Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98845 total results. Showing results 67961 to 67980 «339533963397339833993400340134023403Next ›Last » Bail reforms set for post-election review after cross party agreement Bail reforms will be reviewed by the next Home Secretary to ensure suspects are dealt with in a timely way Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/11/2019 News Police forces are to use mindfulness techniques to tackle work pressures Trial of online mindfulness apps showed improvements in wellbeing and resilience i News 5/11/2019 News Lack of training on data kiosks adds to workload in sexual offences cases Police and Crime Committee visits BCUs to assess pressures on 'over extended' teams. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/11/2019 News Government announces UK special envoy for countering violent extremism John Woodcock MP has been announced as the UK special envoy for countering violent extremism. Home Office 5/11/2019 News Officer jailed for sending explicit videos to vulnerable woman A Staffordshire Police officer has been jailed for eight months after he admitted sending two explicit videos of himself to a vulnerable woman. Police Professional 5/11/2019 APCC response to the Government’s announced consultation on strengthening police powers to tackle unauthorised encampments We welcome the consultation announced today by government regarding police powers and unauthorised caravan sites. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 5/11/2019 News Justice system ‘may not cope’ with impact of Boris Johnson’s 20,000 extra police officers, MPs warn The justice system may be unable to cope with the consequences of Boris Johnson’s pledge to hire 20,000 extra police officers, MPs have warned. The Independent - Subscription at source 5/11/2019 News Unexplained wealth orders needed to tackle paramilitary gangs Unexplained wealth orders should be extended to Northern Ireland to help in the fight against ongoing paramilitary activity, a report has said. The latest publication by the Independent Reporting Commission (IRC) also argues that a bespoke civil recovery organisation such as the Criminal Assets Bureau (CAB) - which targets organised criminality in the Republic - would "significantly enhance the law enforcement response in Northern Ireland". The Irish News 5/11/2019 News PSNI to trial single officer patrols The PSNI is trialling the deployment of unaccompanied officers on the beat, the chief constable has said. The Irish News 5/11/2019 News Examining the YJS: What drove the falls in first time entrants and custody, and what should we do? Our major new report into the Youth Justice Service has found that the government has failed to capitalise on a dramatic 73 per cent fall in the number of children being given custodial sentences since 2009. The Crest Advisory research – funded by the Hadley Trust – found that, despite this fall, conditions inside youth prisons are worse than they were a decade ago, with rising levels of assaults and self-harm. Meanwhile, reoffending rates are now higher for young offenders. Crest Advisory 5/11/2019 Report Update on tackling intimidation in public life Written Ministerial Statement to provide an update on the actions the Government has taken to tackle intimidation in public life ahead of the General Election. Cabinet Office 5/11/2019 Report General Election: ‘Bad news for criminals’ Priti Patel launches Tory law manifesto Express 5/11/2019 News Are Domestic Incidents Really More Dangerous to Police? Findings From the 2016 National Incident Based Reporting System It is widely believed among police officers that domestic incidents are among the most dangerous incidents to which they respond. However, most research in this area suffers from the “denominator problem,” where prior studies have focused on incidents resulting in harm to police officers and failed to account for incidents not resulting in harm. Such methodologies can produce drastically misleading results. This paper uses data from the 2016 National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) to overcome the denominator problem. We examine the probability of (1) an officer being assaulted and (2) an officer being injured or killed when responding to a domestic incident compared to a non-domestic incident while controlling for other potentially important variables. Results indicate that officers are significantly more likely to be assaulted or injured when responding to non-domestic incidents. Implications for law enforcement training, victim legitimacy, and future research are discussed. Justice Quarterly - Registration at source 5/11/2019 Research article MI5 policy ‘gives agents legal immunity to commit serious crimes’ Human rights groups challenge extent and legality of powers to commit crimes such as torture The Guardian 5/11/2019 News Interview: Youth offenders ‘need housing and advocacy’ In an interview with Work with Offenders the Chief Inspector of Probation has warned that teams working with young offenders need more resources to tackle issues like homelessness and county lines gangs Police Oracle - Subscription at source 5/11/2019 News Pre-charge bail legislation to undergo Home Office review The Government is to review pre-charge bail legislation following concerns that the current system fails to ensure the safety of victims and prevents police from fully investigating some offences. Police Professional 5/11/2019 News Chief Constable: Police Scotland ‘seriously underfunded’ The Chief Constable of Police Scotland says his force is “seriously underfunded”. Planet Radio 5/11/2019 News Rory Stewart Wants To Reopen Police Stations In Abandoned Buildings London Mayoral candidate Rory Stewart suggested reopening police stations - citing an abandoned one in Oval as an example. LBC 5/11/2019 News Concerns raised over privacy and security of UK Home Office’s £842m biometrics programme An independent ethical advice group has raised concerns about the UK Home Office's £842m Biometrics programme, which will store millions of people's highly sensitive biometric data, due to go live next year. The Register 5/11/2019 News Government announces plans to review pre-charge bail law The Home Office will consider updating the rules to ensure the safety of victims is prioritised and police are supported in investigating all offences. Home Office 5/11/2019 News «339533963397339833993400340134023403Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events