Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98893 total results. Showing results 67901 to 67920 «339233933394339533963397339833993400Next ›Last » Police Tactical Options Research report for 2018 released NEW ZEALAND: Police has released the 2018 Tactical Options Research (TOR) report, which provides information on Police use of tactical options such as baton, OC spray, empty hand tactics, TASER, and firearms. Scoop (New Zealand) 9/11/2019 News New ‘proximity’ alarm will alert victims of domestic violence when their attackers are nearby NEW ZEALAND: A new alarm system being tested by police could warn domestic violence victims when their attacker is nearby. The proximity alarms are designed to be carried by both family violence victims and defendants released on bail to ensure they remain physically apart. Stuff (New Zealand) 9/11/2019 News Queensland police ‘brought into disrepute’ by computer system misuse, says commissioner AUSTRALIA: Exclusive: Katarina Carroll’s statement was emailed to officers across the state on Wednesday. The Guardian 9/11/2019 News Canberra’s police shortage has safety, mental health ramifications: officers AUSTRALIA: Former and current ACT police say the territory is marred by a lack of officers, putting them and the community at risk. The Canberra Times (Australia) - Subscription at source 9/11/2019 News A force under fire Interpol once described the RUC as the world’s most dangerous police force to serve in. A new BBC Northern Ireland documentary interviews former officers about their experiences. Leona O’Neill hears their stories. Belfast Telegraph 9/11/2019 News Teenager stabbed to death on knife awareness course A teenager was fatally stabbed at a council youth offenders centre while attending a knife awareness course. The Times - Subscription at source 9/11/2019 News PIRC investigation into woman’s death results in police reminding officers of procedures for dealing with missing person cases An investigation report has found that Police Scotland failed to categorise a 38-year-old woman as a missing person after concern was raised for her welfare Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) 8/11/2019 News Commanding resilience When disaster struck the small town of Whaley Bridge this year, Derbyshire Constabulary led a heroic rescue that demonstrated how agencies in both public and private sector can work together to save lives. Police Professional looks at the learning from the incident. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Booting the booters A new study suggests prevention is better than cure at stopping young users from getting involved in cybercrime. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Lying eyes Research into the involuntary eye movements made when viewing images of familiar faces or objects could provide police with a new way of identifying if witnesses or offenders are trying to conceal information. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Judge praises officers who were doused in petrol during disorder Temporary superintendent tells court 'we could have gone up like Roman Candles' Police Oracle - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 News Man suspected of kidnapping Northern Ireland businessman Kevin Lunney dies during raid Kevin Lunney was abducted outside his home in September and severely beaten, with a warning letter sent last month. Sky News 8/11/2019 News Smart decisions? A number of recent deaths have highlighted concerns about the safety of smart motorways and prompted a government review of their roll-out, but hundreds of miles remain in use, presenting challenges for police and public alike. Police Professional reports. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Facing up to scrutiny Adrian Timberlake examines the use of facial recognition to support police operations, its possible bias and how it can be used ethically. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Head hunters Skulls and body parts of many endangered species are widely available from online auction sites such as eBay. While some are innocent purchasers, many involved in the trade are flouting the law believing they are unlikely to be caught. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Nostalgia: Not what it used to be Ian MacDonald looks at the search for a form of policing that communities want, but discusses whether this is the same as what they need. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Feature, Opinion Aligning governance Peter Vaughan explains why an independent inquiry has recommended fundamental changes to police governance arrangements in Wales. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Disrupting the threat from drones Responding to the “unprecedented disruption” by drones at Gatwick last Christmas cost Sussex Police more than £790,000, with the airport closed for 30 hours and some 1,000 flights affected. Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Focused on security The use of body-worn video cameras is revolutionising policing and Richie McBride says they have been proven to enhance security of the ‘connected’ officer Police Professional - Subscription at source 8/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Revealed: The shocking number of Birmingham children in gangs or at risk of joining one Experts warn of devastating impact on children who are groomed and exploited to traffic drugs in county lines operations and the threats, violence and sexual abuse they are subjected to Birmingham Live 8/11/2019 News «339233933394339533963397339833993400Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events