Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97847 total results. Showing results 64881 to 64900 «324132423243324432453246324732483249Next ›Last » Police Ombudsman clears PSNI officers of misconduct after claims they treated man “like lesser person” A Police Ombudsman investigation has rejected claims that the PSNI treated a man they had arrested “like a lesser person” and deliberately inflicted pain on him. The Newsletter 28/1/2020 News Red Snapper Group partners with e-learning platform Police Revision Red Snapper Group (RSG) have announced a new partnership with Police Revision, an e-learning platform that provides police officers with the tools they need to progress in their police promotion exams. Policing Insight 28/1/2020 Advertisement, Feature Learning the lessons: What previous PCC elections can tell us about this year’s contest This May, in England and Wales, the public will go to the polls to elect their local Police and Crime Commissioner. Professor Peter Joyce and Dr Wendy Laverick examine the lessons to be learnt from the previous two elections in 2012 and 2016 and what prospective candidates are likely to focus on in 2020. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/1/2020 Analysis, UK PCC Elections Cheshire Constabulary refers itself to police watchdog over response to incidents ‘prior to death of Yousef Makki’ The force, and the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC), have refused to reveal details about the 'incidents', which did not involve Yousef Manchester Evening News 28/1/2020 News The Cypriot justice system’s issues with rape complainants are a disgrace – but the UK isn’t any better We should all maintain our interest in this horrible case, even after the media circus leaves town. But as dire as circumstances can be abroad, there are equally pressing issues at home The Independent 28/1/2020 Feature, Opinion Profile: The problem solving DS Detective Sergeant Ash Jones of Avon and Somerset has a unique role marked out by his job title as Force Problem-Solving Coordinator. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 28/1/2020 Analysis, Feature Sussex officer dismissed for sex with vulnerable women while on duty An inspector with Sussex Police has been dismissed for having improper relationships with vulnerable women. Police Professional 28/1/2020 News Inspection revealed Northumbria custody staff could see detainees using toilets CCTV coverage of custody units in Northumbria Police has been criticised after it emerged staff were able to see detainees using the toilets. Police Professional 28/1/2020 News MPS warned operational use of LFR could fall outside legal framework The Government’s Biometrics Commissioner has warned the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) that its planned operational use of live facial recognition (LFR) could fall outside the existing legal mandate governing the technology. Police Professional 28/1/2020 News Drone wars: Combating the emerging threat and risks As UK police are set to receive new powers to tackle the problem of illegal drone activity, Policing Insight contributor Andrew Staniforth examines the risks drones pose to our safety and security and the wider work happening to counteract them. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/1/2020 Analysis How to catch bad guys with the help of data – the right way During my career, data and data protection has always been an important part of police work, however, since I was assigned as the Executive Director of Europol, data protection started to play an even more important role in my job. At Europol data is at the core of our work and we are using data to dismantle serious and organised crime groups every day. I believe that data protection regulations and efficient investigative policing do not exclude each other. Both are possible at the same time. Let me quote Benjamin Franklin: “They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Europol 28/1/2020 Feature, Opinion Roads Policing Conference looks to the future Delegates are arriving in Kenilworth for the Police Federation of England and Wales’ 14th annual Roads Policing Conference, which starts today (Tuesday). Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 28/1/2020 News Weekly academic research summary This summary curates the key policing-related research that's been published online in the last week, with links to the original journal articles, and selected abstracts - plus a short guide outlining how serving police officers and staff can get access, free, to many of the articles listed through the National Police Library. You do not need to be a member of the College to access its library. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 28/1/2020 News Facial recognition could be ‘spectacular own goal’, police warned amid accuracy concerns Facial recognition could be a “spectacular own goal” for police if it fails to be inaccurate and effective, the government has been warned. The Independent 28/1/2020 News Privacy watchdog calls for probe after police share images of three offenders and a missing person with Sheffield’s Meadowhall shopping centre during four-week trial of facial recognition cameras A facial recognition camera trial has sparked further calls for government to intervene in the into the use of the controversial technology. Mail Online 28/1/2020 News Female perpetrated domestic violence: Prevalence of self-defensive and retaliatory violence AUSTRALIA: Differences between male and female perpetrated domestic violence are widely acknowledged. However, there is a lack of Australian data on the circumstances of female perpetrated violence. [pdf] Australian Institute of Criminology (Australia) 28/1/2020 Research article Technology as a Policing Enabler—Utilizing SentrySIS to Improve Police Efficiency and Effectiveness Every year, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire & Rescue Services (HMICRFS) publishes an annual assessment of policing in England and Wales. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice - Subscription at source 28/1/2020 Research article Gwent Police fast-tracks civilians to become investigators Crimes will be investigated by civilians who are being fast-tracked by Gwent Police to help ease workloads. BBC 28/1/2020 News The impact of the first professional police forces on crime Determining whether increased policing reduces crime is a difficult task, in part because policing affects crime and crime also affects policing. This column approaches the problem historically, asking whether the introduction of the first professional police forces in the 19th century, from the London Metropolitan Police onwards, reduced crime. It finds that when police forces were sufficiently large and well-regulated, they had a crime-reducing effect that, while not immediate, did persist over time. VoxEU 27/1/2020 Analysis, Feature Smart motorways scandal: Highways Agency facing police probe over deaths of stranded drivers Highways England is facing a police investigation over the deaths of motorists on smart motorways after ministers claimed safety warnings had been repeatedly ignored. The Telegraph 27/1/2020 News «324132423243324432453246324732483249Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events