Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98736 total results. Showing results 68541 to 68560 «342434253426342734283429343034313432Next ›Last » How flotation therapy is helping police officers with PTSD [VIDEO] Flotation rest therapy is being used to help some people overcome stress and trauma. BBC 11/10/2019 News Few convinced by Apple’s case for Hong Kong app removal As if piling up sandbags before a flood, Apple was well prepared to face a backlash over its decision to remove an app used by Hong Kong protesters. BBC 11/10/2019 News Police are prioritising domestic abuse victims despite failings, says chief super The latest Crime Data Integrity Report, published this month, showed more than 8,900 reported crimes were not being taken down each year by West Mercia Police, including 4,200 violent crime cases. Worcester News 11/10/2019 News Northumbria Police needs to get better at cutting crime and keeping people safe, say inspectors Latest report into how Northumbria Police is working says the force is good at investigating crime but has 'declined' since the last inspection Chronicle Live (North East) 11/10/2019 News PCC on ‘giving heroin to drug users’ Work With Offenders looks at a new approach to helping entrenched addicts in Middlesbrough. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/10/2019 News Police Scotland unveil new drug-driving detection kits Police Scotland has unveiled its new drug-detection kit ahead of updated drug-driving laws coming into force. BBC 11/10/2019 News Scheme giving ex-offenders a stable place to live up and running Ex-offenders in the scheme will live in dedicated accommodation for up to 2 years, having received tailored support in the lead up to their release date. Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 10/10/2019 News Police bail and RUI : A public enquiry waiting to happen Use of unconditional RUI's have dramatically increased whilst use of the only procedure with a safety parachute attached has plunged. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Drug dealer jailed for repeatedly stabbing officer in park attack PC returned to work but has since left the force after 14 years' service. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/10/2019 News Family of Mark Duggan settles civil claim against Met Police Both sides agree to bring to a close all litigation into the 2011 death that led to riots across UK. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 10/10/2019 News Crackdown on rural crimes is launched A crackdown on criminals who target rural areas has been launched this week. The Northern Farmer 10/10/2019 News Exploring Variation in Police Perceptions of De-Escalation: Do Officer Characteristics Matter? Though de-escalation has become popular in policing, there is very little research on the topic. We know virtually nothing about what it is, whether it works, or even how officers perceive de-escalation. The authors surveyed over 100 officers in the Tempe (AZ) Police Department regarding their perceptions of de-escalation, including tactics used to peacefully resolve potentially violent encounters, the frequency of use, and their perceptions of de-escalation training. We examine perceptions overall, as well as by officer race/ethnicity and sex. Findings suggest that officers view de-escalation through a lens defined by their authority and officer safety. They use certain tactics multiple times each shift. Officers are open to de-escalation training but are skeptical about its impact on citizen encounters. Lastly, minority and female officers use certain tactics more often than white male officers. The article concludes with a discussion of the implications for the larger debate on de-escalation in policing. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 10/10/2019 Research article Extracting Benefits From Standardization of Digital Forensic Practices Standardization offers consistencies for interoperability between jurisdictions and organizational entities. In some instances, accreditation and certification services are available to assure the reputational transfer of conformance and the compliance with best practice requirements. The impact of these benefits is a more predictable environment in which to deliver sensitive and high-risk services, leading to the reduction in failures and the enhancement of inter-party trust. In this article, the case of international standardization for digital forensic and related services is articulated as an example of structured planning for robust processes and practices that have user trust. Political and economic expediency has always reduced the implementation of standardization to functional attributes and short-term returns. The advocacy is for the long-term investment in standardization and the creation of trusted practices for predictable and robust scientific procedures in the transfer of operational knowledge and the preservation of digital evidences. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 10/10/2019 Research article The Comparative Analysis of European National Police Systems: A Theoretical and Methodological Proposal For A New Research Agenda The analysis of national police systems is the core subject of several sociological and criminological scholarly papers. This analysis, however, especially when carried out comparatively, has been relatively neglected in political science, leaving important questions unanswered. If law enforcement systems are at the core of a legitimate violence apparatus within modern states, what structural–political factors can determine the differences and the similarities among different national contexts? And how can they be explored? This article aims to fill this gap by developing a theoretical framework and a methodological proposal that facilitate the development of a political science new research agenda. At the theoretical level, this article investigates the long–term organizational features that have shaped the original models of the organizational field underpinning the various European national police systems, which have the ability to persistently affect the development of those police systems. At the methodological level, this article seeks to define a typological instrument that can determine the differences and the similarities among different national police systems in today’s European democracies, as well as their evolutionary features, within a comparative analytical framework. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 10/10/2019 Research article Total Recall?: A Quasi-Experimental Study of Officer’s Recollection in Shoot – Don’t Shoot Simulators Using a quasi-experimental design, the present work seeks to answer whether officer recollection is more precise if they are interviewed moments after a stressful incident (experimental group), compared to officers who are questioned three days after the event (control group). Police officers were exposed to a video simulation of a suspicious male that required either a shoot or don’t shoot outcome. The scenario lasted less than 30 seconds. The timing of questioning does not have a significant effect on the accuracy of memory recall. Still, the experimental group have a higher percent of correct answers than officers in the control group. Further, accuracy of memory recall does significantly differ by threat type. Officers tend to remember a higher percent of threat details than non-threat details. Implications of these findings are discussed, particularly in relation to the contemporary use of body-worn cameras in policing. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 10/10/2019 Research article Lancashire’s Police and Crime Commissioner Clive Grunshaw invests in technology to tackle rural crime Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner has heard how new technology, which received almost £100k investment from his office, is helping Lancashire's dedicated rural officers stop criminals in their tracks. Lancaster Guardian 10/10/2019 News 54 additional officers is a start, but we need 440, says Bedfordshire PCC Bedfordshire Police will see an additional 54 officers in 2020-21, following the latest government announcement on its three-year police recruitment uplift. Bedford Independent 10/10/2019 News Mark Duggan family agree settlement with Met over death The family of Mark Duggan, whose death sparked riots across England in August 2011, has settled a damages claim against the Met over his shooting. BBC 10/10/2019 News Self-inflicted deaths rise in prisons in England and Wales Watchdog also finds drug use continues to plague jails despite agreed action plans The Guardian 10/10/2019 News Brexit protests could put a huge strain on police officers during one of the busiest nights of their year Chris Hobbs, retired Met Police officer: “Whoever decided on the 31st as a good day to leave [the EU] clearly has no idea of the concept of policing whatsoever." BuzzFeed 10/10/2019 News «342434253426342734283429343034313432Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events