Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97847 total results. Showing results 65021 to 65040 «324832493250325132523253325432553256Next ›Last » Cop Cash – Scotland getting extra £96million from Westminster as SNP urged to spend cash on bailing out struggling Police Scotland Scotland is getting an extra £96 million as a result of an uplift in police funding for England and Wales, it emerged tonight. The Scottish Sun 22/1/2020 News Stress Management and Health Promotion Intervention Program For Police Forces Police are exposed to considerable amounts of stress while undertaking their work; confronting not only a plethora of stress factors common to the field of work, but also frequently experienced violence, aggression, environmental stressors and traumatic events, thus leading to poor physical and mental health. This study aims to expand evidence on the role of stress management in police forces. The study concerns a randomized control trial in a sample of police officers (N = 54) randomly separated into intervention and control groups. The intervention group (N = 27) underwent Pythagorean Self-Awareness Intervention (PSAI), a novel 8-week non-pharmaceutical self-referring intervention, whereas the control group completed self-reported questionnaires that were used pre- and post-intervention in both groups. The majority of participants were males in their mid-30s, with tertiary education, married, and had been working in police forces for more than a decade; more than half were shift workers. Statistical analyses revealed beneficial changes in the intervention group for the variables anger in, negative affect, cognitive speed and verbal memory compared with the control group. We aspire to the introduction of PSAI as a method that have beneficial effects on police stress, cognitive amelioration and management of negative feelings and anger. International Journal of Police Science & Management - Registration at source 22/1/2020 Research article Government announces biggest increase in funding for the police system in a decade The government have announced today that the amount of funding available to the policing system for 2020 to 2021 will increase by more than £1.1 billion. National Police Chiefs' Council (NPCC) 22/1/2020 News Crimes linked to Facebook rise 19 per cent in a year, police figures show Crimes linked to Facebook have risen by 19 per cent in a year, according to police figures that will fuel criticism that the tech giant is failing to do enough to combat online harms. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 22/1/2020 News Policing bodies publish new digital strategy A set of priorities and enablers to make better use of digital technology and data in policing have been set out in a new national strategy. 22/1/2020 News Forces share £15.2bn but lobbying starts for more in CSR The funding settlement for police forces has been confirmed, ending weeks of delays and uncertainty. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 22/1/2020 News Norfolk offenders to be drug tested on arrest Selected offenders in Norfolk are to be drug tested in custody to identify potential addicts in a bid to reduce levels of acquisitive crime. Police Professional 22/1/2020 News Outdated funding system must be overhauled As the Government reveals its financial commitment to policing, the Police Federation of England and Wales welcomes the move but continues to call for the outdated and unfair funding system to be updated. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 22/1/2020 News Knives ‘hidden in London parks to sidestep stop and search’ Gangs are stashing knives in parks as police use stop and search more, a senior officer has said. BBC 22/1/2020 News If defending life on Earth is extremist, we must own that label Police say climate groups such as Extinction Rebellion are a ‘threat’. They’d have done the same for the suffragettes and Martin Luther King The Guardian 22/1/2020 Feature, Opinion Police launch cyber kiosk technology to crack down on crime Police Scotland has began a phased roll-out of cyber kiosk technology that will help crack down on crime in Monklands. Daily Record 22/1/2020 News Facebook Crime Rises 19% as UK Tries to Police Social Media The UK government is planning to police social media by issuing sites with a new code of conduct. Info Security 22/1/2020 News Chinese Police Cadets’ Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence: A Pretest/posttest Design Since the Domestic Violence (DV) Law was passed in China in 2015, knowledge of this mandate has been relatively unexplored. Data from 401 police cadets attending Zhejiang Police College in Hangzhou, China, are analyzed. A pretest/posttest design was used to assess changes in attitudes toward DV after a 30-minute lecture on DV. The influence of gender, whether the cadet views DV as a priority for law enforcement, and knowledge of services are examined. Findings demonstrate the utility of the training while recognizing cadets with prior knowledge of DV may have resisted the training. Given entrance into law enforcement is more likely for individuals who attend a police college in China, implications include incorporating a DV course at police colleges. Crime and Delinquency - Registration at source 22/1/2020 Research article Police grants in England and Wales: 2020 to 2021 Final allocations of grants to police and crime commissioners in England and Wales for 2020 to 2021. Home Office 22/1/2020 Report Policing gets biggest funding boost in decade to put more bobbies on the beat This will allow police to deliver on the people’s priorities and recruit first wave of 20,000 additional officers. Home Office 22/1/2020 News Interpreter-Assisted Interviews: Examining Investigators’ and Interpreters’ Views on Their Practice The investigative interviewing of victims, witnesses and suspects is one of the most frequent and important tasks undertaken by those conducting law enforcement investigations. Over the past 20 years or so, there has been a substantial growth in the amount of research examining the practice. Nonetheless, little research has been conducted into those interviews where an interpreter is increasingly present. Using a self-administered questionnaire, the present study examined the beliefs of 66 investigators and 40 interpreters in the context of international criminal investigations, concerning certain key tasks in such interpreter-assisted interviews. It was regularly found that there was not always a consensus of opinion either within or between these two groups of professionals concerning whether (when participating in investigative interviews) (1) they prepared jointly with each other; (2) interpreters assisted (or otherwise) with rapport building; (3) interpreters could interpret accurately; and (4) interpreter interventions were disruptive or not. Given such divisions of opinion, our findings tend to suggest that there is a lack of clarity as to the role of interpreters and, indeed, only personalised views as to what is best practice. The implications of our findings are discussed, and recommendations are made to enable practice enhancement. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 22/1/2020 Research article Perceived Stress and Coping Among Law Enforcement Officers: An Empirical Analysis of Patrol Versus Non-Patrol Officers in Illinois, USA The purpose of this paper is to examine the main perceived stressors and coping among law enforcement officers. Based on Stress Management for Law Enforcement Officers surveys of 427 law enforcement officers in Illinois, USA, descriptive analysis and one-way ANOVA tests were performed to analyze perceived stress and coping among patrol versus non-patrol police officers. The findings suggest that financial situation, situation when fellow officer killed or witnessing a fatality, poor personal relationships with supervisor(s), and unfair promotional opportunities are the leading causes of stress. One-way ANOVA test showed a marginal difference in the mean of perception of stress when fellow officer killed or witnessing a fatality among officers in patrol in comparison to non-patrol officers. One-way ANOVA test showed a significant marginal difference in the mean of relationship with supervisor(s) stress perception scores among non-patrol officers in comparison to patrol officers. Non-patrol officers had a higher relationship with supervisor(s) stress perception scores than officers in patrol. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology - Registration at source 22/1/2020 Research article Austerity means police must ‘think differently’ – Pam Kelly Austerity measures mean police have to think differently, the chief constable of Gwent Police has said. BBC 22/1/2020 News Serious violent and sexual offenders to spend longer in prison Serious violent and sexual criminals will face more time behind bars under Government plans to better protect the public and restore confidence in the justice system. Ministry of Justice (MoJ) 22/1/2020 News ‘People are fearful’: New Zealand police admit gang violence is out of control Superintendent says after two shootings in the North Island on the weekend that officers alone can’t tackle growing problem The Guardian 22/1/2020 News «324832493250325132523253325432553256Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events