Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97457 total results. Showing results 65961 to 65980 «329532963297329832993300330133023303Next ›Last » No safe shores for migrant smugglers Forensics examination on rubber boats used by smugglers was one of the drivers behind the annual meeting of Joint Operational Team (JOT) MARE Europol 27/11/2019 News EU warned over fast-tracking facial recognition A new report on Wednesday (27 November) warns EU institutions and member states over new facial recognition technologies, saying collecting facial images of individuals without their consent or chance to refuse "can have a negative impact on people's dignity". eu observer 27/11/2019 News Understanding the public’s priorities for policing In 2019 the Police Foundation, supported by a number of Police and Crime Commissioners, undertook research to develop a deeper understanding of public attitudes towards police priorities; offering insights at both local and national levels. The project moved beyond standard opinion surveys that ask people what they think the police should prioritise, without providing information about the realities of modern policing. Instead we brought together focus groups of local residents to discuss policing in their area, introduced information about the breadth and intensity of police demand and assessed the extent to which, once they understood these competing issues more fully, their views on priorities changed. The Police Foundation 27/11/2019 Report Met Police hit by racism claims with three quarters of senior ethnic minority cops involved in legal wrangles Three quarters of the Met’s senior ethnic minority cops are involved in force legal wrangles, leading to claims of racism. The Sun 27/11/2019 News The utterly unfair prosecution of a highly decorated officer is another disaster for the CPS The prosecution of Superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams for possession of an indecent video of a child has been a textbook example of how sometimes it is not in the public interest to prosecute, even when the evidence can support a conviction. The Telegraph 27/11/2019 News Drink drive deaths in Britain hit an eight-year high as number of roadside breath tests drops thanks to police cuts A spike in the number of recorded drink-driving incidents on Britain's roads has coincided with substantial cuts to police forces, new analysis shows. This is Money 27/11/2019 News Police force accused of being ‘stuck in the 1980s’ after warning women not to go out alone at night A police force has been accused of 'victim blaming' after issuing a 'condescending' warning to women not to go out alone at night. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 27/11/2019 News Olivia Bridge: How high does the body count need to be before the Home Office stops turning a blind eye to trafficked women? Olivia Bridge, political correspondent for the Immigration Advice Service, calls the Home Office to account for the suffering heaped on victims of human trafficking by the UK’s immigration system Common Space 27/11/2019 Feature, Opinion EU report highlights ‘extensive abuse’ of vulnerable children by county lines drugs gangs A new EU report highlights the “extensive exploitation” of vulnerable young people, many of whom are in care, by county lines drug trafficking gangs operating across the UK Children & Young People Now 27/11/2019 News Cleveland Police sergeant receives final written warning following data breach A Cleveland Police hearing has today (Wednesday 27 November) decided that a police sergeant should receive a final written warning, following our investigation. Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) 27/11/2019 News Harper Memorial Fund raises over £325,000 as appeal is closed Widow Lissie Harper thanks supporters and requests future donations go to fallen officer charities. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/11/2019 News Inspectorate to issue consultation on majority vote collaboration Network Code system first proposed in 2017 but HMCIC says joined up intelligence system is 'desperately needed'. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 27/11/2019 News Policing Repeat and High-Risk Family Violence: Police and Service-Sector Perceptions of A Coordinated Model Family violence forms a significant part of police-work, with many police agencies adopting evolving responses to family violence over time. This article presents the qualitative findings of a mixed-method evaluation of ‘Alexis’, a coordinated police-social-services approach to family violence piloted in the state of Victoria, Australia. In-depth interviews were conducted with 14 stakeholders (7 police members and 7 community service providers) to examine perceptions of how the model was working and how it differed from other policing approaches to family violence. Five key themes were extracted from the data via thematic analysis: (i) collaboration between police, an embedded family violence worker and other agencies; (ii) increased police accountability; (iii) adoption of a proactive major crime approach; (iv) emphasis on professional development; and (v) the allocation of dedicated time and resources. Implications for future policy development are discussed, with the findings highlighting promising practices for policing high-risk and recidivist family violence. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 27/11/2019 Research article Thousands of girl gang members are trapped in a cycle of violence and abuse Figures suggest that up to 34% of children involved in gangs are girls. Services are failing them, says the children’s commissioner The Guardian 27/11/2019 News Superintendent placed on sex offenders register despite ‘never viewing’ child abuse image A senior Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) officer has been handed a community order and placed on the sex offenders register after receiving a child abuse video from her sister. Police Professional 27/11/2019 News 79 arrested in worldwide crackdown on airline fraud Between 18 – 22 November 2019, 60 countries, 56 airlines and 12 online travel agencies were involved in the 12th edition of the Global Airline Action Days (GAAD), an international and multidisciplinary operation to fight fraudulent online purchases of flight tickets with compromised credit card data, which took place at more than 200 airports across the world. Europol 27/11/2019 News Benefits of community policing and youth engagement lesson for Armenian officials A group of Armenian officials have visited Scotland in a bid to find out more about the benefits of community policing and youth development. Scottish Police Federation (SPF) 27/11/2019 News Nottinghamshire police ‘victim blaming’ women who walk alone Force criticised for Facebook post warning women they risk attacks if unaccompanied The Guardian 27/11/2019 News Domestic abuse: Big rise in reports to police in Wales There has been an 83% rise in domestic abuse-related crimes recorded in Wales over the past four years, official figures have shown BBC 27/11/2019 News Nottinghamshire Police ‘victim blame’ women in Facebook post A police force was accused of "victim blaming" when a social media post suggested women who walk alone at night are at risk of attack. BBC 27/11/2019 News «329532963297329832993300330133023303Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events