Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97231 total results. Showing results 68421 to 68440 «341834193420342134223423342434253426Next ›Last » Why the police should use machine learning – but very carefully The debate over the police using machine learning is intensifying – it is considered in some quarters as controversial as stop and search. The Conversation 21/8/2019 Feature, Opinion UK ‘best’ force takes aim with Taser to protect public and police from violent upswing Second force in 24 hours promises rollout of X2 model for every frontline officer. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/8/2019 News Durham to issue Tasers to every frontline officer Durham Constabulary has become the second force in two days to announce it will issue conducted energy devices to all officers. Police Professional 21/8/2019 News First prosecution for spitting at a police officer under new assault laws collapses as ‘not in the public interest’ The first prosecution for spitting at a police officer under new laws has collapsed after the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) ruled it was not in the public interest. The Telegraph 21/8/2019 News Police force to pay Twitter expert more than crime-solving cops A Police force wants to pay a computer whiz £28,353-a-year to tweet about crime-fighting. Daily Star 21/8/2019 News Get tough on illegal bloodsports in the countryside, police are urged Tough action needs to be taken to counter criminals engaged in illegal bloodsports, police have been told, now that illegal hare coursing is likely to kick off after harvesting. Lynn News 21/8/2019 News Should Suffolk police arm all its officers with taser guns? There are no immediate plans to arm every frontline police officer in Suffolk with tasers - despite one force's roll-out of the weapon in response to a "sickening trend" of attacks. East Anglian Daily Times 21/8/2019 News 700 police officers to be cut in Scotland Police Scotland’s deputy chief constable tells Channel 4 News that the repercussions will ‘significantly cut our operational resilience and capacity’. Channel 4 News 21/8/2019 News North Yorkshire Police receives highest number of 999 calls ever recorded Public urged to make sure they know #WhenToCall amidst highest call volumes ever recorded in July this year North Yorkshire Police 21/8/2019 News EXCLUSIVE: Kent Chief Constable on why he’s issuing Tasers to all officers, including Special Constables EXCLUSIVE: Kent's Chief Constable Alan Pughsley discusses his decision to issue Tasers to all police officers in the county - including, in a national first, to Special Constables, the first of whom are already undergoing training. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/8/2019 Opinion Origin, transit, destination: Tackling all points of the human trafficking trade is the only way to combat it The number of potential trafficking and modern slavery victims reported to UK authorities last year rose by 36 per cent, according to National Crime Agency figures. Policing Insight contributor Andrew Staniforth argues that with new trends emerging we must work closely with other European agencies to tackle the problem at all points in the process: origin, transit and destination country. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/8/2019 Opinion ‘Police must first do no harm’: How one of the nation’s roughest cities is reshaping use-of-force tactics USA: It was just after 8 p.m., when a knife-wielding man staggered out of a fast-food shop and zigzagged down Broadway in downtown Camden, N.J. More than a dozen officers — rookies with three months on the job and veterans with 13 years — formed a ring around him. When he stumbled back, slashing the carving knife unpredictably and ignoring orders to drop the weapon, the police kept their firearms holstered. The Washington Post 21/8/2019 News Mutual benefit: How a major partnership between academics and police is impacting policing As the N8 Policing Research Partnership celebrates its fifth anniversary, Director Professor Adam Crawford explains to Policing Insight the key successes of co-produced research with police officers, and outlines the challenges that lie ahead for sustaining collaborative police and academic research partnerships. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 21/8/2019 Interview, Opinion Bernie Sanders calls for a ban on police use of facial recognition The proposal is part of Sanders’ broader plan for police reform The Verge 21/8/2019 News Damning assessment of stadium safety in Scotland leads to crackdown A report by HM Inspectorate of Constabulary said the Scottish Government is providing leadership to address the improvements. Daily Record 21/8/2019 News Police report finds ‘more work needed’ on football fan safety The public can be reassured that Police Scotland is adept at managing football fixtures and other high-profile events, according to a report. But the document, published yesterday, warned that “more work” is needed on the issue of stadium safety. The National - Registration at source 21/8/2019 News New national leadership group to strengthen community justice in Scotland A national steering group will meet for the first time today to look at ways to improve the delivery of community justice in Scotland. Holyrood Magazine 21/8/2019 News London probation service requires improvement, inspectors find HM Inspectorate of Probation carried out a routine inspection of London Community Rehabilitation Company, which supervises 28,819 low and medium-risk offenders across the capital. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 21/8/2019 News Equality role for top officer Cumbria's chief constable Michelle Skeer has been appointed president of an influential national association that strives to promote gender equality in British policing. The Mail (North West) 21/8/2019 News Tasers must be funded for frontline police officers after violent attacks, government told ‘It shouldn’t take a tragedy to have this debate,’ chair of Police Federation says The Independent 21/8/2019 News «341834193420342134223423342434253426Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events