Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98722 total results. Showing results 68821 to 68840 «343834393440344134423443344434453446Next ›Last » South Yorkshire Police – Joint inspection of police custody This inspection into South Yorkshire Police is one of a series on police custody inspections carried out jointly by HMI Prisons and HMICFRS. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 1/10/2019 Report Cleveland PCC Barry Coppinger will not stand for re-election Cleveland's police and crime commissioner has announced he will not be seeking re-election in May 2020. BBC 1/10/2019 News Police watchdog HMIC praises progress by Hertfordshire Constabulary A police watchdog has praised Hertfordshire Constabulary for improving its performance. Bishop's Stortford Independent 1/10/2019 News Commissioner of Britain’s ‘worst police force’ Cleveland who was accused of abandoning town to criminals finally agrees to quit PCC Barry Coppinger faced calls to resign after the force was rated inadequate. Mail Online 1/10/2019 News Intimate Partner Homicide: Tracking the eight stages of risk escalation Following the publication of her research into Intimate Partner Homicides, Dr Jane Monckton-Smith outlines the eight stages of escalation that result in an Intimate Partner Homicide, demonstrating this is a highly predictable crime and debunking the traditional "crime of passion" narrative that often surrounds it. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 1/10/2019 Analysis Priti Patel vows crackdown on crime blighting Britain: ‘Criminals we’re coming after you!’ Evoking the spirit of Margaret Thatcher, she will insist that the Tories are once again the party of law and order. Express 1/10/2019 News Ex-deputy police chief Tom Wood backs ‘sexist’ inspector An outspoken former deputy chief constable backed a “straight-talking” police officer who prompted an employment tribunal by suggesting that female firearms officers should be accompanied by men. The Times - Subscription at source 1/10/2019 News More prison time for rapists and killers Rapists and others convicted of serious offences will spend longer in prison under plans to end the automatic release of inmates halfway through their sentences. The Times - Subscription at source 1/10/2019 News Fighting crime is our priority, vows Priti Patel as she echoes Margaret Thatcher Priti Patel will tell criminals today “we are coming after you” as she seeks to reassert the Tories’ reputation as the “party of law and order”. The Times - Subscription at source 1/10/2019 News South Yorkshire Police ordered to improve custody arrangements South Yorkshire Police has been told to take "immediate action" on how it deals with children in custody after one was held for eight hours without review, a report found. Doncaster Free Press 1/10/2019 News Facial recognition checks ‘too lax’ Scotland’s new biometrics watchdog must ensure that “dangerously irresponsible” facial recognition software does not single out ethnic minorities, the police inspectorate has said. The Times - Subscription at source 1/10/2019 News Sobriety tags will alert police when an offender drinks Criminals with alcohol problems will be fitted with “sobriety tags” that alert police when they drink, under plans to cut reoffending. The Times - Subscription at source 1/10/2019 News The biggest govtech deals of the week (29/9/19) The Scottish Government has issued a £20m tender for digital evidence sharing software. The tender is being carried out on behalf of Police Scotland, the Crown Office, the Scottish Courts and the Tribunal Services among others. The contract is set to remain in place for five years. The New Statesman 30/9/2019 News New armed support unit for border region begins operations A new armed support unit to police the border region is to begin operations in Cavan-Monaghan on Monday. The Irish Times (Republic of Ireland) 30/9/2019 News Embattled PCC changes his mind on standing for re-election Cleveland chief 'must be able to get on in the job without distractions'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 30/9/2019 News Thousands of police trained to spot childhood trauma How do you tackle the problem of young people falling into a life of crime? One of the approaches being adopted across the UK has been more awareness of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). BBC 30/9/2019 News Whatsapp ‘Back door’ could allow police to snoop on private messages A new treaty between the UK and the US will force Facebook to share encrypted WhatsApp messages with British police, according to reports. The Independent 30/9/2019 News PCC with motor neurone disease urges law change on assisted dying Ron Hogg to consider 'end-of-life decisions in the next two or three weeks'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 30/9/2019 News I read 147 Facebook updates across seven pages to see how the Whaley Bridge dam crisis was communicated The Whaley Bridge crisis could have been a disaster - but strong communications work by the emergency services helped keep a community together. Dan Slee, co-founder of comms2point0, looks at the social media effort to show where it all went right. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/9/2019 Analysis Can diversifying the police reduce racial disparities in Stop and Search? Racial disparities in stop and search has hit the headlines once again in response to an upsurge in violent crime. Dr Rashid Minhas of the University of West London suggests that a lack of diversity in police forces themselves could be contributing to the difference in experiences of stop and search. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 30/9/2019 Opinion «343834393440344134423443344434453446Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events