Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98722 total results. Showing results 68881 to 68900 «344134423443344434453446344734483449Next ›Last » Home Office announces £10 million for Taser uplift The additional ring-fenced funding will significantly increase the number of officers carrying the devices in England and Wales. Home Office 27/9/2019 News Significant win for Federation as Government funds Taser uplift After months of campaigning by the Federation, chiefs now have the ring-fenced funding needed for a wider roll-out of Taser. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 27/9/2019 News APCC response to Taser uplift announcement Katy Bourne: "This news comes at a time when assaults on police officers are one of the most serious topical policing issues nationally." Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 27/9/2019 News Taser £10m uplift to increase ‘carry total by 10,000’ Home Secretary 'appalled by officer assaults' acts with additional ring-fenced funding. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/9/2019 News Cleveland Police Chief Constable: ‘Stop me and talk to me’ Cleveland Police's Chief Constable wants communities in Cleveland to help the force improve after a report found its catalogue of failings has been "putting the public at risk". BBC 27/9/2019 News Damning Northamptonshire Police report: ‘Bold and unprecedented’ call for funding from inspectors welcomed by force bosses The 'bold and unprecedented' call for more central funding for Northamptonshire Police by inspectors who criticised the force was welcomed by bosses. Northampton Chronicle & Echo 27/9/2019 News Police chiefs criticise £10m Taser rollout Government to announce ringfenced funding despite concerns over stun gun use The Guardian 27/9/2019 News Cleveland Police: Five key failings at crisis-hit force Cleveland Police has become the first force in England and Wales to be rated inadequate across all areas of performance. The police watchdog went so far as to say it is "putting the public at risk" - so what are its key failings? BBC 27/9/2019 Analysis, Feature Response to HMICFRS abuse of power for sexual gain report As the police inspectorate publishes a report focusing on officers who abuse their power for sexual gain, the Police Federation cautions that the actions of a tiny few should not sully the reputation of the vast majority of officers who would never act in such a deplorable way. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 27/9/2019 News APCC response to HMICFRS Spotlight Reports Responding to the PEEL spotlight report - Shining a light on betrayal: Abuse of position for a sexual purpose, APCC Transparency and Integrity Lead, Julia Mulligan PFCC said: Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 27/9/2019 News Dorset Police facing £1m shortfall following overspends Dorset Police is facing a shortfall of almost £1million in its combined revenue and capital budgets by the end of the financial year. Dorset Echo 27/9/2019 News The ‘deeply troubling’ number of rape victims who have not yet had justice There were 1,853 reports of rape made to Thames Valley Police (TVP) in 2018/2019 – but only 61 people were convicted of the crime in the same period, according to the latest figures from the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). Berkshire Live 27/9/2019 News Government inspector raises ‘serious concerns’ over end of Warwickshire Police alliance with West Mercia An annual assessment by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) found the force ‘requires improvement’ in operating efficiently and providing services to the public. Coventry Observer 27/9/2019 News Is Boris Johnson fuelling far-right terror threat? Far-right extremists have hailed Boris Johnson's aggressive stance against Parliament, amid accusations his increasingly vitriolic rhetoric poses a very real threat to MPs safety and risks igniting Britain’s Brexit “inferno”. The Week 27/9/2019 News Yorkshire police force is the most improved in the country as Chief Constable admits it is no longer in a ‘bad place’ South Yorkshire Police has become the most improved force in the country for three consecutive years, a latest inspection by the police watchdog has revealed. The Yorkshire Post 27/9/2019 News South Wales Police rated ‘Good’ across the board by Inspectors Inspectors have again praised South Wales Police for its performance in responding to crime and protecting people – rating it among the top forces out of those most recently inspected. Wales 24/7 27/9/2019 News Sexual predators could be working as police officers because of poor vetting procedures Tens of thousands of police officers and staff have not had the proper vetting clearance which could root out sexual predators. Yahoo! 27/9/2019 News North Wales Police dealing with increasing number of modern slavery cases Police in North Wales are dealing with an increasing number of cases involving modern slavery and human trafficking. 27/9/2019 News Mind the gap: corruption is not just about abuse of position for sex Fortunately for the police service in this country serious corruption is a fringe activity indulged in by a minority of the workforce. Most officers and staff are hard working and honest. But every now and then a case comes up that has officers shaking their heads in disbelief. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/9/2019 News More than 60 police staff given university tuition fee funds College of Policing says bursary will allow police to 'develop and contribute to evidence-based policing'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/9/2019 News «344134423443344434453446344734483449Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events