Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 68741 to 68760 «343434353436343734383439344034413442Next ›Last » Met police admits it lacks records of King’s Cross face matches London's Metropolitan Police Service says it does not have any records of the outcomes of a facial recognition tie-up with a private firm in the city. BBC 4/10/2019 News 4 October 2019 news Police ‘boys’ club’ accused of bullying women officers/Analysis: Do police problems prove there is Life on Mars? Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 4/10/2019 News Police support Government calls on Facebook to pause encryption efforts Last night (Thursday 3 October) the Home Secretary Priti Patel signed an agreement that will enable British law enforcement to directly ask for electronic data relating to serious criminals from US tech firms rather than through governments. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 4/10/2019 News Open letter to Mark Zuckerberg The letter concerns Facebook's proposals to apply end-to-end encryption to all its messaging services. Home Office 4/10/2019 News UK and US sign landmark Data Access Agreement Home Secretary Priti Patel last night (Thursday 3 October) signed an historic agreement that will enable British law enforcement agencies to directly demand electronic data relating to terrorists, child sexual abusers and other serious criminals from US tech firms. Home Office 4/10/2019 News Controversy around the Manchester bombing inquests show our intelligence services must be more accountable How does anyone know that failings and embarrassment around the attack are not a bigger reason for secrecy than any genuine risk to national security? The Independent - Subscription at source 4/10/2019 Feature, Opinion UK and US sign landmark agreement to fast-track access to data from technology companies US and British law enforcement agencies will be able to demand electronic data relating to terrorists, child sexual abusers and other serious criminals directly from technology firms based in either country. Police Professional 4/10/2019 News Female officers’ group looks to dispel role ‘myths’ in recruit drive Campaign aims to challenge stereotyping by showing the variety of roles women perform within policing. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/10/2019 News ‘Impossible’ to police 300 crossing points on Irish border PSNI chief takes legal route as he tells PM officers will not carry out customs checks. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/10/2019 News Priti Patel orders Met inquiry over VIP paedophile claims case Letter to HMICFRS coincides with New Scotland Yard releasing more details of previously redacted review. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/10/2019 News Commissioners call for answers on new recruits Crime commissioners have demanded clarity on allocation and funding of new police recruits. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/10/2019 News UK police to get faster access to messenger app data Home Secretary warns Facebook over encryption after signing transatlantic agreement. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/10/2019 News What are sobriety tags? Work with Offenders explains the concept and evidence behind the alcohol monitoring tagging system. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 4/10/2019 News Lawyer: I warned Met Police over VIP paedophile claims case Ben Emmerson, counsel to the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, said he interviewed Carl Beech in 2015 and was sceptical about his claims. Belfast Telegraph 4/10/2019 News More than 200,000 calls to Gloucestershire police abandoned in four years as waiting times rocket A Gloucestershire Constabulary spokesman said it has had to focus on emergency 999 calls Gloucestershire Live 4/10/2019 News PSNI ‘need more officers to police border’ Northern Ireland’s most senior police officer has told Boris Johnson that it will be “nigh-on impossible” to police the Irish border without more officers. The Times - Subscription at source 4/10/2019 News Facebook encryption threatens public safety, says minister UK Home Secretary Priti Patel has sent an open letter to Facebook calling on the firm to rethink its plans to encrypt all messages on its platforms. BBC 4/10/2019 News Met ignored warning that VIP paedophile witness was lying Ben Emmerson QC said Beech’s ‘inherently implausible’ claims had ‘ring of outlandish fabrication’ The Guardian 4/10/2019 News Scotland becomes first country in UK to ban smacking of children Member’s bill removing defence of ‘justifiable assault’ passed overwhelmingly. The Guardian 3/10/2019 News CNC appoints former soldier as its new deputy chief constable Chris Armitt's appointment ends six-month search to fill vacant role. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 3/10/2019 News «343434353436343734383439344034413442Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events