Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98731 total results. Showing results 68581 to 68600 «342634273428342934303431343234333434Next ›Last » Martin Hewitt reflects on 6 months as chair of NPCC and October’s Chief Constables’ Council As I come to my six-month anniversary as chair of the National Police Chiefs' Council, I reflect on how much the environment has transformed for policing in such a short period of time. The discussions that were held at the third Chief Constables' Council of my tenure, the senior decision-making forum for police chiefs held in Winchester last week, reflect this. Looking back at my first Council as chair in Manchester earlier this year shows how much has changed, but also how much has stayed the same. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 9/10/2019 Feature, Opinion West Midlands Police cancel leave over Brexit disruption fears West Midlands Police has cancelled all leave for two months over fears of disruption resulting from Brexit and the Extinction Rebellion protests. Express & Star 9/10/2019 News Gwent Police launch Chat Bench Initiative across Gwent 'Happy to chat' signs have been popping up on benches across Gwent. Gwent Police has joined forces with the Senior Citizen Liaison Team (SCLT) charity to launch their existing ‘Chat Bench Initiative’ throughout Gwent. South Wales Argus 9/10/2019 News Top cop says crime victims are suffering as police are forced to deal with Extinction Rebellion protesters Crime victims are suffering because police have to deal with the Extinction Rebellion protests, a senior cop has said. The Sun 9/10/2019 News Sharp rise in suspects being released without bail conditions Law Society says risk to public growing with alleged violent offenders among those freed The Guardian 9/10/2019 News Militarized Law Enforcement Forces, State Capacity and Terrorism Gendarmerie forces are actively deployed by many states in the world to fight terrorism, but their impact on terrorism has not been explored. This study fills this gap in the literature and examines the effect that having gendarmerie forces has on terrorist activities in a state. I discuss competing arguments about the relationship between having these forces and terror incidents and also address the conditioning effect of bureaucratic capacity on this relationship. By constructing a time series cross-sectional data that identifies the countries having gendarmeries in given years, I test these arguments, and the results of the empirical analyses suggest that states having gendarmerie forces experience more terrorist violence than those without gendarmeries. However, the number of terror incidents in states with gendarmeries decreases as these states have greater bureaucratic capacity. The results have implications in terms of the role of militarized policing on terrorism and countering terrorism. Terrorism and Political Violence - Registration at source 9/10/2019 Research article Policing UK Airports and Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000: The Young Passengers’ Perception of Security Measures Policing airports following 9/11 has been challenging with an emphasis on visibility and high levels of security checks for passengers. The focus has been on a form of ‘reassurance policing’ and an emphasis on procedural justice which is accepted as legitimate on the part of the public. However, there have been claims that that Muslim passengers are under greater suspicion than other passengers and have been subject to the practice of “racial profiling”. The powers under the Terrorism Act 2000, notably Schedule 7, have been under scrutiny as to the extent that they allow the police to stop and search suspects. This study reviews the opinions and experiences of young passengers at U.K. airports to see if they are reassured by policing and their opinions on profiling fellow passengers. Terrorism and Political Violence - Registration at source 9/10/2019 Research article NFU launches online rural crime hub for farmers The National Farmers’ Union (NFU) has launched a new online service for farmers and growers to get advice on how to prevent and report rural crime. AgriLand 9/10/2019 News Strategic Policing Review: An opportunity to address the big questions about the future of policing Last month, the Police Foundation launched the Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales. As phase one of the review goes live, the Foundation has announced the first Call for Evidence. Director Rick Muir invites those involved in policing to come forward with their ideas and evidence to help shape the police service of the future. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/10/2019 News APCC response to police officer uplift announcement Roger Hirst and Paddy Tipping: "Police and Crime Commissioners will welcome today’s announcement." Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 9/10/2019 News Chiefs warn reduction in bail has ‘unintended consequences’ Thousands of suspects released by police without restrictions, research reveals. Police Oracle 9/10/2019 News Boris Johnson unveils Channel police force to protect UK fishermen in no deal Brexit plan Boris Johnson's Government has released details about the steps it will take to ensure UK waters will be policed and controlled if the country leaves the EU on October 31 without a deal, as a new 155-page report outlines what could be seen as a Channel police force protecting British fisheries. Express 9/10/2019 News Police draft in hundreds more officers to deal with Extinction Rebellion protests A number of arrests have been made near the Treasury in Westminster as Extinction Rebellion protesters get stuck into their third day. Metro 9/10/2019 News Extinction Rebellion protests – live: Met call in help from police forces across country to deal with climate demonstrations, as hundreds of mothers and babies march on London Nearly 600 protesters arrested as government faces growing pressure to tackle climate crisis. The Independent 9/10/2019 News Allocation of new recruits revealed by Home Secretary The Home Office has released details of how the first tranche of new police officers will be allocated to forces in England and Wales. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 9/10/2019 News Share of additional officers based on current formula The Home Office has confirmed forces’ allocation of the 6,000 additional officers to be recruited before March 2021. Police Professional 9/10/2019 News Wellbeing week: Mind over matter When normal isn't normal any more, Cleveland officers are encouraged to talk to a Blue Light champion. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2019 News Home Secretary orders divorcing forces to stay together for six months West Mercia claims extension to alliance with Warwickshire could damage its operational independence. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/10/2019 News Disability hate crime reports rising and highest in West Yorkshire Disability hate crimes, including assault, harassment, stalking and malicious communications, are rising in England and Wales, according to figures obtained by a charity. BBC 9/10/2019 News Violent hate crime against disabled has risen by 41 per cent in the last year, figures suggest Offences with online element have also gone up, charity finds. The Independent 9/10/2019 News «342634273428342934303431343234333434Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events