Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98748 total results. Showing results 68421 to 68440 «341834193420342134223423342434253426Next ›Last » Johnson-Arcuri inquiry scaled back after police watchdog intervenes IOPC concerned reviews could prejudice decision on whether to investigate alleged misconduct The Guardian 16/10/2019 News Governing Through Vulnerability in Austerity England Drawing on interviews with practitioners, the article reconstructs how and why vulnerability has become an organizing principle in community safety work in England and Wales. Decreasing crime rates, growing awareness of risk and harm, loss of political salience of volume crime and modifications to the structure of incentives all contributed to making the move away from crime and disorder possible. The article shows how vulnerability is now used to facilitate partnership working to maintain existing levels of service provision, but also to ration the amount of support made available to citizens at a time of austerity. This is potentially problematic and open questions remain on the solidity, orientation and reach of this shift. The article concludes by discussing the research findings in light of their broader implications for European criminology and comparative research. European Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 16/10/2019 Research article Britain’s smallest force being ‘supported’ by biggest regional one 'Dysfunctional' forces at West Midlands' borders may have an impact on crime too, warns PCC Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/10/2019 News Organised crime groups set to exploit no-deal Brexit Organised crime groups are poised to take advantage of a possible no-deal Brexit that could leave the UK’s borders vulnerable to fraud, smuggling and criminal activity, according to the National Audit Office (NAO). Police Professional 16/10/2019 News New protective orders to safeguard people at risk of domestic abuse Police and the courts in Scotland are to be given new powers to remove suspected domestic abusers from the homes of victims or others at risk. Police Professional 16/10/2019 News Violent criminals free to roam streets due to UK’s failing justice system Violent criminals are being let back on the streets because police take too long to charge them, it was revealed yesterday. Suspects are “released under investigation” (RUI), even when accused of serious crimes including murder, rape, robbery and grooming children for sex. Shocking statistics reveal one in seven people arrested and then freed go on to commit further offences. Express 16/10/2019 News Citizen-Led Digital Policing and Democratic Norms: the Case of Self-Styled Paedophile Hunters Citizen involvement in the provision of security is often presented as a win–win way to relieve pressure on police resources while building stronger, more responsible and democratically engaged communities. Governments in countries such as the United Kingdom and the Netherlands have adopted a ‘strategy of responsibilisation’ designed to encourage, enable and support citizens to take on tasks otherwise left for police. Yet, this strategy conspicuously ignores the growing number of citizen-led digital policing initiatives which operate independently without the encouragement or guidance of police. This article considers the implications of this trend for democratic norms in policing. It uses the phenomenon of self-styled paedophile hunters – which are now active in countries around the world – as a case study. The article makes comparisons between such initiatives and other, relatively well-theorised informal security providers, such as vigilante groups and civilian policing. It argues that, like vigilantes, citizen-led digital police often challenge democratic principles of transparency, accountability and the rule of law. Yet, like other civilian policing initiatives, they increase empowerment and participation, and rely for their success on the presence of strong and legitimate institutions of justice, to which they ultimately defer. These characteristics present a discreet set of opportunities and challenges for contemporary policing, which this article argues can only be addressed by strategic police engagement. Criminology and Criminal Justice - Registration at source 16/10/2019 Research article Criminals ‘could exploit’ no-deal Brexit gaps Organised criminals could exploit gaps in the UK's border preparations in the event of a no-deal Brexit, a government spending watchdog has warned. BBC 16/10/2019 News Sharp increase in number of British modern slavery victims The number of British people identified as being victims of modern slavery has increased by more than 70 per cent in the past year, with a rise in the exploitation of children and vulnerable adults by County Lines drugs gangs a major factor. Police Professional 16/10/2019 News Policeman slashed with knife in horror attack – Derby streets in lockdown A policeman was rushed to hospital after being attacked with a knife while trying to make an arrest in the street. Express 16/10/2019 News ‘Discretionary’ bravery at risk due to lack of support says chief Officers who feel unsupported at work less likely to conduct high risk vehicle stops. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 16/10/2019 News Detective constable dismissed for gross misconduct A detective constable with the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has been dismissed without notice for gross misconduct. Police Professional 16/10/2019 News PSA launches film to promote diversity in policing The Police Superintendents’ Association (PSA) has released a film to promote the importance of diversity in policing. Police Professional 16/10/2019 News MSPs to question police use of facial recognition technology Holyrood’s Justice Sub-Committee on Policing has launched an inquiry into the use of facial recognition technology. Police Professional 16/10/2019 News Female offenders need help, not prison The tragedy of a mother whose baby died in her cell should alert Priti Patel to the futility of locking up women The Times - Subscription at source 16/10/2019 Feature, Opinion ‘I carry my experience like a dead body. But this flat means I can start again’ Supported housing projects throw a lifeline to victims of sexual exploitation and trafficking. But in many parts of the UK they don’t exist The Guardian 16/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Annual Report 2018–19 AUSTRALIA: The annual report of the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) is produced to meet parliamentary reporting requirements and to provide information to stakeholders and the community about the Institute’s work. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 16/10/2019 Report Comment on Home Office hate crime statistics David Tucker, College of Policing lead for crime and criminal justice, said: “Hate crime can take many forms and often has a devastating impact on victims because it strikes at the heart of who that individual is. College of Policing 15/10/2019 News Civil service chief plays down impartiality row The head of the civil service has played down the row over the prime minister's controversial press call in West Yorkshire. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 15/10/2019 News Online hate blamed as researchers find homophobia is increasing among young people in UK Homophobia is increasing among young British people, new research has suggested amid warnings that “online communities of hate” could be driving the worrying trend. The Independent 15/10/2019 News «341834193420342134223423342434253426Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events