Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98736 total results. Showing results 68501 to 68520 «342234233424342534263427342834293430Next ›Last » Fair Treatment in Policing: Testing the Relationship Between Internal and External Procedural Justice Recently, several highly publicized and troubling police-citizen encounters around the United States have led many to question not only police tactics, but also, more broadly, police legitimacy. These events, among others, led President Obama to create a Task Force on 21st Century Policing. Part of its focus was on fostering legitimacy through procedurally just policing practices. In fact, one of its recommendations to police departments to strengthen their policing practices through the principles of procedural justice – and thereby increasing their external legitimacy – is to promote legitimacy internally by applying those same procedural justice principles within the organization. Part of the reasoning behind this thinking is that officers will be more likely to treat citizens in procedurally just ways if they themselves are treated in procedurally just ways within their organization’s decision-making processes. To test this assertion, survey data are analyzed from 113 officers from the Rockford (IL) Police Department. Multivariate regression results suggest that officers, who perceive fair treatment in their own organization, are more likely to indicate that they employ the same fairness when interacting with citizens. Specific findings, study limitations, and policy implications are discussed. Journal of Crime and Justice - Registration at source 13/10/2019 Research article Planning for a crisis: What we can all learn from the #GrabBag response With extreme weather and Brexit dominating the headlines, it might seem sensible for emergency planners to advise people on what to do in a crisis. But when Police Scotland did just that with their #grabbag tweet, it got all the wrong kind of attention. Dan Slee, co-founder of comms2point0, examines the fallout. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 13/10/2019 Analysis Police across country put on standby for London’s million-plus protest day Met may call on officers from across England and Wales on Saturday 19 October for People’s Vote march and finale of Extinction Rebellion action The Guardian 13/10/2019 News Hundreds of police officers across UK called in to halt Extinction Rebellion protest chaos Arrests were made outside Billingsgate Market after a group stopped traffic from entering. One protester was chained to the gate while calling for a ban on fishing and farming. A tweet by the group called it a vigil for the trillions of fish killed for food each year. Express 13/10/2019 News ‘County lines’ drug gangs enslaving vulnerable Britons Record numbers of Britons are being rescued from slavery as “county lines” drug gangs take advantage of vulnerable adults, a report has found. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 13/10/2019 News Police Scotland officers to assist policing protests in London The officers will be deployed in the city from early next week after Chief Constable Iain Livingstone approved the request from the National Police Coordination Centre on behalf of the Metropolitan Police Police Scotland 12/10/2019 News Police called in as Hong Kong and China tensions spread to UK universities Police have been called following a series of clashes between Hong Kong and Chinese students as universities are accused of failing to protect them. The Telegraph - Registration at source 12/10/2019 News Wellbeing week: The right data and partnerships can save lives Martyn Underhill, Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, and the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners Deputy Portfolio Lead for Mental Health, says changes to processes could have a significant impact on the rising number of suicides. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 12/10/2019 News Young Drivers, Deterrence Theory, and Punishment Avoidance: A Qualitative Exploration Punishment avoidance occurs when a person commits an offence but is not punished for it. The aim of this article was to explore how young drivers experience punishment avoidance. New drivers aged between 17 and 25 years participated in 11 focus groups held in both metropolitan and regional areas in two Australian states: Queensland and Victoria. Thematic analysis identified that young drivers experience punishment avoidance in one of three ways. First, they can attempt to actively avoid punishment by engaging in deliberate actions to circumvent policing activities. Secondly, they can experience either direct or vicarious punishment avoidance of police enforcement. An example of this would be ‘talking their way out of a ticket’ after they had been caught by a police officer. Finally, their parents may help them avoid punishment by, for instance, paying the traffic fine on their child’s behalf. This article increases our understanding of how punishment avoidance occurs in practice. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Registration at source 12/10/2019 Research article Police send texts to 2,000 customers of an Albanian drug gang that supplied cocaine to City workers to offer them support with drug abuse Forces across the country have been targeting addicts and regular clients of dealers with the tactic. Mail Online 12/10/2019 News Ministers split over tougher sentences for assaulting police Priti Patel is locked in a row with another senior cabinet minister over attempts to put tougher punishments for assaulting a police officer into the Queen’s Speech. The Times - Subscription at source 12/10/2019 News Police issue further guidance on monitoring people being transported in custody Procedures to monitor people being transported in custody have been reviewed after a man set himself on fire in the back of a police van. Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 11/10/2019 News Record seizures hit synthetic drugs during the large-scale Joint Action Days 2019 Between 16 and 20 September and on the 25 September, Europol coordinated the EMPACT large-scale Joint Action Days 2019. The actions targeted synthetic drugs and new psychoactive substances and, human trafficking, migrant smuggling, document fraud and environmental crime and involved law enforcement authorities from EU Member States, third-party countries and EU bodies. Europol 11/10/2019 News National Hate Crime Awareness Week 2019 Blog from APCC Hate Crime Lead, Hardyal Dhindsa, Derbyshire PCC Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 11/10/2019 Feature, Opinion National awards celebrate excellence in detection The work of the very best detectives across England Wales has been recognised by the Police Federation’s National Detectives’ Forum (PFNDF) with awards presented to individuals and teams for their commitment to investigative policing. Police Professional - Subscription at source 11/10/2019 News No-deal Brexit will hit database tools and arrest powers, chiefs warn Cliff-edge departure would turn DNA checks on suspects from "minutes into months" Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/10/2019 News Ten England fans arrested during violent clashes with police in Prague At least one England fan has been injured as around 10 were arrested in violent clashes with police in Prague. Manchester Evening News 11/10/2019 News No-deal Brexit ‘would leave police unable to arrest those wanted abroad’ Police will be unable to arrest suspects wanted abroad in the event of a no-deal Brexit and have been pressing the government for months to plug a loophole in the law, the officer in charge of no-deal planning for police chiefs has said. The Guardian 11/10/2019 News Forces across the West Midlands cancel leave over ‘Brexit disruption’ Officers from Britain’s biggest regional force have been told that fears of disruption over Brexit and the Extinction Rebellion protests means a two-month moratorium on all leave. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 11/10/2019 News More Taser-armed police will prevent attacks – Met chief More police armed with Tasers will protect officers from the kinds of “sickening attacks” some constables have suffered in recent months, the Scotland Yard Commissioner has said. Evening Express (Aberdeen) 11/10/2019 News «342234233424342534263427342834293430Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events