Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 68601 to 68620 «342734283429343034313432343334343435Next ›Last » Met tests hydrogen-powered vehicles as part of emissions programme Force to explore whether alternative fuel energy source is 'part of the future'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2019 News Big forces ‘missing out’ on first tranche of Boris Johnson pledge to hire 20,000 new officers Policing reacts to ministerial allocation of police recruitment targets for 2020-21. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2019 News Glasgow Republican marches and Loyalist protests cost £176k to police for one day Hundreds of Police Scotland officers had to be deployed to monitor parades by Cairde Na Heireann and Friends of IRPWA on September 7. Daily Record 9/10/2019 News Predicting repeat domestic violence: Improving police risk assessment AUSTRALIA: This study examines how accurately the Family Violence Risk Assessment Tool (FVRAT) predicts repeat domestic violence. The FVRAT is a 37-item tool used by police in the ACT to inform their responses to domestic violence. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 9/10/2019 Research article When it comes to police failures, ‘sorry’ just doesn’t cut it any more You know when you’ve reached a point where things are so mental that you think nothing can shock you any more? Then along comes a report from the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) on Scotland Yard’s investigation into an imaginary Westminster paedophile ring. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 9/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Thousands of serious crime suspects being released by police without restrictions, new research shows Thousands of suspects - including some accused of serious violent crimes - are being released by police without any restrictions, potentially putting victims and the public in danger, according to new research. The Independent 9/10/2019 News Home Office announces first wave of 20,000 police officer uplift The Government has today confirmed the police officer recruitment targets for every police force in England and Wales for 2020-21. Home Office 9/10/2019 News Prevent database is secure but not secret Describing a documented database as ‘secret’ risks causing unjustified distrust in a multi-agency programme that seeks to protect those vulnerable to all forms of radicalisation and keep our communities safe, writes Chief Constable Simon Cole The Guardian 9/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Operation Midland: Officers misled me, says VIP abuse judge The judge who granted search warrants in the Operation Midland investigation into a non-existent VIP paedophile ring said yesterday that he had been misled by police. The Times - Subscription at source 9/10/2019 News The graduate officers of the future Richard Hester argues that far from churning out 'snowflake' police officers, the degree qualification prepares them for what has become an increasingly complex role. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/10/2019 News West Mercia mandated to continue alliance with Warwickshire The Home Secretary has ordered Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police to continue their strategic alliance for another six months, just hours ahead of the October 9 deadline for the forces to split. Police Professional 8/10/2019 News Essex goes to the top of the table for crime recording despite ‘concerns’ But forces still failing to log thousands of reported incidents each year, HMICFRS report says. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/10/2019 News Thousands released by police while under investigation for serious violent crime Some of the suspects are accused of serious violent crimes, which is potentially putting victims and the public in danger, the Law Society of England and Wales has claimed. Express 8/10/2019 News Fairer pay process in future following legal case The Federation says members can have more confidence that the pay rise process will be fairer in the future. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 8/10/2019 News Sir Richard Henriques’ report into police says I was misled. I have complete confidence in its conclusion In February 2015 I granted police applications for six search warrants for properties connected with Lord Bramall, the late Lord Brittan, and Mr Harvey Proctor. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 8/10/2019 Feature, Opinion I was misled, says judge who issued search warrants to police looking at paedophile ring claims of ‘Nick’ The district judge who issued the controversial search warrants during the disastrous Operation Midland investigation, has suggested he was "misled" by police officers. The Telegraph 8/10/2019 News Operation Midland: judge who issued search warrants claims he was ‘misled’ Police failed to provide relevant investigation details into fictitious VIP abuse ring, says Howard Riddle The Guardian 8/10/2019 News Police Scotland launches first ever survey of football policing Police Scotland is asking for views on how the force engages with Scottish football supporters – and the wider public – about football policing. Inverness Courier 8/10/2019 News Warwickshire and West Mercia Police split ‘would create intolerable public risk’ Ending an alliance between West Mercia and Warwickshire police forces would be a risk to the public, the Home Secretary has said. BBC 8/10/2019 News Police force to be first in Wales to offer drug users rehab instead of prosecution The scheme aims to improve people's life chances by avoiding getting a criminal record Wales Online 8/10/2019 News «342734283429343034313432343334343435Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events