Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 68701 to 68720 «343234333434343534363437343834393440Next ›Last » Operation Midland: Only one officer spoke to investigation into police failures Exclusive: revelation at odds with police’s claim that they cooperated with inquiry The Guardian 6/10/2019 News Counter-terror police running secret Prevent database Exclusive: Details of thousands referred to programme can be viewed without their knowledge The Guardian 6/10/2019 News Prevent strategy: your questions answered How does UK’s controversial anti-radicalisation programme work and why is it criticised The Guardian 6/10/2019 Analysis, Feature Report highlights lack of vetting of police after Cheshire constable raped young girl Tens of thousands of police officers and staff are working without the proper vetting clearance which could help root out sexual predators abusing their position in forces, inspectors have warned, highlighting the case of a Cheshire Police constable who raped a 13-year-old girl. Guardian (Northwich) 6/10/2019 News Police oppose naloxone overdose kits: ‘not our job to save lives’ Campaigners calling for Police Scotland officers to carry naloxone – a medication used to block the effects of opiates and save the lives of people overdosing from drugs – have reacted with anger to claims from the Scottish Police Federation that their ask goes beyond the call of duty. The National 6/10/2019 News The Met Police have failed us. Shut them down and start again Britain’s biggest police force is now institutionally unjust, and so is not fit for the task we have entrusted to it. The report by Sir Richard Henriques into its ‘VIP paedophiles’ investigation is one of the most devastating ever published about any official body. Mail Online 6/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Move along, please. Nothing to see here The Met seriously suggest no one is responsible for the VIP ‘sex ring’ fiasco The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Officers to be cleared in ‘Nick case whitewash’ The officers involved in Scotland Yard’s disastrous investigation of false claims about a VIP paedophile ring will tomorrow be formally cleared of any misconduct, in a move critics have branded a “whitewash”. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 6/10/2019 News Voice of the People: Violent crime up 60 per cent since Tories came to power and cut police Priti Patel bangs on about cutting crime, but the Home Secretary is not doing so well in her own backyard of Witham, Essex, where she is the MP Mirror 5/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Yorkshire police boss welcomes Government’s £10m Taser pledge to help officers in ‘dangerous job’ The Government’s pledge to provide £10 million to equip officers with Taser will provide frontline police with important protective equipment, says a Yorkshire police boss. The Yorkshire Post 5/10/2019 News Plymouth’s top cop explains how police are coping with cuts Chief Superintendent Dave Thorne was speaking as part of the It's Payback Time campaign Plymouth Live 5/10/2019 News Action Fraud ‘failing to hand over cases to the police for investigation’: Senior officer joins criticism of fraud body which is led by City of London police The UK's fraud-reporting body doesn't provide police with information they need to decide whether investigations should go ahead in order to better protect the public, a senior police officer has claimed. This is Money 5/10/2019 News New Met police bid to share crime victims’ data with Home Office Legal challenge after force tries to revive policy of passing information to immigration authorities The Guardian 5/10/2019 News Deputy calls for overhaul of police complaints body A Deputy has called for Jersey’s Police Complaints Authority to be overhauled, suggesting it is not ‘truly independent’. Jersey Evening Post 5/10/2019 News Warwickshire and West Mercia Police told to remain in alliance Two police forces are being told by the Home Office to remain in an alliance for three further months. BBC 5/10/2019 News Exploring the Boundaries of Missing Persons: Hidden Interplay Between Policing and Private Entities in Relation to Cases on the Periphery This discursive article explores the argument that, by gently tweaking core parameters of what it means to be a missing person—specifically relating to definition and risk—the role played by private organizations and entities in managing the problem of missing persons can be interrogated. The examination begins by inquiring into the extent to which police take ownership of missing persons as an issue, utilizing net-widening and pluralization concepts to investigate the limits of the police role. To inquire into the role of definitional widening, the case of lost children in commercial spaces is used, arguing that private providers are routinely responsibilized with managing lost child cases that would otherwise enter into missing person statistics. To explore tweaks to the definition of risk in relation to missing, the debtor tracing industry is explored. The final argument is made that further exploration of the periphery of ‘missingness’ ought to be undertaken. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 5/10/2019 Research article Annual Report 2018–2019 AUSTRALIA: In accordance with the Financial Management Act 1994, I am pleased to present the Victoria Police Annual Report for the 2018–19 financial year. Victoria Police (Australia) 5/10/2019 Report Witness Protection Program – Annual report: 2018-19 CANADA: This is the twenty third annual report on the federal Witness Protection Program (WPP, or Program), as required by section 16 of the Witness Protection Program Act (WPPA or Act). Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) 5/10/2019 Report Domestic abuse can be hidden behind smiles MP’s chilling account of how she was controlled shows the need to challenge preconceptions about abusive relationships The Times - Subscription at source 5/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Extinction Rebellion spends £1m to blockade capital for two weeks Extinction Rebellion is spending almost £1 million on climate change protests to create a two-week blockade of roads in central London. The Times - Subscription at source 5/10/2019 News «343234333434343534363437343834393440Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events