Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98891 total results. Showing results 67881 to 67900 «339133923393339433953396339733983399Next ›Last » Rape victims still pay for phones held by police Mobile phone companies have been accused of profiteering by charging rape victims hundreds of pounds while their phones are seized by police during investigations. The Guardian - Subscription at source 11/11/2019 News Election fact-check: will there really be 20,000 new police officers? As the campaign gets into its stride, the Guardian will be looking out for daft ads and dodgy speeches The Guardian 11/11/2019 News Half of rape victims drop out of case even when suspect identified Cabinet ministers have been told that almost half of rape victims drop out of investigations into their case, many after police have identified a suspect. The Times - Subscription at source 11/11/2019 News Justice system ‘will break down’ and criminals go unpunished unless next government spends hundreds of millions, union warns Crown Prosecution Service hundreds of lawyers short and 'will not cope' with planned recruitment of 20,000 police officers The Independent 10/11/2019 News Rural police struggle to recruit amid poor pay and public perception USA: Attracting recruits to work for rural police departments is increasingly difficult, especially as most new officers choose to work in better staffed and better paying urban areas. NBC 10/11/2019 News Half of rape victims drop out of cases even after suspect is identified Exclusive: leaked Cabinet Office report finds justice system fails claimants and lack of resources may impede investigations The Guardian 10/11/2019 News Debating Core Conceptual and Measurement Issues About Police Legitimacy—editor’s Introduction This special issue on police legitimacy assembles a group of articles that debate the core conceptual and measurement issues about police legitimacy by authors from different backgrounds. These issues are very important given the growing expansion of the literature around the concept of police legitimacy. We organize this issue to provide the platform for authors to express views and critiques around both conceptual and methodological issues of police legitimacy. Asian Journal of Criminology - Registration at source 10/11/2019 Research article Slavery offences double as police target ‘county lines’ drug gangs Modern slavery offences nearly doubled last year as police increasingly accepted that “county lines” drug couriers were victims rather than criminals. The Times - Subscription at source 10/11/2019 News Rape victims ‘paying phone bills for months while police search mobiles’, investigation finds Rape victims are having to pay mobile phone bills for months after having devices taken away for examination by police, an investigation has found. The Standard 10/11/2019 News UK Police unleash SIM sniffing dogs on cyber criminals Scotland Yard has unleashed a new weapon in the fight against computer crime — two springer spaniels trained to sniff out mobile phones, laptops and even SIM cards. New Telegraph 10/11/2019 News The Truth Does Not Always Speak For Itself: Subject Behavior-Officer Response Reporting of Police Use of Force Use of force is among the most contentious issue facing law enforcement today. Unfortunately, much of the conversation surrounding use of force is driven by misunderstandings, in large part the result of lacking data. Despite repeated calls for more and better information regarding police use of force, departments and agencies have been slow to adopt useful mechanisms for gathering data. This article highlights the Subject Behaviour–Officer Response (SB-OR) template used to collect data in relation to instances where force is applied by the police in Vancouver, British Columbia. It examines the premises underlying the SB-OR, as well as its specific characteristics. The article then identifies challenges to the implementation of SB-OR-type reporting procedures, and attempts to rebut some possible points of resistance. Finally, the article outlines some of the important ways that the data from SB-ORs can be used to improve police use of force. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 10/11/2019 Research article Discussions About Child Witness Interviews During Australian Trials of Child Sexual Abuse In many jurisdictions, child witness interviews are pre-recorded and played in court as complainants’ evidence-in-chief in cases of child sexual abuse (CSA). The present study examined whether and how legal professionals discuss child witness interviews in the course of CSA trials. The trial transcripts of a sample of 85 child sexual abuse complainants (aged 6–17 years; 19 males) from three Australian jurisdictions were examined. Thematic analysis of all discussions between legal professionals about the child witness interview was conducted. Interviews were discussed for the majority (95.3%) of complainants. Three themes were identified: (1) problems with using the interviews as evidence-in-chief, (2) legal issues around the admissibility of interview topics and judicial directions, and (3) trial planning including availability of interview transcripts for jurors and the loss of recorded interviews. These results highlight the potential downstream effects that child witness interviews can have in CSA trials. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 10/11/2019 Research article Crimes committed by sex offenders double in a year The number of sex offenders convicted of crimes such as rape and murder has more than doubled over the past year Express 10/11/2019 News Dame Sara Thornton: There could be slaves working in your local florist, restaurant or nail bar Dame Sara Thornton was on holiday in Spain when news first broke, three weeks ago, that 39 people had been found dead in the back of a refrigerated articulated lorry in Grays, Essex. Less than six months into her role as anti-slavery commissioner, she span straight into “work mode”, issuing a statement declaring war on human traffickers. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 10/11/2019 Feature, Opinion Badger cull activists hit out at cost of shooters’ tracking devices Defra revealed that more than £300,000 of public money has been spent on the devices The Guardian 10/11/2019 News Fury as decision on police inquiry into PM shelved until after election Labour ‘shocked’ as police watchdog freezes investigation into Jennifer Arcuri scandal The Guardian 9/11/2019 News Police blast middle-class cocaine users for ‘fuelling child sex abuse’ by supporting county lines drug gangs For a growing number of people in middle-class suburbs, taking cocaine is considered an innocent way to unwind. But officers on the front line of the battle against county lines drug trafficking say these users are complicit in the sexual exploitation of children. Mail Online 9/11/2019 News Annual Tactical Options Research Report #7 (1 January to 31 December 2018) NEW ZEALAND: A key role of New Zealand Police Response and Operations: Research and Evaluation (RORE) is research, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of Police use of force, to provide accountability and assist evidence-based decision making, to improve police and public safety. RORE produces regular research reports, including biannual and annual Tactical Options Research Reports that monitor tactical options deployment ie, handcuffs, empty hand tactics (physical force), OC spray (pepper spray), baton, TASER, dogs, and firearms. These reports position New Zealand Police at the forefront of international best practice in accountability and transparency for the use of force. New Zealand Police 9/11/2019 Report Police Tactical Options Research report for 2018 released NEW ZEALAND: Police has released the 2018 Tactical Options Research (TOR) report, which provides information on Police use of tactical options such as baton, OC spray, empty hand tactics, TASER, and firearms. Scoop (New Zealand) 9/11/2019 News New ‘proximity’ alarm will alert victims of domestic violence when their attackers are nearby NEW ZEALAND: A new alarm system being tested by police could warn domestic violence victims when their attacker is nearby. The proximity alarms are designed to be carried by both family violence victims and defendants released on bail to ensure they remain physically apart. Stuff (New Zealand) 9/11/2019 News «339133923393339433953396339733983399Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events