Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97448 total results. Showing results 66041 to 66060 «329933003301330233033304330533063307Next ›Last » Police chief reveals ‘sexist and homophobic’ abuse over hairstyle in TV appearances A senior police officer who led the evacuation of Whaley Bridge in August has spoken of how she quit Twitter after experiencing “sexist and homophobic” harassment over her hairstyle. The Independent 25/11/2019 News Special Committee to Review the Police Complaint Process CANADA: On November 27, 2018 and February 21, 2019, the Legislative Assembly agreed that a Special Committee be appointed to conduct an audit respecting the outcome or resolution of randomly selected complaints and investigations, pursuant to section 51.2 of the Police Act [RSBC 1996] c. 367 and to prepare a report no later than November 26, 2019 on the results of that audit. [pdf] Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner (Canada) 25/11/2019 Report Caerphilly estate’s dedicated police spark ‘50% rise’ in crime reports Putting dedicated officers back on the beat has led to a 50% rise in intelligence about drugs and crime from a council estate, police say. BBC 25/11/2019 Analysis, Feature Police Scotland rise to Modern day slavery challenge with new squad Modern day slavery is a vile trade taking place across Scotland and police need all the support they can get to fight it. Daily Record 25/11/2019 Feature, Opinion Scots cops crackdown on child trafficking gangs smuggling Vietnamese kids into Scotland for slavery In recent weeks children from Vietnam have approached authorities in Edinburgh looking for help. Daily Record 25/11/2019 News Conservative manifesto: From taxes to crime and Brexit, Boris Johnson’s key policies explained A “police covenant” will be written into law and officers will be given more Tasers and body cameras. The Times - Subscription at source 25/11/2019 News Legalisation of cannabis is a fool’s crusade Calls to make dope as freely available as cigarettes or alcohol are gathering support but ignore the real harm it does The Times - Subscription at source 25/11/2019 Feature, Opinion Scotland Yard urged to explain why Prince Andrew complaint was not subject to a full investigation Scotland Yard is coming under increasing pressure to explain why it failed to carry out a full investigation into allegations that a teenager had been trafficked to the UK to have sex with the Duke of York. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 24/11/2019 News ‘The damage lasts a lifetime’: The fight to start a centre where victims of grooming gangs can heal Police whistleblower Maggie Oliver says there is little help out there for those still suffering torment at the hands of their abusers - but she hopes she can change that for good Manchester Evening News 24/11/2019 News Private Policing and Public Health: A Neglected Relationship Policing, in its various forms and dimensions, has indelible and complex connections to public health. The conventional functions of policing—promoting social order, security, and crime prevention—are animated by many issues easily framed by a public health lens (e.g., forms of violence, mental illnesses, drug abuse, homelessness). Policing with a crime control focus can make public health worse by criminalizing vulnerable people and undermining access to health and harm reduction resources. Conversely, policing with a health focus can help link vulnerable people to treatment and recovery-oriented resources. Recognizing these connections, researchers have largely focused on the public health effects of policing by the public police, and practitioners have worked to transform the public police with population health in mind. This article suggests that although this focus on transforming the public police is necessary to the advancement of public health, it neglects to understand connections between private policing and public health. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 24/11/2019 Research article Private Security and Closed-Circuit Television (cctv) Surveillance: A Systematic Review of Function and Performance Private security personnel play an important but largely overlooked role in the operation of closed-circuit television (CCTV) surveillance to prevent crime in public and private areas. This role can take a number of forms, including active monitoring of cameras. Drawing upon a global database of CCTV evaluations (N = 165), this article examines the function and performance of private security personnel as related to the effectiveness of CCTV. Findings indicate that CCTV schemes operated by private security personnel generated larger crime prevention effects than those operated by police or those using a mix of police and security personnel. Policy and research implications are discussed. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 24/11/2019 Research article Ethnic Minority Youths’ Encounters With Private Security Guards: Unwelcome in the City Space An increasing amount of literature is suggesting that ethnic minorities perceive their relations with the police as negative and procedurally unjust. There is, however, a distinctive lack of research on the relations between ethnic minorities and private security agents. This study uses the qualitative interviews of 30 ethnic minority youths living in Finland to explore their interactions with security guards. The findings suggest that perceptions of discrimination, suspicion, being moved on, and exclusion from city space were common. The study advances the theorizations of the changes in policing and procedural justice and incorporates these into the discussions on policing the city space. It argues that net-widening of policing means that city spaces are becoming more unwelcoming for ethnic minority youths in particular, limiting their opportunities to use city spaces. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 24/11/2019 Research article Citizen Satisfaction With Private Police in Russia: Does Satisfaction With Public Police Matter? In this study, we assess citizens’ satisfaction with private security guards (PSGs) and whether contact experience and their assessment about the guards’ competence in their work and procedural fairness in their interactions influence their satisfaction. We also examine whether their general satisfaction with public police mediates the factors that influence their satisfaction with PSGs. Results from a sample of 364 respondents from the city of St. Petersburg show that citizens come in contact with private police in large numbers as they do with public police. Findings suggest that citizens’ judgments of effectiveness and procedural fairness of private police appear to be the strongest predictors of citizens’ satisfaction with PSGs. In addition, respondents’ satisfaction with private police on various dimensions of professionalism, effectiveness, and procedural fairness of PSGs is partially mediated by citizen satisfaction with public police, a finding that does not hold for those who had contact with PSGs. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 24/11/2019 Research article Stalking victims feel ‘betrayed’ as more than half of offenders avoid prison Stalking victims accused the justice system of a cruel betrayal as more than half of offenders dodge jail. Mirror 24/11/2019 News Crime news: Thugs who attack police set free to strike again Thousands of thugs who assaulted the police were allowed to walk free from court despite being convicted of at least one previous attack on an officer. Express 24/11/2019 News British police chief quits Twitter following ‘homophobic abuse’ over her spiky hairstyle A British police officer was subjected to “sexist and homophobic” abuse following a television appearance all because she had short, spiky hair with blond highlights. Pink News 24/11/2019 News Jeremy Corbyn is a danger to national security, former MI6 chief claims The former head of MI6 has called Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn a danger to national security who is unfit to lead the country. The Standard 24/11/2019 News Police attacked during ‘machete’ brawl at Birmingham cinema Officers deploy Tasers and dogs to quell mass fight at Star City complex in Nechells The Guardian 24/11/2019 News Quarter of a million security cost to taxpayer of Prince Andrew’s business venture trips Taxpayers have paid more than a quarter of a million pounds for Prince Andrew's security detail to accompany him around the world promoting his Pitch@Palace business venture, an investigation by The Sunday Telegraph can reveal. The Sunday Telegraph - Subscription at source 24/11/2019 News Whaley Bridge police chief ‘left Twitter over hairstyle abuse’ A senior police officer has said "sexist and homophobic" abuse sparked by her hairstyle led her to leave social media. BBC 24/11/2019 News «329933003301330233033304330533063307Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events