Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98768 total results. Showing results 68361 to 68380 «341534163417341834193420342134223423Next ›Last » Farewell the ‘porn block’ – a PR exercise and lousy policy Without greater access to our online habits, politicians cannot frame laws for the digital age The Guardian 20/10/2019 Feature, Opinion IRA planned to knock out electricity in South East England but police caught them just before, claims ex-member The IRA planned to knock out south east England's power supply in the final years of its terror campaign - but police caught them just before the plot was carried out, a former member has claimed. Mail Online 20/10/2019 News Crime in Britain’s most affluent areas soaring at faster rate than anywhere else in UK, Telegraph analysis reveals Crime in Britain’s most affluent areas is soaring at a faster rate than anywhere else in the country, a Telegraph analysis of official data has revealed. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 20/10/2019 News Mystery of Mexico’s cartel wars grows as ‘The Mouse’ is rescued The abortive bid to arrest the son of ‘El Chapo’ Guzmán last week made one thing clear: someone betrayed the government The Guardian 20/10/2019 News Extinction Rebellion: police release activist who scaled Big Ben’s tower The Guardian 20/10/2019 News Police arrest 11 during trouble at Leeds v Birmingham game Police made 11 arrests following trouble at Leeds United's game with Birmingham City on Saturday. BBC 20/10/2019 News Domestic abuse within police force to be investigated The ‘boys’ club’ that protects officers has come under scrutiny The Guardian 20/10/2019 News Australian police using drone technology to halve road crash delays The Queensland Police Service in Australia will use the latest drone technology to dramatically reduce the impact of major traffic incidents and save the state millions of dollars in lost time and productivity. Traffic Technology Today 19/10/2019 News Measuring the Direct and Spillover Effects of Body Worn Cameras on the Civility of Police–citizen Encounters and Police Work Activities Existing research on the effects of body-worn cameras (BWCs) have found largely consistent results regarding direct significant reductions in citizen complaints and often also report reductions in use of force reports. However, few studies have examined possible spillover effects onto untreated officers. This study explicitly tests for direct and spillover effects of BWCs on the civility of police-citizen encounters and police work activities. This study assesses the direct effects of BWCs on citizen complaints, police use of force, and police proactivity and discretion during a 1-year randomized controlled trial in the Boston Police Department. Through a simultaneous quasi-experimental design, this study also investigates whether BWC deployment results in spillover effects onto control officers in treated districts as compared to comparison officers in untreated districts. Findings indicate that the use of BWCs reduces citizen complaints and police use of force but has no appreciable impact on officer activity or discretion. Journal of Quantitative Criminology - Registration at source 19/10/2019 Research article Why police recruitment figures don’t tell the whole story During the past week, much has been made of the recruitment of additional police officers across the country as a result of the funding provided by central government. Express (Sussex) 19/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Are Australia’s police helicopter fleets adequate to respond to terrorism? AUSTRALIA: This story by Chris Douglas from the August 2019 edition of Australian Aviation asked if Australia’s police helicopter fleets were adequate to respond to a terrorist act. Australian Aviation 19/10/2019 Analysis, Feature Germany shooting: data on online spread of livestreamed attack kept secret Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and Google decline to release figures despite pledge in wake of Christchurch attack The Guardian 19/10/2019 News Tragic Taser pioneer’s daughter trained to use them by Northamptonshire Police A thousand police are to be taught how to use Tasers in a scheme named after a tragic former inspector who pioneered their use in Britain. Express 19/10/2019 News Campaign launched to catch ‘Europe’s most wanted women’ Europe’s policing agency has launched a campaign to catch the continent’s most wanted female criminals. The Guardian 19/10/2019 News Extinction Rebellion: what price could you pay for taking a stand? For many people, this weekend could be their first experience of protest, whether on the anti-Brexit march on Saturday or as part of Extinction Rebellion’s rolling campaign. But what about those willing to go further and be arrested? The Guardian 19/10/2019 News Police seek tougher powers against Extinction Rebellion Strengthening public order laws could be ‘shocking assault on right to protest’, warn civil rights lawyers The Guardian 19/10/2019 News Tories hope to thwart Labour with election promise of 25,000 more police Boris Johnson is preparing to promise significantly more police officers than the 20,000 recruits already planned as part of the Conservative manifesto. The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2019 News Domestic abuse: We must give victims confidence Dame Vera Baird is The Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2019 Feature, Opinion Police let domestic abusers walk free Thousands of domestic abuse victims are being forced to turn to the civil courts for protection because police are freeing their abusers unconditionally after arrest, an investigation by The Times has found. The Times - Subscription at source 19/10/2019 News MP calls for end of ‘cover-up culture’ Cleveland Police has been operating under a “cover-up” culture which needs to be brought to an end, the Policing Minister has been told. Police Professional 18/10/2019 News «341534163417341834193420342134223423Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events