Case Study of Taser and Police Use of Force Using a case study of the ‘less lethal’ electric-shock weapon the Taser in English and Welsh policing, this article argues that the notion of discretion as an arena in which police officers are able to exercise free will can be overstated. Drawing on insights from Science and Technology Studies, it is argued that discretionary decisions may well be structured not only by the human agency but also by the presence and agency of nonhumans and the socio-technical networks within which they are embedded. Whilst existing work has recognised the human and societal influences impacting officer decision making, this article draws on Science and Technology Studies to argue there are merits to a distinctly socio-technical approach to discretion. Broader implications for discretion by police officers and other ‘street level bureaucrats’, for STS and criminology and for policies around Taser are also discussed. Policing and Society 16/9/2019 Research article An Empirical Assessment of the Sources of Police Job Satisfaction Dissatisfied workers are at risk for negative occupational behaviors such as job turnover, poor performance, work avoidance, decreased morale among coworkers, and physical or legal liability. Relying heavily on demographic (e.g., sex, race, education) and occupational (e.g., rank, experience, assignment) explanatory factors, early empirical studies failed to effectively model the statistical correlates of police officer job satisfaction. Recent inquiries have found more success in explaining the variation in job satisfaction by examining a variety of work-related attitudes. The current study adds to this burgeoning area of research by assessing the role of internal and external dimensions of the work environment, as well as views of fairness and effectiveness, on the job satisfaction of police officers. Based on survey data from a midsized municipal police department in Florida, the multivariate analysis reveals a number of successful predictors of job satisfaction, especially for those officers with a street-level assignment. A second analysis, based on qualitative coding of open-ended survey questions, finds differences in positive and negative features of the occupation across varying levels of satisfied and dissatisfied respondents. Implications of these findings for police practitioners and researchers are discussed. Police Quarterly 16/9/2019 Research article New task force and drone unit funded by council tax precept Lancashire's PCC says using proceeds of crime and local tax powers 'only way' to fund new unit. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/9/2019 News Tabletop exercise at Europol on terrorist content dissemination online The EU Internet Referral Unit (EU IRU), EU Member States, third countries and online service providers (OSPs) are joining forces to strengthen global action in the fight against terrorism online. Europol 16/9/2019 News Monthly roundup – August 2019 In January 2018, we established the IOPC Youth Panel, made up of a diverse group of 25 young people from across England and Wales. Young people are less likely to make a complaint about the police, and less likely to be confident that it will be dealt with effectively if they do. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 16/9/2019 News All police forces to join week long intensification against knife crime All police forces will be intensifying their work against knife crime this week as a national operation gets underway which will see forces use a range of tactics like intelligence led stop and search and weapons sweeps. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 16/9/2019 News Spotting trauma young helps prevent offending Work in South Wales on “adverse childhood experiences” is paying rich dividends, according to Sir Tom Winsor. The Times - Subscription at source 16/9/2019 Analysis, Feature Police take action after more people found carrying knives ‘for protection or respect’ in Lincolnshire The number of knife crime incidents including assaults and robbery has also risen. Lincolnshire Live 16/9/2019 News County lines: Where the drugs go, case by case From crack cocaine to heroin and from Cornwall to Cumbria, here are some of the past year’s most high-profile cases. The Guardian 16/9/2019 Analysis, Feature Police fear bias in use of artificial intelligence to fight crime UK report warns that algorithms might judge disadvantaged people as ‘a greater risk’ Financial Times 16/9/2019 News Police watchdog chief blasts UK justice system as ‘dysfunctional and broken’ and blames ‘corrosive effects’ of pornography for fuelling violent crime The criminal justice system is 'dysfunctional, broken and on the floor', the head of the police watchdog said last night. Mail Online 16/9/2019 News County lines: Drug dealers ‘pretend to be uni students’ Gang members are enrolling in universities and masquerading as students in order to sell drugs in new cities, an academic has warned. BBC 16/9/2019 News Third of crime reports are shelved within hours – including HALF of thefts and burglaries, figures reveal Cops are failing to investigate hundreds of thousands of crimes with A THIRD of all those reported written off in just 24 hours. The Sun 16/9/2019 News Predictive policing poses discrimination risk, thinktank warns Machine-learning algorithms could replicate or amplify bias on race, sexuality and age The Guardian 16/9/2019 News Sir Tom Winsor: We are paying for our failure to prevent crime Prevention is better than cure. This is true everywhere — in health, conflict resolution, construction, environmental protection and so many other fields of human activity where things can and do go wrong. In policing, Sir Robert Peel’s first and ninth principles confirm this. In 1829, he said: “The basic mission for which the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder; the test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of police action in dealing with it”. The Times - Subscription at source 16/9/2019 News Prison system is brutal and broken, says watchdog The head of the police watchdog has described the criminal justice system as dysfunctional, broken and on the floor and criticised it for jailing too many mentally ill people. The Times - Subscription at source 16/9/2019 News «345634573458345934603461346234633464Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events