Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97904 total results. Showing results 63961 to 63980 «319531963197319831993200320132023203Next ›Last » Labour announces Barbara Cannon as its candidate for Cumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Barbara Cannon has been selected as Labour’s candidate to stand as Police and Crime Commissioner for Cumbria in the election on the 8th of May. Cumbria Crack 7/3/2020 News Publication of Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Annual Report The Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO) has published its Annual Report on the oversight of the use of covert powers by public authorities. The Report, covering the year 2018, offers a complete look into IPCO’s first full year in operation. The findings provide an overview on the frequency and type of powers used by authorised bodies, which include UK intelligence agencies, police forces and local councils. Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO) 6/3/2020 News IPCO Investigatory Powers Comissioners Office – Annual Report 2018 I am very pleased to be able to discharge my responsibilities as Investigatory Powers Commissioner in presenting the 2018 report on the ‘carrying out of the functions of the Judicial Commissioners’. This is my second IPCO Annual Report to the Prime Minister and, in the event, it is my last. [pdf] Investigatory Powers Commissioner’s Office (IPCO) 6/3/2020 Report National Police Chaplain ‘humbled’ to be awarded MBE The Police Federation of England and Wales is pleased to congratulate Reverend Canon David Wilbraham in being awarded an MBE for his services to policing. Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW) 6/3/2020 News 7.9 million euros of illegal products seized in a hit against medicine traffickers 165 arrests and 12 organised crime groups dismantled in Europe-wide operation Europol 6/3/2020 News Our Friends in the North The UK will not be remaining in the European Arrest Warrant (EAW)System, preferring to repliate similar arrangements to Norway and Iceland in it's negotiations with the EU. But what does this mean? Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/3/2020 Analysis, Feature GMP’s new computer system is ‘not a scandal’, says mayor Andy Burnham The mayor issued a lengthy statement on the situation with iOPS, insisting he had been reassured all incidents reported to GMP - including those involving vulnerable children - had been investigated, despite the system's problems Manchester Evening News 6/3/2020 News Sussex Police chief constable to step down The chief constable of Sussex Police has announced he will be stepping down after more than 30 years’ service. Police Professional 6/3/2020 News PCC calls for unauthorised Traveller encampments to be criminalised Surrey’s police and crime commissioner (PCC) is urging the Government to change the law to make setting up unauthorised Traveller and Gypsy encampments a criminal offence. Police Professional 6/3/2020 News HMICFRS’s 2020/21 policing inspection programme and framework: for consultation This consultation asks for your views on HMICFRS’s proposed policing inspection programme for 2020/21. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/3/2020 News Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to children’s mental health in Bexley Between 20 and 24 January 2020, Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission (CQC), HMI Constabulary, Fire and Rescue services (HMICFRS) and HMI Probation (HMI Prob) undertook a joint inspection of the multi-agency response to children’s mental health in Bexley. This inspection included a ‘deep dive’ focus on the response to children’s mental health needs. HM Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) 6/3/2020 Report Christine Elliott appointed interim Chair of College of Policing Home Secretary approves appointment to replace former Chair, Millie Banerjee CBE. Christine Elliott has been appointed by the Home Secretary as the interim Chair of the College of Policing, following her nomination by the College Board. College of Policing 6/3/2020 News Greek police accused of stripping and brutally beating migrants near Turkish border Images show one migrant with angry red welts across his back after a beating, allegedly at the hands of Greek forces The Telegraph - Subscription at source 6/3/2020 News Police issue warning against coronavirus fraudsters in UK Fraudsters have been quick to latch on to the coronavirus outbreak, with fake “Centers for Disease Control” emails and other scams already tricking the UK public out of £800,000, according to the police. The Guardian 6/3/2020 News Police Leadership of Tomorrow: Comprehensive Compstat Performance Management Moving From Stagnation to Innovation In 1994 New York City began its police performance management system called Compstat – compare statistics. It is now used by many law enforcement agencies throughout the world. Its use, however, is generally confined to reducing crime. Police departments’ roles in a democratic society is far more complicated: protecting Constitutional rights, preventing corruption from within, working under the authority of the people (the social contract), delivery of a wide variety of services not involving criminal enforcement and developing community partnerships. These are only a few ideas about the difficult role police have. We present evidence from a survey we conducted in 2012 with the New York City Police Department with a sample of 1,962 retired officers of all ranks. The survey demonstrates how performance management can morph into a top-down numbers crunching bureaucracy whose focus on crime fighting fails to accomplish the true mission of police in democracies. Moreover, federal, state and local political demands in the United States and other countries may exacerbate the problem. We suggest a path forward using transformational leadership, Compstat and community policing as vehicles for changing police, police bureaucracy, and police culture. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 6/3/2020 Research article Crime Prevention: who’s counting ? Seventy percent of police and crime plans do not make a single mention of crime prevention. Given the high probablity of Whitehall imposed reduction targets how are forces going to deliver? Police Oracle - Subscription at source 6/3/2020 Analysis, Feature Inspectors find ‘too little’ progress made on Sussex Police custody suites A joint inspection of custody suites operated by Sussex Police has found there has been limited progress on making improvements on a range of concerns identified more than three years earlier. Police Professional 6/3/2020 News Five Countries and tech firms agree groundbreaking principles to keep children safe online A first-of-its-kind blueprint to keep children safe on the internet, drafted by the Five Country partners, has been endorsed by major tech companies. Home Office 6/3/2020 News Chief Constable’s March Report to the Northern Ireland Policing Board The purpose of this report is to: Provide an overview of key performance information to the Board. Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) 6/3/2020 Report APCC Victims’ Leads welcome the consultation on the new Victims Code of Practice APCC Victims Leads, Sophie Linden, London’s Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime & Julia Mulligan, North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner said: “Police and Crime Commissioners play a unique role in respect of victims within the criminal justice system. We are not only responsible for commissioning the majority of local support services for victims of crime, but also, given our senior local leadership role within the CJS, we are well placed to ensure that the system locally is doing more to meet the needs of victims. Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCC) 6/3/2020 News «319531963197319831993200320132023203Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events