Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98694 total results. Showing results 69101 to 69120 «345234533454345534563457345834593460Next ›Last » Facial recognition: Labour vows to regulate ‘lawless’ technology if it wins power in next election The Liberal Democrats and the Green Party have also given their backing to legal regulation, which has so far been refused by the Conservative government. The Independent 18/9/2019 News MPS teams up with Facebook to tackle live-streaming of terrorist attacks Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) firearms officers are to share video footage of training exercises with Facebook to help the social media platform develop technology to prevent the live-streaming of terrorist attacks and mass shootings. Police Professional 18/9/2019 News Civil service Specials recruitment scheme extended to MI5 The Home Office is using the carrot of dedicated paid leave to encourage civil servants including MI5 to become Special Constables. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/9/2019 News Police chiefs order officers to stop publishing sinister images of knives Thames Valley and Surrey Police will stop publishing photographs of knives. They want to 'reduce fear of knives and knife carrying in our communities'. Mail Online 18/9/2019 News Garda Commissioner reveals Ireland moving armed police to secure border for Brexit Commissioner Drew Harris warned about the strains on policing an upsurge in dissident attacks. The London Economic 18/9/2019 News UK police warn of bias in AI tools Legal pitfalls and the potential to point resources in the wrong area make law enforcement wary of the tech. IT PRO 18/9/2019 News Animal rights activists pose rising threat to farmers A senior police officer has warned that animal rights activists pose an increasing threat to farmers – and are sharing information about tactics against the livestock sector with other protest groups. Farmers Weekly 18/9/2019 News APCC response to £5m increase for rape and sexual abuse victims Response to Government announcement on £5m increase for rape and sexual abuse victims and on the appointment of Nicole Jacobs as the first Domestic Abuse Commissioner, from APCC Victims Leads, Julia Mulligan, North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and Sophie Linden, London’s Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 18/9/2019 News Whistleblowers say the new GMP computer system iOPS is letting criminals walk free GMP say problems with iOPS are either exaggerated or being resolved. But two-and-a-half months after it launched, officers are still calling it ‘horrendous’ - while one magistrate has dubbed it ‘a national scandal’ Manchester Evening News 18/9/2019 News Spider-Man type restraint touted for use by UK police causes alarm Gadget entangles suspects in fibre and billed by US maker as painless alternative to Taser The Guardian 18/9/2019 News Tory MP refuses to say if domestic abuse bill will ban cross-examination of victims Victoria Atkins fails to confirm that new bill will contain key measure in original proposal The Guardian 18/9/2019 News Hard Brexit would put officers’ lives at risk, says Northern Ireland police chief Simon Byrne says his officers could be killed if they had to patrol border checkpoints The Guardian 18/9/2019 News Algorithmic Justice: Algorithms and Big Data in Criminal Justice Settings The article focuses on big data, algorithmic analytics and machine learning in criminal justice settings, where mathematics is offering a new language for understanding and responding to crime. It shows how these new tools are blurring contemporary regulatory boundaries, undercutting the safeguards built into regulatory regimes, and abolishing subjectivity and case-specific narratives. After presenting the context for ‘algorithmic justice’ and existing research, the article shows how specific uses of big data and algorithms change knowledge production regarding crime. It then examines how a specific understanding of crime and acting upon such knowledge violates established criminal procedure rules. It concludes with a discussion of the socio-political context of algorithmic justice. European Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 18/9/2019 Research article Terrorizing Police: Revisiting ‘the Policing of Terrorism’ From the Perspective of Danish Police Detectives A common conclusion in criminology is that fears of terrorism are being (mis)used. The media have used them to market their products, politicians to promote themselves as protectors, and the police have profited through being granted increased powers and resources. Some scholars even argue that one outcome has been a growing militarization of the police. This article revisits this debate. It does so by taking an ethnographic look at how the war on terror has affected a number of Danish police detectives’ daily work. In doing so, the paper shows how the idea that police (mostly) benefit from the war on terror somewhat misses the mark – at least when seen from the perspective of frontline officers. As the article demonstrates, rather than mobilizing Danish detectives, terrorism most often makes them feel mired. European Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 18/9/2019 Research article Pre-Crime and Policing of Migrants: Anticipatory Action Meets Management of Concerns In 2015 the Norwegian police initiated its first national intelligence project—Operation Migrant. One central aim was to predict crime challenges related to increased migration to improve future resource allocation. Based on qualitative interviews with those managing the operation, this article foregrounds the question of how attempts to reduce uncertainties and manage what is perceived as migration-related threats and risks, shape not only ideas of risk in policing of migration but also influence the importance of precautionary logic in regular policing. First, we analyse how knowledge production built on risk management and sharing of risk intelligence products are co-produced by intelligence staff and decision-makers. Thereafter, we discuss paradoxical outcomes of a calculated and precautionary logic applied to policing migrants. Concretely, the article focuses on how anticipatory knowledge practices seem to enlarge the space for probabilities, making it even more complex and contested to reduce and control uncertainty. Theoretical Criminology 18/9/2019 Research article Court modernisation programme is a ‘work in progress’ Work with Offenders asks whether in future those not directly involved in a particular case will get to see our criminal justice system in operation. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/9/2019 News Armed police unit to be moved to Irish border in Brexit preparation Garda Commissioner Drew Harris said they are in a high state of planning and preparation. Belfast Telegraph 18/9/2019 Blog: What we’re doing to boost officer wellbeing Today I’ll be speaking at the Emergency Services show where I’ll be highlighting just how important it is to look after both your mental and physical health in and around the job; something I know very well being a police officer myself for 17 years. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 18/9/2019 News Ex-police chief ‘is wrong about Catholic schools fuelling bigotry’, says historian Sir Tom Devine Obstinate bigots are to blame for resurgent sectarianism in Scotland rather than Catholic schools, according to a leading historian. The Times - Subscription at source 18/9/2019 News Facebook to use Met Police firearms videos to detect live-streamed terror attacks Facebook is to use footage from police body cameras to develop technology which can detect videos of shootings and prevent terror attacks being broadcast live online. The Independent 18/9/2019 News «345234533454345534563457345834593460Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events