Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 97986 total results. Showing results 63101 to 63120 «315231533154315531563157315831593160Next ›Last » Man claiming to have had Covid-19 jailed after coughing at officers A man who claimed to have had Covid-19 has been jailed after coughing at Derbyshire Constabulary officers. Police Professional 9/4/2020 News Police Scotland Federation sets up panel of scientists and medical experts on safety The federation have set up a panel of scientists and medical experts to give safeguarding advice for officers. Police Oracle - Subscription at source 9/4/2020 News Policing’s NMC teams shortlisted for European award The National Management Centre, the nationally-supported cyber security protection facility that’s being rolled out across police forces, has been announced as a finalist for Best Security Team at this year’s SC Awards Europe. National Enabling Programmes 9/4/2020 News Coronavirus: why we must tackle hard questions about police power We need to be clearer about what’s at stake when deciding how, for what purpose, and against whom, police authority is deployed, says Ian Loader. Police Professional 9/4/2020 Feature, Opinion Coronavirus: Gang life ‘has stopped’ because of COVID-19 Sheldon Thomas, who founded the Gangsline Foundation Trust, said county lines and "cuckooing" activity have also decreased. Sky News 9/4/2020 News Coronavirus: Police chief warns those who flout the lockdown they could be arrested A police chief has warned those who flout the coronavirus lockdown that they could be arrested and end up with a criminal record for not following the rules. Sky News 9/4/2020 News Feedback: The importance of listening, involving and responding to communities facing Covid-19 A Crest Advisory report has revealed overwhelming support for the UK police's approach to policing the pandemic. Crisis Communication Consultant Amanda Coleman says now is the time to build community involvement into the communication strategy, laying the foundations for how the next generation view the police. Policing Insight - Subscription at source 9/4/2020 Feature, Opinion UK domestic abuse helplines report surge in calls during lockdown Experts say household isolation may lead to increase in abusive behaviour and violence The Guardian 9/4/2020 News A Lesson to Learn? A Study of How Various Ranks and Police Leaders Understand and Relate to Experience-Based Learning Improvement through experience-based learning is on the agenda of the Norwegian police. This paper will examine how ‘experience-based learning’ is understood and practiced by police leaders of different ranks within crisis management. The study’s analysis is based on in-depth interviews with Incident Management (IM) police staff members, such as the district chief of police, the chief of IM staff and the control room supervisors. The paper presents three findings. First, the analysis shows there is a difference in the various police ranks in the perception of the term. Second, the police leaders, across the ranks, share an understanding that the police are not sufficiently good at learning and developing practice from experience due to cultural issues within the organisation. Third, there are differences in police leaders’ views as to the extent to which closing reports form the basis for changes in practice. The paper discusses the conditions required for experience-based learning as an approach to developing crisis management in the police. The paper argues that improving the police service through experience requires that leaders share a common understanding of the term ‘experience-based learning’ and its pre-condition such as reflection. Policing and Society - Registration at source 9/4/2020 Research article Autistic people ‘judged by public and police’ over distancing during exercise Carers of autistic people with a limited understanding of social distancing have said they are being judged by the public and challenged by police when helping them with their daily exercise. News Shopper 9/4/2020 News Police force first to make staff work from home as scores self-isolating One of England's biggest police forces is starting to take 101 calls from home as more staff are set to fall sick over the coming weeks. Express 9/4/2020 News Asymmetry in Media Effects on Perceptions of Police: An Analysis Using A Within-Subjects Design Experiment The current study examines the influence of positive, negative, and mixed portrayals of the police in the media on perceptions of police. Participants were randomly assigned to watch an edited video segment from entertainment media. Employing a within-subjects design, participants were surveyed on their perceptions of police, exposed to a video clip, and then re-surveyed. Results from paired-samples t-tests provide evidence concerning media impact on perceptions of police with strong internal validity. The current findings indicate that media exposure can matter, particularly when it introduces negative images of police. Even when mixed images of police were presented, participants were more driven by the negative portrayal. This finding is in line with an asymmetrical impact of negative encounters with police relative to positive encounters. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 9/4/2020 Research article Coronavirus: Greater Manchester Police warning after 660 parties shut down Greater Manchester Police has warned people not to breach lockdown rules over Easter after it had to break up 660 parties last weekend. BBC 9/4/2020 News What Does Success Look Like? Lessons From the Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) Program Using mixed methods, we examine how a cohort of twelve sites operationalized and adapted the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Innovations in Community-Based Crime Reduction (CBCR) grant program. CBCR is built around data, place-based strategies, neighborhood revitalization, and community partnerships. Community-based interventions are typically quite complex, embedding multiple mechanisms by which the intervention may succeed or fail. We examine fidelity to the program and its relationship to implementation success, as well as the achievements and challenges reported by the sites. Justice Evaluation Journal - Registration at source 9/4/2020 Research article Covid-19: The role the Australian Police are playing in the battle against the Coronavirus As law enforcement across the world adjusts to policing the pandemic, Associate Professor Terry Goldsworthy and Assistant Professor Robyn Lincoln from Bond University explore the role the Australian police forces play in managing this crisis. Policing Insight 9/4/2020 Analysis, Feature Coronavirus: Gang life ‘has stopped’ because of COVID-19 Sheldon Thomas, who founded the Gangsline Foundation Trust, said county lines and "cuckooing" activity have also decreased. Sky News 9/4/2020 News Stop and search up by quarter after police rethink of tactics Police in Scotland are increasing their use of stop and search powers after a rethink of the controversial tactic. The Times - Subscription at source 9/4/2020 News National Crime Agency loses landmark ‘McMafia’ corruption case The National Crime Agency has lost a landmark corruption case against the daughter and grandson of the former president of Kazakhstan. The Times - Subscription at source 9/4/2020 News Coronavirus: Landmarks deserted as masked police go on patrol Police helicopters have captured aerial images of London’s most celebrated tourist attractions desertedin the sunshine this week as orders were given for officers to wear surgical masks when sharing vehicles and entering homes . The Times - Subscription at source 9/4/2020 News Special Report: Threat from right-wing extremism continues to increase in UK UK counter-terrorism police have identified the increasingly serious threat posed by adherents of far-right ideologies, but the movement remains diverse, adaptable, and in many cases committed to violence. The Janes Terrorism & Insurgency team assesses the current state of far-right extremism in the UK. Janes - Registration at source 8/4/2020 Report «315231533154315531563157315831593160Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events