Media MonitorSUBSCRIBE 98015 total results. Showing results 61581 to 61600 «307630773078307930803081308230833084Next ›Last » Covid causes child detention crisis, and a ‘timebomb’ in adult prisons Serious concerns are emerging over the treatment of children in custody during the coronavirus pandemic, after evidence that some have been spending as little as 40 minutes a day out of their cell. The Guardian 31/5/2020 News The challenge before us USA: The death of George Floyd at the hands of police officers has understandably sparked outrage throughout the United States and the world. The callousness and disregard shown for Mr. Floyd is sickening and leaves everyone, including police officers across this nation, shocked, appalled, and infuriated. Mr. Floyd’s death is a painful reminder to all who strive for justice of the work that remains before us. International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) 31/5/2020 News N.J. police chief carries banner, helps lead march in peaceful protest of George Floyd killing USA: When she learned about George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis, Yolanda Deaver wanted to be there to protest. (USA) 31/5/2020 News George Floyd death: Lawyer calls it ‘premeditated murder’ A lawyer for the family of George Floyd, whose death sparked unrest across the US, has accused a police officer of "premeditated murder". BBC 31/5/2020 News George Floyd death: Thousands protest across central London Thousands of people have gathered across central London to protest against the killing of an unarmed black man by police in the US. BBC 31/5/2020 News Police tactics in George Floyd protests under scrutiny after footage of heavy-handed action Police tactics for controlling the protests breaking out across America were facing criticism on Sunday after incidents of heavy-handed action triggered a fierce backlash. The Telegraph - Subscription at source 31/5/2020 News Pre-Employment Mmpi-2 Measures and Later Psychological Injury-Related Absenteeism Among Police Officers Pre-employment screening to assess for psychological vulnerability is common in trauma-exposed occupations such as policing. However, the ability of such screening to predict those at increased risk of subsequent mental health problems has been questioned. The present study sought to investigate the ability of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 (MMPI-2) to predict absenteeism related to psychological injury in police officers. Pre-employment screening data from 1,399 sworn police officers was linked to organizational records. A total of 150 police officers who had taken at least 2 weeks’ sick leave with work-related mental health concerns were matched to 150 healthy controls. Conditional logistic regression was used to examine any association between MMPI-2 scales and psychological injury-related absenteeism. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 31/5/2020 Research article Policing During the Time of Corona: the Indian Context According to Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker, India has the most stringent lockdown as compared to other nations and has scored 100% in the scale; nevertheless, there had been sporadic incidence of attacks on police personnel and medical workers in different parts of India. This article argues that such resistance comes from two broad factors: (i) a collective scepticism that has built up among certain section of people and (ii) a tool of defiance against the government. In order to quell such resistance, community leaders and the police can play a very crucial role. In order to establish the above hypotheses, a quantitative approach of the events that have occurred in India during the lockdown period of 21 days shall be considered. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 31/5/2020 Research article A Scientific Examination of the 21-Foot Rule The purpose of this study was to scientifically assess the long-standing 21-foot rule. There are several anecdotal publications looking at the 21-foot rule as a standard in policing. This study uses experimental design to examine whether this standard should continue in modern-day policing. The 21-foot rule was tested in three independent experimental design studies. The first study measured the average speed at which a person could run 21 feet. The second and third studies tested the speed at which an officer could draw and fire their weapon with no stress and under stress respectively. The final study examined methods for increasing survivability for the officer (movement). The findings show the 21-foot rule to be an inadequate standard for officers to safely draw and fire their weapons when being charged by a suspect who’s intent it to cause harm. Additionally, different strategies of moving can increase the officer’s ability to survive. Police Practice and Research - Registration at source 31/5/2020 Research article George Floyd death: Widespread unrest as curfews defied across US Curfews have been ordered in cities across the US to try to stem unrest sparked by the death of a black man in police custody. BBC 31/5/2020 News Out on the ‘microbeats’ where police hope to reclaim London’s streets from gangs Crime has fallen in lockdown, and the Met has a new strategy to take back control. The Observer goes out with the ‘violence suppression unit’ in Croydon The Guardian 31/5/2020 News Police discrimination isn’t just a problem in the USA – we need to tackle it in Wales too Police brutality is prominent in the news at the moment due to the death of 46-year-old George Floyd in Minnesota. Nation Cymru 31/5/2020 Feature, Opinion Metropolitan Police officer accused of racism after detaining black ambulance driver The black man, believed to be an off-duty ambulance driver, was handcuffed and searched for drugs by a white police officer near to his home in Lewisham, south-east London Mirror 31/5/2020 News Coronavirus police powers must be narrowed to stop racial disproportionality, government told 'Increasingly vague' police powers to enforce the coronavirus lockdown must be narrowed as fines are handed out disproportionately by race and region, the government has been told. The Independent 31/5/2020 News Community Matters CANADA: Relationships built on mutual trust between police and communities are critical to public safety and effective policing. [pdf] Vancouver Police Department 31/5/2020 Report Coronavirus: Hundreds flout lockdown rules to attend illegal party in east London Social media videos show crowds gathered on a residential road and nearby Hackney Marshes. Sky News 31/5/2020 News Gwent Police has backlog of 261 digital devices awaiting investigation Gwent Police has a backlog of more than 200 seized computers, tablets, phones and other digital devices waiting to be examined by investigators, new figures reveal. South Wales Argus 31/5/2020 News Black Lives Matter protesters block streets in London and promise more UK demos over death of George Floyd in US Black Lives Matter protesters filled South London streets today and promised more UK demos over the death of George Floyd in the US. The Sun 31/5/2020 News How police and crime commissioner is trying to help the most vulnerable during lockdown Alison Hernandez launches #ByYourSide campaign to highlight the support on offer by charities in the region Plymouth Live 31/5/2020 News Rape and murder among 2.2 million unsolved cases closed by police Nearly 2.2 million crime cases, including murders and rapes, were closed by police last year without being solved. The Sunday Times - Subscription at source 31/5/2020 News «307630773078307930803081308230833084Next ›Last » Upcoming events View all events