Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97419 total results. Showing results 66201 to 66220 «330733083309331033113312331333143315Next ›Last » Blog: Data ethics and the digital economy How do we balance the interests of society against individual rights, on issues like facial recognition technology? Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) 18/11/2019 Feature, Opinion 10 individuals who robbed moving lorries in France arrested with the help of Europol On 6 November 2019, an international police operation, known as Operation Diligence, supported by Europol, led to the arrest of 10 suspects believed to be behind a number of cargo thefts from moving lorries in France. Europol 18/11/2019 News Police Reform, Austerity and ‘Cop Culture’: Time to Change the Record? Austerity, a politicised police reform agenda and increasing demand for police services create the collective conditions that require classical views of police culture be seen through a fresh contextual lens. Triangulating participant observation, semi-structured interviews and archival and documentary review within two UK police forces, we identify dramatic organisational and environmental changes across the UK policing landscape as the prime factors reconceptualising traditional views of police cultural theory. We argue for a context-specific, more pluralistic understanding, highlighting the importance within current police culture of public service motivation and the role of public servant, reduced intra-group solidarity and concepts of victim categorisation differing from previous typologies. Some facets of traditional concepts of police culture, such as residual racism, are resilient; other aspects, such as the role of autonomy and the meaning ascribed to getting a ‘result’, are now better understood in novel ways. Policing and Society - Registration at source 18/11/2019 Research article Police Cadets’ Career Plans in China: Testing the Mediation and Moderation Effects of Job Satisfaction In recent decades, police organizations have encountered difficulty in maintaining employees; a large number of police officers are leaving the service early. Using data collected from three police colleges in three different provinces in China, this study examines the mechanism of cadets’ career plan or turnover intention. Specifically, the test of a mediating mechanism in this study demonstrates the extent to which satisfaction mediates the relationship between distal factors and career plans among police cadets. Besides, the test of a moderating mechanism focuses on the possibility that the predictors differ in the relationship with cadets’ career plans by the degree of satisfaction. This study results found that satisfaction had no mediating effect. Instead, results showed that police cadets’ satisfaction is a strong moderator in the link between predictors and their career plans. Implications for recruitment, training, and retention strategies, as well as avenues for future research, are then discussed. Police Quarterly - Registration at source 18/11/2019 Research article World Class Policing Awards 2019: “Collaboration is the now and the future” Last week, the policing world came together to celebrate the best of policing at the World Class Policing Awards 2019. techUK's Justice and Emergency Services Programme Manager Jessica Russell reflects on the evening and the importance of collaboration. Policing Insight - Registration at source 18/11/2019 Opinion NSW police commissioner ‘misleading’ for linking strip-searches to knife crime Mick Fuller warns reducing strip-searches could increase knife crime, despite less than 1% of searches being for that reason The Guardian 18/11/2019 News Interview: Back to basics Gary Mason speaks to Humberside CC Lee Freeman about the challenges of turning around a force which felt completely disconnected from its leadership. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/11/2019 Feature, Opinion Humberside most improved force in terms of morale survey shows Federation pay and morale poll shows force has lowest number of officers who intend to leave in next two years. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/11/2019 News Police chiefs and CPS issue election protection advice to candidates All candidates have been assigned a police officer to contact and the NPCC will oversee reports and incidents at a national level. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 18/11/2019 News City pubs and clubs given kits to help victims of gun and knife crime The City of London Police is to provide hundreds of bars and other late-night venues with emergency “bleed control” kits to enable their staff to provide immediate assistance to victims of knife and gun crime. Police Professional 18/11/2019 News One in eight officers need help paying bills More than half of police officers worry about money on an almost daily basis according to the latest annual Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) pay and morale survey. Police Professional 18/11/2019 News Sussex officer to face misconduct hearing over pork prank on Jewish colleague An officer from Sussex Police faces a disciplinary hearing this week for allegedly contaminating the food of a colleague whom he knew to be Jewish with pork. Police Professional 18/11/2019 News Vulnerable Suspects in Police Interviews: Exploring Current Practice in England and Wales Mentally disordered individuals are increasingly coming into contact with the police. The current study explored investigative interview practice with mentally disordered suspects to examine how they respond and the impact this has on the level of information obtained. Transcripts of interviews conducted with vulnerable and nonvulnerable suspects (N = 66) were analysed using a specially designed coding framework. Results highlighted that best practice is generally not being adhered to regarding questioning techniques (for example, the use of open questions). Furthermore, although police officers altered their communication to suit the needs of the vulnerable suspect, they were also more likely to use minimisation tactics. Mentally disordered suspects sought more clarification for open questions and provided more information to closed questions. They also demonstrated higher levels of vulnerability (suggestibility and compliance) when compared with their nonvulnerable counterparts. Implications regarding interviewing methods for this vulnerable group are discussed. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling 18/11/2019 Research article Operation to tackle FGM and forced marriage honoured at awards Border Force and Metropolitan Police operation ‘highly commended’ at ‘World Class Policing Awards’ Home Office 18/11/2019 News ‘Diving For Dope’: Identity in Submarine Drug Policing At the ‘Maritime Gateway to Europe’ This article offers an ethnographic account of everyday identity (re)configuration in submarine policing by the Dutch Customs Diving Team (CDT) officers of illegal underwater drug trafficking in the Port of Rotterdam (PoR). In so doing, it explores what it means to perform drug inspections that depend on international collaboration and intelligence sharing, and also depend on the cooperation of ships’ crews, enabling the CDT to deal with challenging submarine circumstances. The findings emerge from a qualitative analysis, using an Othering framework, of data collected during fieldwork in 2011 in the PoR. The main argument of this contribution is that to prevent drug trafficking from entering in the port (and its European hinterland) and by legitimately interrupting the trade flow, the CDT must become a justifiable intervention itself. However, given the low number of drug seizures since the CDT’s inception, its legitimacy and efficacy are called into question at a time of hypersecuritization on the one hand and austere policing on the other; a bifurcating context in which CDT officers feel the need to (re)configure a superior policing Self through an inferior policed Other for which (discriminating) stigmas that exist about drug trafficking, maritime shipping and (counter-narcotics) policing are (unwillingly) used and amplified. European Journal of Criminology 18/11/2019 Research article More than half of officers worry about money almost every day New research conducted by the Police Federation of England and Wales reveals the shocking fact that more than half of police officers worry about money on an almost daily basis. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 18/11/2019 News Is it right to use AI to identify children at risk of harm? Machine learning is being used to help protect children, but it raises ethical questions The Guardian 18/11/2019 News Presumption of racism is an insult to police officers The death of any person in police custody will always be a matter of public interest. Recent public statements, however, would suggest that public interest is less of a consideration than public opinion, and a drive to respond to inference before dealing with evidence. The Times - Subscription at source 18/11/2019 Feature, Opinion Half of police in Devon and Cornwall worry about money ‘almost every day’ Survey of officers by Police Federation finds that a quarter of them didn't even have enough cash to cover their essentials each month and are fed up working "harder, for less pay" Plymouth Live 18/11/2019 News 44,000 UK knife crimes in 12 months sees police roll out bleed kits throughout pubs In the 12 months to June 2019, there was a record high of 44,000 knife crimes in England and Wales. Euro Weekly 18/11/2019 News «330733083309331033113312331333143315Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events